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Sandblock sta creando un protocollo decentralizzato per connettere insieme marchi e clienti utilizzando gli Smart Contracts.
Stiamo anche sviluppando un'applicazione mobile (alfa in arrivo tra qualche giorno) per i clienti e una dashboard e una piattaforma di analisi per le aziende.
Ogni azienda crea il proprio token branded sopra il Satisfaction token (SAT) e può darlo come premio ai suoi clienti per la loro fedeltà, feedback (recensioni, sondaggi ...) o fidanzamento (concorsi, giochi ...). Entrando nell'ecosistema, le aziende hanno accesso a tonnellate di analisi dei propri clienti su tutti i commercianti.
I token di marca sono scambiabili tra loro in un rapporto uno a uno, possono anche essere convertiti in SAT per altri usi, ma ciò causa una perdita del 50% del valore sottostante.
16 mag 2018
30 giu 2018
100% completato
Fondi raccolti - nessun dato
21 feb 2018
4 mar 2018
100% completato
Fondi raccolti - nessun dato
Dettagli del token
Valute accettate
Dettagli della Compagnia
Paese registrato
dettagli aggiuntivi
Lista bianca
criptovaluta, Divertimento, Al dettaglio, Servizi per gli affari, Internet, Comunicazione, Contratto intelligente, Big Data

Di Sandblock

Informazioni su Sandblock

Funzionalità del progetto Sandblock
Esplora le applicazioni in fase di creazione in base al protocollo Satisfaction. Tutte queste applicazioni saranno disponibili per tutti i membri del consorzio.

Attività commerciali e middot; Abbonamento ad un clic
Forniamo la nostra esperienza in blockchain e criptovalute per consentire alle aziende di godere della potenza del protocollo Satisfaction con un abbonamento classico utilizzando le valute fiat.

Iscrivendoti, le aziende possono implementare tutti i servizi di seguito in un clic e farci acquistare i token di soddisfazione, creare i token branded e gestirli per loro.

L'eliminazione della complessità della blockchain per le aziende che non hanno competenze tecniche è un elemento chiave nell'adozione della tecnologia.


Sandblock & nbsp; è il protocollo di soddisfazione decentralizzato e le applicazioni mobili (Android e iOS) per i clienti, un dashboard desktop / web per i commercianti e & nbsp; integrazioni personalizzate su terminali di pagamento e widget di e-commerce / plug-in.

% name% Roadmap

  • Q3 2017

  • Project creation
    The Sandblock project is initiated and the eight core team members join the adventure to build a decentralised consortium of merchants and customers.
    Technical research
    Technical research of feasability on the potential blockchains (public and private). The first technical architecture is created using the best candidate, the public Ethereum blockchain and its Smart contracts.
  • Q4 2017

  • Whitepaper
    The second and third revisions of the whitepaper is published and shared with the community. A bounty program starts to help the Sandblock project reach a broader audience.
    We begin taking interest notice from merchants, retailers, brands and various service providers.
    Protocol - private alpha
    Development of the Merchant Token contracts, consortium protocol and loyalty protocol. Contracts are deployed on the Ethereum Ropsten test network for internal/private testing.
    Mockup and design of the customer application focusing on a user friendly experience for all kind of consumers (including non crypto friendly users).
  • Q1 2018

  • Public crowdsale
    The Sandblock project runs a public crowdsale to emit the Satisfaction Tokens and create the liquity for the future merchant partners. SAT become tradable on exchanges.
    Protocol - private alpha
    Audit of the first implementations of the Satisfaction protocol. Development of the feedback protocol. Contracts are deployed on the Ethereum Ropsten test network for internal/private testing.
    Development of the mobile application on iOS and Android. The first version includes the account and wallet setup, cryptocurrency payment using ETH, Merchant Tokens/loyalty programs management and merchant private feedback.
    Merchant dashboard
    Development of the web dashboard dedicated to Merchants in order to help them integrate cryptocurrency payments, create, manage and configure their Merchant Tokens and its features.
  • Q2 2018

  • Partnerships - 500+ shops
    Partnership with 500+ points of sale and early adopters (brands, merchants, payment providers). Constitution of the merchants pilot group.
    Protocol - public beta
    Audit of the first public implementation of the Satisfaction protocol. Contracts are deployed on the Ethereum Ropsten test network for public beta testing.
    Application - public beta
    Release of the first version of the public application on the iOS appstore and the Android playstore using the protocol in beta phase on the test network.
    Dashboard - private beta
    Tests of the Merchant dashboard begin with the merchants pilot group.
  • Leggi di più
  • Q3 2018

  • Consortium - 2k+ shops
    First public merchant offer is release, target 2k+ online and physical points of sale from merchants partners using the Satisfaction protocol.
    Protocol - release
    The first version of the protocol is released on the Ethereum main net. Pilot merchants programs are migrated from the test net to the main net.
    Application - release 1.0
    Release of the first version of the public application on the iOS appstore and the Android playstore using the protocol on the Ethereum main net.
    Dashboard - release 1.0
    Release the forst version of the public dashboard open to registration for merchants and brands.
  • Q4 2018

  • Consortium - 10k+ shops
    Intensify merchants acquisition, target 10k+ online and physical points of sale from merchants partners using the Satisfaction protocol.
    Development and implementation of the advanced feedback protocol and the CSR protocol to help merchants engage more their customers through feedback and donations.
    Application - release 1.1
    Development and implementation of the Marketplace to barter Merchant Tokens directly within the application.
    Dashboard - release 1.1
    Upgrade of the merchant dashboard to handle automatic token generation and Smart Contracts deployement. Implement the new protocol features for merchants.

Partecipazione agli eventi

Sandblock Squadra

verificata 0%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team

Fabrice Bascoulergue
Product lead
non verificato
Sarah-Diane Eck
Business & Marketing
non verificato
Jeremy Grenier
Engineering Lead
non verificato
Emmanuel Juliot
UX/UI Designer
non verificato
Clement Dal-Palu
Backend Engineer
non verificato
Thomas Andre-Micolon
Engineer & Copywriter
non verificato
Matthieu Hocquart
Software Engineer
non verificato
Alexandre Tuchmuntz
Finance & Business Dev
non verificato

Sandblock Ultime novità

5.0 16
ICO Profilo Visione Attività Potenziale Prodotto Squadra

% name% Recensioni


Sandblock has a great business model that’s directed at solving a problem with physical brands. They aren’t just another company offering a wallet and are working hard to solve a real problem. If their application is successful, and they can gain market traction with their prospected 10,000+ shops, then there’s no reason why Sandblock doesn’t have the chance at having a large user base and increased token value by early 2019.

Anybody Can Use It: This is a service that almost anybody could use. As long as they know how to use a smartphone, they can log into the app, play a couple of quick games, and make money.
ERC-20 Protocol: Sandblock runs on the Ethereum blockchain network which is proven to be both secure and efficient.
Class-A Team: Sandblock has a great team of developers, marketers, and designers.

You Might Have To Wait: The application isn’t set to release until the second quarter of 2018 and will initially be partnered with only 500 shops. However, by the end of 2018, they plan to partner with 10,000 shops.

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News, reviews

Project strong sides: looks like there are no string sides.

Project weak sides: common words about measurement techniques, business plan or any marketing data was not presented.

So our position is negative, probably scam.

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News, reviews

All SAT cryptocurrencies are ERC-20 complaint and will serve as the bridge between the consortium and the real world economies. However, given that it will revolutionize the way coupons, loyalty points and vouchers are used, we’ve every reason to believe that Sandblock will affect the current e-commerce market.

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Sandblock is not alone on the market, but what gives them a real advantage is an active campaign for establishing new partnerships. For the moment, they have 9 partners that results in acquiring 5 million customers and 1000+ shops. The idea is good and using the blockchain technology makes sense in this case. We can predict that Sandblock will grow by attracting small and medium-size businesses, but large enterprises may refuse dropping their own loyalty programs. So, we see the main challenge in scalability of the project.
A simple and clear idea of converting untradeable loyalty rewards, such as coupons or points, into tradable tokens created specifically for each company on the platform, and this idea may shoot if the team is able to attract enough companies in the ecosystem.

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Once everything is considered, the concept of the project is great as it has a huge market to address. Also, the project has its own application—and that’s seriously a plus in our opinion. Talking of the team, it includes some experienced names having an impressive track record in different sectors. Last but not least, the advisory group of the project is quite good as it can guide the Sandblock’s team whenever it has to make some tough decisions—especially once the ICO campaign ends. So the project looks promising, but we’ll still advise you to be a prudent investor and analyze the project’s website on your own and make final investment decision.

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