Secure Crypto Payments

Secure Crypto Payments

Created using Figma

Ultimo aggiornamento

20 dic 2018

SecureCryptoPayments è un gateway di pagamento la cui caratteristica più importante è il pagamento rapido e protetto tra acquirenti e commercianti (privati ​​o aziende) in modo ambiguo per entrambe le parti. Proponiamo ai commercianti un'opportunità di ricevere in modo sicuro fondi in moneta fiat. Il token SEC è implementato con il supporto per lo standard ERC20.
25 gen 2019
1 feb 2019
100% completato
Fondi raccolti - nessun dato
Obbiettivo 50 000 000.00 USD
  • 1000 SEC
    0.004 ETH
Dettagli del token
Dettagli della Compagnia
Paese registrato
dettagli aggiuntivi

Di Secure Crypto Payments

SecureCryptoPayments è un gateway di pagamento. La principale caratteristica dei quali è il pagamento rapido e sicuro tra acquirenti e commercianti (singoli o società) in modo conveniente per entrambe le parti. Offriamo ai commercianti l'opportunità di ricevere in modo sicuro fondi in moneta fiat. Per quanto riguarda gli acquirenti, essi riceveranno l'opportunità di pagare in criptovaluta senza utilizzare uffici di cambio o servizi di terzi, il che farà risparmiare tempo e denaro. Più altri vantaggi.

% name% Roadmap

  • September 2018 - Integration API development

  • We develop a link cartridge for the SalesForceCommerceCloud platform as a starting working model
    The cartridge includes:
    Interface for user interaction with the system
    Functionality of redirecting the user to the SCP payment service and taking them back to the eCommerce platform
    Error handlers to correctly notify the user in case of issues with payments
    Email notification sent to the buyer after a successful transaction
    End-point that updates order statuses on the eCommerce platform
  • December 2018 - Cashback integration

  • We make the reward payment to the buyer in the SEC tokens, that should rise in price according to the mathematical model. This is already a kind of deposit.
    Unlike the classic cashback services model, we award SEC immediately after the purchase. The user does not need to wait long to get cashback.
    The user does not need to go to websites following referral links. SecureCryptoPayments is already integrated with the website. All you need to do is to specify your cashback wallet in your account on the website.
    Cashback Service from SCP is a service that will be "enabled by default" on all websites that use the SecureCryptoPayments platform.

Secure Crypto Payments Squadra

verificata 100%

Mike Minov
CEO & Co-founder
Pavel Kovalyov
CTO & Co-founder
Yurii Kucheruk
CBDO & Co-founder
Vlad Darmenko
COO & Co-founder
Vladimir Kucheruk
Mathematician & Scientist
Helen Makoyid
Marketing Manager


verificata 0%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team

Terry Hunter
non verificato
Valeriya Makarov
non verificato
Alexander Khuda
non verificato
Stanislav Publika
non verificato
Alexey Nekrasov
non verificato

Secure Crypto Payments Interviste

Mike Minov
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
My role is the CEO of the project. I am familiar with eCommerce domain for many years. Blockchain will become a part of eCommerce ecosystem not earlier than end of 2019.
Pavel Kovalyov
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Technical solutions, development processes
Yurii Kucheruk
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I'm CBDO and co-founder. Fintech specialist. Helping people to grow businesses.
Vlad Darmenko
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As a part of the team I'm managing daily routine tasks with a long term perspective focus in mind. Whatever we plan to do right now in a few years will be usual thing for e-commerce. So don't miss the opportunity!
Vladimir Kucheruk
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Mathematician modeling and prognose of ICO
Helen Makoyid
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Marketing Manager

Secure Crypto Payments Ultime novità

5.0 5
ICO Profilo Visione Attività Potenziale Prodotto Squadra
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  • Questa informazione non è un suggerimento o consiglio su come investire in finanziamenti ICO. Si prega di indagare approfonditamente le informazioni rilevanti da soli e decidere sulla partecipazione ICO.
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