All investors on RECH must have a deep understanding of the fact that they will have shares in a company which is active in the field of real estate in Greece, but most importantly, in all the varied services provided by the company that touch on diverse fields of activity.
The apportionment of revenues will be effected on a monthly basis.
Its main goal is to create an all-promising and well-managed platform of investors who are provisioned to receive shares throughout the whole operation of the company.
Finally, it is noteworthy that the fund is requested for the development and growth of the company, after having successfully tried this model on a smaller scale and established its unparalleled performance.
In a nutshell, we mention that the Real Estate Office, Airbnb management and the scrolling lightbox are already in operation, and the dashboard has already been constructed.
July 2019
Q4 2019
Q1 2020
Q2 2020
Q3 2020
Q4 2020
Q1 2021
Q2 2021
verificata 0%
Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team
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