Created using Figma
The first
Rock Paper Scissors league
in the Blockchain world
I dati non sono disponibili
To be announced
dettagli aggiuntivi


With this in mind, we’ve got a particular feeling for this game that has transcended cultures and centuries. These two main concepts, combined, are taking part in this new chapter of history!

We proudly present the first Rock Paper Scissors (RPS) League in the Blockchain world, crossing the whole planet, ready to become even more popular and welcoming any player to take part, have fun and play-to-earn!

The Holders of an RPS NFT Team will be invited to join the RPS game. 

Players will have the chance to play daily PVP games, where one player receives the whole prize, or to play in the weekly League for greater prizes (for 80+ participants).



verificata 0%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team

Ian Rock
Software developer
non verificato
Tom Paper
Social Media Strategist
non verificato
Fred Scissors
Marketing Specialist
non verificato

RPS LEAGUE Ultime novità

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