Sentinel Chain

Sentinel Chain

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La catena Sentinel è un marketplace B2B specificamente progettato per fornire servizi finanziari convenienti e sicuri per l'unbanked. Sentinel Chain intende emettere il Token Sentinel Chain (SENC), un token di utilità che comprende 6 funzioni principali, assicurazioni, prestiti, garanzie, crowdfunding, progetti della comunità ed e-pay
  • Mercato
    Volume 24H
    24 ore (prezzo)
    24 ore (volume)
    SENC/USDT 3 one year ago
    $ 0.0008
    $ 24.489 K
    SENC/ETH 3 one year ago
    $ 0.0009
    $ 15.994 K
  • ForkDelta
    SENC/ETH 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0021
    $ 5.16
  • CoinBene
    SENC/ETH 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0018
  • COSS
    SENC/BTC 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0046
  • COSS
    SENC/ETH 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0025
  • Idex
    SENC/ETH 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0020
  • TokenJar
    SENC/WETH 5 one year ago
    SENC/ETH 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0049
    $ 1.779 K
    SENC/USDT 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0049
    $ 58.058 K
feb, 2018
mar, 2018
100% completato
$14 400 000
100% hard cap completato
Hard cap 14 400 000.00 USD
gen, 2018
gen, 2018
100% completato
Fondi raccolti - nessun dato
Dettagli del token
Valute accettate
Dettagli della Compagnia
Paese registrato
dettagli aggiuntivi
Servizi per gli affari

Di Sentinel Chain

Informazioni sulla catena Sentinel

Affinché le compagnie di assicurazione pubblichino l'assicurazione del bestiame su CrossPay Blockchain, basata su beni bestiame verificabili su CrossPay Blockchain.

Per le società di finanziamento locali che pubblicano contratti di prestito su CrossPay Blockchain, coperti da garanzie sul bestiame.
& nbsp;
Per le società di finanziamento locali da utilizzare come garanzia per prendere a prestito da società di finanziamento estere.
& nbsp;
Per i prestiti e le garanzie straniere peer-to-peer piattaforme di crowdfunding per utilizzare il servizio di Sentinel Chain per fornire finanziamenti a società di finanziamento locali.
& nbsp;
Per i donatori d'oltremare utilizzare il servizio di Sentinel Chain per finanziare i progetti della comunità locale come aiuti umanitari o soccorsi in caso di calamità.

Per i titolari di token di utilizzare il servizio di CrossPay Blockchain per effettuare pagamenti elettronici con i commercianti locali.


  • Per le compagnie di assicurazione pubblicare l'assicurazione del bestiame su CrossPay Blockchain, basata su beni bestiame verificabili su CrossPay Blockchain.
  • Per le società di finanziamento locali pubblicare contratti di prestito su CrossPay Blockchain, coperti da garanzie sul bestiame.
  • Per le società di finanziamento locali da utilizzare come garanzia per prendere a prestito da società finanziarie estere.
  • Per le piattaforme di prestito e di crowdfunding peer-to-pe oltreoceano per utilizzare il servizio di Sentinel Chain per fornire finanziamenti a società di finanziamento locali.
  • Per i donatori stranieri utilizzare il servizio di Sentinel Chain per finanziare i progetti della comunità locale come aiuti umanitari o soccorsi in caso di calamità.
  • Per i titolari di token di utilizzare il servizio di CrossPay Blockchain per effettuare pagamenti elettronici con i commercianti locali.

% name% Roadmap

  • Q3, 2017

  • Early Supporters Sale. Signed an MOU with Maybank to collaborate on financial inclusion technology projects in the ASEAN region.
  • Q4, 2017

  • CrossPay Blockchain trial with TS Group for migrant workers dormitory in Singapore. Signed an MOU for CrossPay partnership with CloudWell Ltd. -the national payment provider to Milk Vita (Bangladesh Milk Producer's Co-Operative Union Ltd).
  • Q1, 2018

  • JAN: Pre-Sale begins.
    FEB: Token Sale Whitelist Registration.
    Pre-Sale ends.
    MAR: Public Token Sale.
  • Q2, 2018

  • SENC to be listed and traded on various token exchanges. Beta testing of Sentinel Chain.
  • Leggi di più
  • Q4, 2018

  • CrossPay will go live in the first unbanked market.
  • Q1, 2019

  • Sentinel Chain code review and audit. Sentinel Chain v1.0 will go live. Onboarding of the first financial service provider partner.
  • Q2, 2019

  • Integration of Sentinel Chain to CrossPay. Integration of financial service provider to Sentinel Chain.
  • Q3, 2019

  • End-to-end testing of Sentinel Chain.
  • Q4, 2019

  • Sentinel Chain v2.0 will go live.

Sentinel Chain Squadra

verificata 100%

Roy Lai
Chia Hock Lai
Foundation Member
Anson Zeall
Foundation Member
Zann Kwan
Foundation Member
Anne Riana
Head, PR and Marketing
Head, Community Management
J.m. Murli Manohar
Project Director
David Nguyen
Vietnam Country Manager
Jamunadevi D
Project Manager


$14 400 000

Maximiliano Canellas
Blockchain Development Lead
Trung Dinh
Mobile Developer Lead
Jackie Tan
Head, Business Development


$14 400 000

Edwan Chiam
Business Analyst


verificata 56%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team

Dr. John Vong
non verificato
Juanita Woodward
Bernardo Corti
Ian Myles
non verificato


$94 172 982

David Lee


$135 172 982

Bo Shen
non verificato
Roland Schwinn


$14 400 000

Diego Gutierrez Zald...
non verificato
Zeya Thura Mon

Sentinel Chain Interviste

Roy Lai
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Sentinel Chain uses a new way to solve the financial inclusion problem by providing the mechanism to collateralize livestocks and allowing unbanks using it to gain access to cheaper financing around the world.
Chia Hock Lai
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Council member and Chairman of the Infocorp Foundation.
Anson Zeall
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I know Roy for a number of years, through the association that I chair ( Roy has always been talking about financial inclusion since I knew him, and I am very happy to be on the journey with him on this project.

My role: To oversee finances and promote the need for financial inclusion and why sentinel plays a critical role in the whole mission towards alleviating poverty and financial inclusion.

What do I think: I think it's logical, especially in South East Asia (ASEAN), to be targeting the unbanked. Why? 73% of ASEAN is unbanked. Whether from a business or social entrepreneurship approach, it is insane that the high tech startups in this region, especially the ones targeting e-commerce, are targeting the 27%. So if you can unlock the 73%, you'll have access to (1) a whole new market and (2) fulfill the social mission of financial inclusion - kill two birds with one stone.
Zann Kwan
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Working with an amazing team with a dogged determination to bring financial inclusion to the unbanked, we are very excited to be presenting Sentinel Chain and bringing the vision to fruition in the coming years.

As the Council member of Infocorp Foundation with two decade of experience in finance, investments and audit, I contribute to the team building and governing the finance infrastructure and framework behind Sentinel Chain.
Anne Riana
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As Head of PR and Marketing, my role is to take the lead to build the Sentinel Chain brand through strategic campaigns, brand awareness, media outreach and community engagement. My role is to generate public interest and dialogue among the international crypto community and the advocates of blockchain technology and financial inclusion.
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Spearheaded high level ICO marketing and expedited its adoption by the Sentinel Chain team, with prominent experience in managing cryptocurrency communities and ICO Public Relations. Provided critical marketing and strategic advisory in the structuring of the token sale.

Sentinel Chain is one of the projects I strongly believe will survive the cryptocurrency bubble, given that it is addressing financing of the under-served at the highest level, with much of their focus on building the end-user ecosystem instead of just the product.
J.m. Murli Manohar
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
My belief in creating opportunities for undeserved and for anybody who's on the down side of advantage makes me associated with sentinel chain.
David Nguyen
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Vietnam Country Manager
Project Manager
Jamunadevi D
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Project Manager, Sentinel Chain. As a Project Manager, My role was to collect the requirement of the project and execute it end to end. I am also involved in the evaluation of the whitelisting process, Reporting and the Quality check of the Project.
Maximiliano Canellas
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Blockchain/Smart Contracts developer.
Trung Dinh
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I'm Mobile Lead Developer of InfoCorp Technologies. I totally agree with Roy Lai that Sentinel Chain will provide a new way to solve the financial inclusion problem by providing the mechanism to collateralize livestocks and allowing unbanks using it to gain access to cheaper financing around the world.
Jackie Tan
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Jackie develops business concepts and offshore business capabilities. He also provides data analytics consultation for partner companies.
Edwan Chiam
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Juanita Woodward
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As a long time follower of Financial Inclusion activities that create social and economic impact for the poor, I am delighted to see this innovative program by Sentenial Chain now take flight. Congratulations to the team on their vision and commitment on creating a blockchain based solution that transforms dead capital to economic value, creates a marketplace, and solves a last mile financial services access issue.
Bernardo Corti
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Sentinel will bring a powerful solution to unlock dead capital that will enable the unbanked the easiest access to financial services.
David Lee
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
When Roy told me that he decided to do a cow coin after six months of deliberation and technical evaluation last year, I knew that InfoCorp was going to be fully supported by the blockchain community. My role will continue to diminish whenever the experiment unfolds and grows! This resembles the 3C's, 5D's and LASIC that I subsribed to in BlockAsset investment philosophy. The success of Sentinel Chain will depend on how rapid decentralisation and inclusion take place.
Roland Schwinn
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Advisor with 28 years experience in traditional finance, exchanges and derivatives trading and clearing
Zeya Thura Mon
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?

Sentinel Chain Ultime novità

$ 0.0006
Crypto Stats
Daily, %:
Weekly, %:
Monthly, %:
Market Info
Market Cap:
$ 189.297 K
Volume 24h:
$ 23.309 K
Circ. Supply:
309.089 M SENC

% name% Recensioni

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert

SENTINEL CHAIN is a B2B marketplace specifically designed to provide affordable and secure financial services to the unbanked and accepting the use of livestock as collateral.


  • The Livestock ID Tag (RFID) eliminates any theft on any material design as well as data level. The tag is designed for a single user and can’t be removed without being destroyed which  further prevent fraud
  • The cross pay mobile application built on Android  provides the unbanked with a quick access to their balances  and allows for easy transaction with other users and merchants
  • The use of block chain technology in the cross pay ensures that the platform  can be operated and managed within any geographical region and accessible to everyone without nay restriction
  • The sentinel chain connects the unbanked with formal financial services across all the boarders at  a lower cost  hence acting as source of liquidity
  • The  team involved has the necessary experience  with the assistance of the CEO, Roy Lai  who is an innovator with technical experience in block chain, investment banking  and inter-bank payments
  • The sentinel token (SENC)  used as a primary media of exchange  gives the users more  benefits from its use ranging from loans, insurance, crow funding e-payments and community development
  • The use of block chain  enables the platform to store the users information securely  without access to any unauthorized party


  • The token used is not compatible with fiat currencies
  • The white paper is not available in other languages
  • The management team should determine the token sale at pre-sale


  • The  token suitability should be determined at pre-sale
  • The white paper should be made available in other languages for everybody to understand the business application
  • Configure the platform token with the commonly used crypto currencies


Leggi di più
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