RECORD Foundation

RECORD Foundation

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Il progetto RECORD sta tentando di ricreare l'economia del business musicale a favore dell'artista. Utilizzando la blockchain e il token RECORD (RCD) per misurare e premiare un artista per l'utilizzo del proprio lavoro, RECORD Foundation può essere una delle prime aziende a riuscire a rimuovere il sistema del XVI secolo in cui un artista rinuncia alla maggior parte dei diritti per un editore e invece diventa il loro editore. Gli artisti saranno in grado di tracciare dove viene riprodotta la loro musica e calcolare la quantità di utilizzo e di essere pagati.
  • Mercato
    Volume 24H
    24 ore (prezzo)
    24 ore (volume)
  • CoinBene
    RCD/BTC 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0051
Main Sale
30 apr 2018
30 giu 2018
100% completato
Fondi raccolti - nessun dato
15 apr 2018
22 apr 2018
100% completato
Fondi raccolti - nessun dato
Dettagli del token
Valute accettate
Dettagli della Compagnia
Paese registrato
dettagli aggiuntivi
MVP / Prototipo
piattaforma, Media, Divertimento, Arte, Servizi per gli affari, Internet, Comunicazione

Di RECORD Foundation

RecordFarm, a decentralized platform based on Ethereum, is a blockchain-based music platform that rewards content creators with RCD tokens relative to the amount of ‘likes’ or ‘voting’ the content has received. RecordFarm plans to build the world’s first reward-based music platform service for artists who have not only struggled to post and share music, but also to receive fair compensations for their work.

The reward system is in based on blockchain technology. Transparency is ensured, as all activity is recorded and made public on the blockchain, which cannot be hacked or altered. This nature of blockchain ensures that the artists’ works are recorded safely on RecordFarm’s platform. Compensation on RecordFarm is based on RCD tokens which are immune to exchange fees which plague non-cryptocurrencies internationally. Thus, no matter the number of countries served, we do not need to establish local currency conversion contracts which skim from total profits. Operating expenses are further reduced by the blockchain’s burden sharing system. By spreading the data from a decentralized server with cryptocurrency miners, costs of operating RecordFarm’s servers and resources are greatly reduced. All the savings from these harnessed innovations will be returned to our artists and listeners.

Another core feature in the RECORD Ecosystem is the roles listeners play. Traditionally, listeners acted exclusively as consumers by forking over cash whenever they downloaded music or subscribed to a streaming service, but in this newfound RECORD Ecosystem, listeners can also be compensated. Audio consumers often devote their time to curation activities, such as sharing and voting on music. This crowd behavior directly evaluates the competitiveness and value of the music content. We believe that this interaction between listener and content fundamentally encourages good music that the people want. For this elemental reason, we hold that it is only fair that we reward any listener who acts as a ‘Value Co-creator.’ In this sense, RecordFarm is not just any run-of-themill platform. It is the next generation music platform that emerged as a solution to the problems rampant in unfair profit distribution that characterizes the traditional music industry.

Honest and astounding rewards for creators and listeners - RECORD Foundation is on its path to build an unprecedented music platform.

% name% Roadmap

  • 2015

  • Launched Recordfarm 1.0; Began first round of funding; Embedded social networking service.
  • 2016

  • Won the best Korea database prize; Awarded top 3 best music app in Asia by MWC Asia.
  • 2017

  • Selected by facebook as its startup partner; Recommended app at Google Play; Launch Recordfarm 1.4.
  • 2018

  • Whitepaper 1.0 release; establish record foundation in Singapore; Press Release; Launch Recordfarm 1.5; Whitepaper 1.5 release; Open ICO crowdsale; Establish Contracts with world-renowned coin exchanges; Expand team; Create record wallet 1.0; Establish record token algorithm.
  • Leggi di più
  • 2019

  • RRS algorithm in machine learning; Global Partnership; Launch Recordfarm 20 BETA; Global marketing, PR and sales campaign; Extend blockchain technology to the real world; establish further contracts with world-renowned coin exchanges.

RECORD Foundation Squadra

verificata 10%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team

Harrison Shin
General Manager
non verificato
Moon Heo
Sunah Son
non verificato
Dahye Jeong
non verificato
Jinhyuk Kim
non verificato
Heewon Lee
non verificato
Kh Choi
non verificato
Alex An
non verificato
Geumbin Lee
non verificato
Alexander Perez
non verificato


verificata 0%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team


$131 981 535

Keith Teare
non verificato

22 ICOs

$73 692 257

Richard Kastelein
non verificato
Minhwa Lee
non verificato
Junic Kim
non verificato

RECORD Foundation Interviste

Moon Heo
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Hi Team,
I am Moon Heo, the project manager of this project.
Could you change me to a verified member?
I am a full-time member here!

About others, same. Any specific rule for verification?

RECORD Foundation Ultime novità

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  • Questa informazione non è un suggerimento o consiglio su come investire in finanziamenti ICO. Si prega di indagare approfonditamente le informazioni rilevanti da soli e decidere sulla partecipazione ICO.
  • Se pensi che ci siano problemi o problemi da correggere su questo contenuto, o se desideri inviare il tuo progetto ICO da elencare, per favore inviaci un'email.
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