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SHIBHATORI - $TAKIN is an innovative deflationary token aiming to revolutionize Defi.
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SHIBHATORI - $TAIKIN a hyper-deflationary token to invest in multiple asset classes (Blue Chip NFTs, Nodes, Metaverse Land, Stacking & Farming stable token).

Profits made on treasury investments returning the yield back to $TAIKIN holders via buybacks/burns, including community governance on the treasury. The merger of these mechanisms guarantees a continuous rising price floor due to the decrease of the circulating supply.


1% Liquidity Pool

1% of each transaction (BUY/SELL) is transformed into liquidity pool (to increase price floor)

1% Reflection

1% of each transaction (BUY/SELL) is redistributed to all Hatori Inu holders. This means that holders can earn more and more by holding Hatori Inu in their wallets.

1% Auto burn

In addition to this deflationary mechanism, SHIBHATORI - $TAIKIN has implemented an automatic 1% burn. The merger of these mechanisms guarantees a continuous rising price floor due to the decrease of the circulating supply.

3% Marketing

3% of each transaction (BUY/SELL) is transformed into marketing wallet so we've massive marketing campaign

% name% Roadmap

  • Phase 1

  • Research and Development
    Smart contract Testing
    Stealth Launch
    Marketing Campaign
    Whitepaper V1.0
  • Phase 2

  • Coingecko Listings
    Coinmarketcap Listings
    2500 Telegram members & Holders
    Partnership with influencer Youtube,Twitter, & Tiktok
    Building community team
  • Phase 3

  • SHIBHATORI Treasury dashboards
    SHIBHATORI Merch shop
    Building NFT Platform
    ETH Bridge
    Marketing push SHIBHATORI to mainstream

SHIB HATORI Ultime novità

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