Created using Figma
Fondo di investimento decentralizzato per l'apprendimento automatico.
  • Mercato
    Volume 24H
    24 ore (prezzo)
    24 ore (volume)
  • Bancor Network
    SHP/BNT 2 one year ago
    $ 2.896E-5
  • ForkDelta
    SHP/ETH 3 one year ago
    $ 0.0006
    $ 111.29
  • TokenJar
    SHP/WETH 4 one year ago
  • Liquid
    SHP/BTC 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0006
  • Liquid
    SHP/ETH 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0005
  • Liquid
    SHP/QASH 4 one year ago
    $ 2.492E-5
  • Radar Relay
    SHP/DAI 4 one year ago
  • Radar Relay
    SHP/WETH 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0522
  • Bamboo Relay
    SHP/WETH 4 one year ago
  • Idex
    SHP/ETH 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0007
    $ 244.09
  • CoinBene
    SHP/AVA 5 one year ago
    $ 2.74
    $ 9.03 M
  • CoinBene
    SHP/MOBI 5 one year ago
    $ 2.74
    $ 430.732 K
    SHP/MOBI 5 one year ago
    $ 2.74
    $ 8.411 M
    SHP/AVA 5 one year ago
    $ 2.74
    $ 21.958 M
    SHP/ROK 5 one year ago
    $ 2.74
    $ 6.94
  • HitBTC
    SHP/ROK 5 one year ago
    $ 2.74
    $ 1.508 M
  • HitBTC
    SHP/MOBI 5 one year ago
    $ 2.74
    $ 172.766 K
  • HitBTC
    SHP/DIMCOIN 5 one year ago
    $ 2.74
    $ 36.711 M
  • HitBTC
    SHP/FAME 5 one year ago
    $ 2.73
    $ 95.735 K
  • Liquid (Quoine)
    SHP/BTC 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0447
    $ 6.63
  • Liquid (Quoine)
    SHP/ETH 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0449
    $ 2.824 K
  • Liquid (Quoine)
    SHP/QASH 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0920
  • Everbloom
    SHP/ETH 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0471
6 nov 2017
13 dic 2017
100% completato
$7 422 000
0% berretto completato
berretto 500 000.00 ETH
  • 5000 SHP
    1 ETH
Dettagli del token
Valute accettate
Dettagli della Compagnia
Paese registrato
United Kingdom
dettagli aggiuntivi
piattaforma, Servizi per gli affari, Software, Comunicazione


Sharpe Capital has developed a proprietary, automated quantitative trading algorithm driven by a hybrid machine learning and artificial intelligence model, bringing together microeconomic fundamentals, macroeconomic data, real-time world events, crowd-sourced market sentiment and NLP-driven linguistic analysis, into an overarching model capable of managing a robust, high alpha portfolio across various asset classes. Sharpe Capital will operate a proprietary investment fund operating much like an automated enhanced index fund to further generate revenue to support the SHP community economy.

The proof-of-stake metric allows us to infer the level of confidence that platform participants have in the sentiment they provide, which, when coupled with an immutable proof-of-reputation stored on the Ethereum blockchain, permits weighting of sentiment to determine both the size of service fees paid to each user, and the level of confidence to place upon each sentiment indication received. Through direct crowd-sourcing of participant sentiment, we can ensure our automated models continue to capture human, affect-driven & cognitive processes, in addition to microeconomic fundamentalist and linguistic analysis based asset value forecasting. This is unlike a prediction market - there are no losses for incorrect predictions, merely a reduction in the user’s immutable reputation score, and consequently, the size of future payments. Likewise, consistently accurate users will increase their reputation, earning larger and larger payments in exchange for their insight. SHP also provides a mechanism for hedge funds and institutional participants to access our proprietary models, acting as a usage fee.

Utilising blockchain technology serves two additional purposes for Sharpe Capital: to create a decentralised, ‘trustless’ immutable trade ledger, such that any individual can view all our previous trades and fund performance with absolute con- fidence. This eliminates any dependency on trust for fund disbursement, and any possibility of fund manipulation at an institutional or individual level; to permit unrivalled community governance using both consensus-based and democratic votebased governance models enabling the community of SHP owners to determine the direction of Sharpe Capital’s future.

The Sharpe Financial Markets Protocol aims to describe a new gold standard for hedge fund management, leveraging blockchain technology to provide a low barrier to entry, continuous liquidity, anti-corruption protections, international access and optimal risk-adjusted returns. Our longer term goal, therefore, is to develop the Sharpe Crypto-Derivative (SCD) token, subject to necessary approvals. This first-inclass token creates the foundations for a solid link between blockchain assets and the global economy, and will ultimately provide possible payment of dividends to participants. Through our community governance structure, in which SHP holders have the right to table and vote on motions which guide the direction of Sharpe Capital, we ultimately aim to deliver a suite of investment products with various risk profiles and across multiple asset classes, including blockchain assets. The timeline for SCD issuance is Q1 2019. An independent crowd-sale will be held for the issuance of SCD tokens, from which 100% of the proceeds will be directly invested using our proprietary trading technology.

In light of the many corrupt or ethically questionable practices in the industry, leading to disasters such as the collapse of Barings bank and the $2bn loss by UBS due to a single rogue trader, we are making the technology underpinning our Financial Markets Protocol freely available for any corporation or fund to use internationally. Our grand vision is to eliminate corruption in global financial markets while still protecting each individual corporation’s proprietary information. This technology permits any institution to be instantly audited by any member of the public or regulatory body. Ultimately, the Financial Markets Protocol demonstrates how we, as a society, can eliminate financial malpractice in our lifetime through widespread adoption of Sharpe trustless ledger service technology, putting an end to ’man-made’ economic disasters, and help stabilise global economies; ultimately, for the benefit of all people.


Sharpe Capital utilizza le reti neurali al centro dell'algoritmo di modellizzazione Machine Learning per cercare modelli di dati finanziari che siano predittivi del prezzo futuro delle attività.
Gli utenti della nostra app mobile possono guadagnare Ether in cambio di fornire le proprie opinioni sui mercati azionari globali.
La modellizzazione Machine Learning è completata da avanzati algoritmi NLP e analisi delle tendenze attuali.
Il clustering di rete viene utilizzato per raggruppare risorse simili in base alla loro somiglianza finanziaria.
La piattaforma di investimento è costruito su Amazon Web Services, utilizzando i più recenti e migliori strumenti nel mondo del cloud computing.

Informazioni tecniche

Dettagli tecnici: & nbsp; La piattaforma di investimento è costruita su Amazon Web Services, utilizzando i migliori e più avanzati strumenti di cloud computing. Ciò consente di ridurre al minimo i costi utilizzando tali servizi come gruppi auto-scalanti e un'architettura senza server tramite le funzioni AWS Lambda. Il codice sorgente: & nbsp; Il codice è parzialmente disponibile su Github Prova dello sviluppatore: & nbsp; Squadra pubblica

% name% Roadmap

  • 2018, Q1 Growing The Team

  • Stabiliremo il nostro quartier generale a Londra e inizieremo a far crescere il nostro team con competenze nello sviluppo di software, apprendimento automatico, marketing e sviluppo del business.
  • Q1: First Ether Payment

  • We will issue the first Ether payments to SHP token holders in January 2018, following the
    launch of our alpha platform on December 11, 2017
  • 2018, Q1 First Ether Payment

  • We will issue the first Ether payments to SHP token holders in January 2018, following the launch of our alpha platform on December 11, 2017.
  • 2018, piattaforma Alpha Q2

  • La nostra piattaforma Alpha sarà disponibile per un esclusivo gruppo di clienti e membri della comunità, che ci aiuteranno a perfezionare il nostro prodotto prima di passare all'adozione del mercato di massa.
  • Leggi di più
  • Q2: Growing the Team

  • We will establish our HQ in London and begin growing our team with expertise in software
    development, machine learning, marketing & business
  • 2018, Q2 Growing The Team

  • We will establish our HQ in London and begin growing our team with expertise in software development, machine learning, marketing & business development.
  • 2018, avvio dell'app mobile Q3

  • Dopo numerosi test degli utenti e feedback dei consumatori, lanceremo la nostra piattaforma di sentiment sulla rete Ethereum, emettendo i primi pagamenti Ether alla fine del terzo trimestre.
  • Q3: Mobile App Launch

  • After extensive user testing & consumer feedback, we will launch our mobile sentiment platform
    on the Ethereum mainnet.
  • 2018, Q4 Sharpe Hackathon

  • Sharpe ospiterà un Hackathon di 48 ore, in cui i partecipanti costruiranno, testeranno e implementeranno modelli di investimento sulla nostra piattaforma di modellazione Alpha.
  • Q4: Sentiment Licence Fees

  • Sharpe will begin collecting license fees from both traditional and crypto funds for sentiment sourced from "The Crowd".
  • 2018, Q4 Sentiment License Fees

  • Sharpe will begin collecting license fees from both traditional and crypto funds for sentiment sourced from "The Crowd".
  • 2019, emissione Q1 SCD

  • Soggetto all'ottenimento dell'approvazione normativa, emetteremo i token Sharpe Crypto-Derivative (SCD), che pagano dividendi trimestrali ai detentori in base alla performance del nostro fondo azionario.
  • Q1: SCD Issuance

  • Subject to obtaining regulatory sign-off, we will issue Sharpe Crypto-Derivative tokens (SCD), which pay quarterly dividends to holders base
  • 2019, Q2 Live Trading

  • Sharpe inizierà l'implementazione dal vivo dei nostri modelli di investimento proprietari, progettati e implementati internamente e verificati durante la fase di test Alpha.
  • Q2: SCD Fund

  • Sharpe will launch the SCD tokenized fund, paying quarterly dividends to token holders in Ether as a function of the returns of the fund.
  • 2019, Q2 SCD Fund

  • Sharpe will launch the SCD tokenized fund, paying quarterly dividends to token holders in Ether as a function of the returns of the fund.
  • 2019, Q3 1 ° dividendi SCD

  • Il primo dividendo sarà pagato ai possessori di SCD, alla fine della nostra prima quarta di trading. I dividendi saranno distribuiti autonomamente dal nostro fondo di riserva Ether tramite contratto intelligente.
  • Q3: 1st SCD Dividends

  • The 1st dividends will be paid to SCD holders, at the end of our first trading quarter. Dividends will be autonomously distributed.
  • Q4: Hedge Fund Partnerships

  • We will form strategic partnerships with hedge funds, who will benefit from access to our sentiment data feeds and modelling platform.
  • 2019, Q4 Partnership di Hedge Fund

  • Formeremo partnership strategiche con hedge fund, che beneficeranno dell'accesso ai nostri feed di dati sentimentali e piattaforma di modellazione.


verificata 0%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team

Lewis M. Barber
Co-founder & CEO
non verificato
James A. Butler, Phd
Co-founder & CIO
non verificato
Ali Javed Darugar, L...
Legal Counsel
non verificato
Israel Colomer
Chief Technology Officer
non verificato
Ali Bros
Lead Developer
non verificato
Ali Javed Darugar
Legal Counsel
non verificato
Dan Pilch
Cloud Architect & Systems Engineer
non verificato
Arthur Tayrac
Freelance UX/UI Designer
non verificato


verificata 0%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team

Jonas Sevel Karlberg
non verificato
German Leonov, Phd A...
Advisor Quantitative Modelling Expert
non verificato
Lexi Gao, Gdl, Llm
International Legal Advisor
non verificato
Mieke Vandenbroucke,...
Advisor Linguistic Anthropologist
non verificato
Dimitri Chupryna
non verificato
Lexi Gao
non verificato
Meike Vandenbroucke
non verificato
Barnaby Mannerings
non verificato
$ 0.0001
Crypto Stats
Daily, %:
Weekly, %:
Monthly, %:
Market Info
Market Cap:
Volume 24h:
$ 0.1373
Circ. Supply:
ICO profit
X 2.1835402578246E-8
ICO Price~$2,978.65

% name% Recensioni

Share Capital proposes an outstanding, professional presentation of its project purpose and roadmap. The whitepaper is one of the most exhaustive and thoroughgoing we've descried upon which is unsurprising given the presence of a linguistic anthropologist amidst their ranks. The project could do with better marketing. Highly recommended!

Leggi di più

The Sharpe Capital Investment Platform can be used by users to correctly predict the price of future assets by systematically bringing together a multitude of novel innovations in the field of smart contracts, linguistic analysis, quantitative trading, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. The ICO of this project has excellent potential for growth, as well as interest for long-term investors.

Leggi di più
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  • Questa informazione non è un suggerimento o consiglio su come investire in finanziamenti ICO. Si prega di indagare approfonditamente le informazioni rilevanti da soli e decidere sulla partecipazione ICO.
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