Raido Financial

Raido Financial

Created using Figma

Ultimo aggiornamento

27 gen 2019

Raido Financial è un ecosistema globale di fintech che combina una serie di strumenti crittografici universali per le operazioni di negoziazione, scambio, finanziarie e di investimento per tutti gli attori del mercato criptico B2B e B2C attraverso la piattaforma unica.
La nostra missione è fornire a tutti gli stakeholder del mercato gli strumenti più efficienti, completi e sicuri per svolgere tutte le attività cripto necessarie. Pertanto, il nostro obiettivo principale è quello di gestire e migliorare l'ecosistema, in modo che tutti i partecipanti al mercato crittografico possano facilmente ottenere e utilizzare strumenti altamente efficienti e redditizi con qualsiasi livello di esperienza nelle tecnologie Blockchain o criptovaluta.
  • Mercato
    Volume 24H
    24 ore (prezzo)
    24 ore (volume)
  • Raidofinance
    RF/ETH 4 one year ago
    $ 0.1575
    $ 441.016 B
Token Sale
15 nov 2018
15 feb 2019
100% completato
$25 129 042
100% berretto completato
berretto 7 500.00 ETH
  • 1 RF
    0.25 USD
Dettagli del token
Offerta totale
Distribuzione di token
Crowd Sale members - 70%
Campaign - 10%
Token distribution Developers - 10%
Advisors - 5%
Airdrop - 2%
Bounty - 3%
Valute accettate
Contributo minimo
Dettagli della Compagnia
Paese registrato
dettagli aggiuntivi
MVP / Prototipo

Di Raido Financial

Esegui tutti i tipi di operazioni di trading in modo efficiente con funzionalità altamente tecnologiche. L'architettura tecnica di Raido Financial è in grado di fornire agli utenti la massima velocità di elaborazione dati grazie al sistema ad alte prestazioni e di elaborazione del carico. Inoltre, Raido Financial sarà integrato con il numero massimo di protocolli, compresi quelli più popolari: FIX API, WebSockets, REST. La zona di collocazione consente di elaborare query ad alta frequenza e utilizzare in modo efficace i moduli algoritmico e Machine Learning.
Avviare e gestire efficacemente nuovi ICO. Un sistema tokenizzato di elaborazione intelligente per i progetti ICO / TGE / ITO farà parte dell'ecosistema Raido Financial. Questo sistema fornisce una serie di strumenti "tutto in uno" necessari per implementare un lancio di successo di Token Sales & ndash; compresi tutti gli aspetti di marketing, legali e tecnici.

Effettuare operazioni di trading, scambio, investimento con risorse crittografiche da un singolo portafoglio multivaluta in modo anonimo, sicuro e redditizio. Il Wallet Raido sarà integrato con i metodi di pagamento e gli strumenti di cambio valuta più popolari: elaborazione di carte di plastica, denaro e sistemi di pagamento elettronico & ndash; con bassi costi per gli utenti degli ecosistemi.

Procedere le operazioni di trading con grandi volumi di risorse crittografiche. L'ecosistema Raido Financial utilizzerà aggregatori di liquidità per garantire un'integrazione con le più grandi piattaforme di trading, cripto exchange, broker e altre istituzioni finanziarie sullo stesso sito web.

Svolgere attività di negoziazione legale e trasparente per gli operatori istituzionali e del mercato B2B. La nostra azienda sta già lavorando per ottenere i tipi necessari di licenze legali e permessi, alcuni dei quali già disponibili, per combinare tutte le attività finanziarie e gli strumenti di criptovaluta all'interno di un'unica piattaforma.

Sicuro e totalmente sicuro, archivia e utilizza risorse finanziarie private. La sicurezza dell'elaborazione è fornita da soluzioni quali: filtraggio IP, crittografia dei dati e autenticazione a due fattori, livelli indipendenti di protezione crittografica e molto altro.

% name% Roadmap

  • November 2017 - January 2018

  • Launch of the project. Creating general Raido Financial concept, as well as the positioning of each product in ecosystem:
    - Multicurrency Raido Wallet;
    - Smart-processing system of TGE/ICO/ITO projects: investors personal account, smart contract deploy system based on Ethereum;
    - System of scoring cryptocurrency assets (by reliability and profitability criteria);
    - Raido Exchange trading platform;
    - Approval of the action plan in frames of the agreed concept. Hiring of the Frontend, Backend - development teams Market and competitors’ analysis;
    - Branding, draft positioning concept, UI.
  • February 2019

  • Raido Wallet (basic):
    - Formation of the Raido Wallet technical requirements for Backend development team;
    - Raido Wallet server architecture development.
  • March 2019

  • Raido Exchange:
    - Formation of the Raido Exchange technical requirements for Backend and frontend development team;
    - Basic server architecture development of Raido Exchange.

    Raido Wallet:
    - Formation of the Raido Wallet technical requirements for the frontend development team;
    - Start of the hard-core development (processing and controlling Raido Wallet cryptocurrency transactions (2 months).
  • April 2019

  • Raido Exchange:
    - Concept design of the trading platform and Raido Exchange personal account;
    - Start of the development of Raido Exchange Order Core (the core of accounting trading orders), the formation of related databases and connectors (2 months).

    Raido Wallet:
    - Completion of the development and testing of the Raido Wallet Core (primary version);
    - Deployment of the first blockchain - Bitcoin nodes, integration with Raido Wallet Core, test transactions.
  • Leggi di più
  • May 2019

  • Raido Exchange:
    - Development of the Raido Exchange personal account (1st version);
    - Completion of the development and testing of Raido Exchange order code (2 months).

    Raido Wallet:
    - Raido Wallet Windows-app development;
    - Testing and debugging Raido Wallet Windowsapp;
    - Deployment of additional blockchain nodes: Ethereum, Litecoin.
  • June 2019

  • Raido Exchange:
    - Deployment of the 1st blockchain - Bitcoin node, setting up integration with Order Core;
    - Start of the development of the Web-version of the Raido Exchange trading platform;
    - Testing and finalizing the Raido Exchange personal account, integration of deposit / withdrawal methods for crypto assets inside the personal account, testing the ticket system, editing personal data, the security system (1st version).

    Raido Wallet:
    - Deployment of additional blockchain nodes: Ethereum, Litecoin;
    - Raido Wallet production testing, debugging and fail-tolerance system monitoring.
  • July 2019

  • Raido Exchange:
    - Testing and debugging Raido Exchange trading platform (Web-version);
    - Start of the development of the personal graphics library.

    Raido Wallet:
    - Raido Wallet production testing, debugging and fail-tolerance system monitoring.
  • August 2018

  • Raido Exchange:
    - Creation of the first CRM-system version for interaction between Raido Exchange support team with the users;
    - Adding the Raido Exchange private account function to the Trade History;
    - Full-featured testing of Raido Exchange, debugging and fault tolerance system monitoring;
    - Deployment of additional nodes: Ethereum, Litecoin;
    - Testing and debugging chart library (graphics) system.

    Raido Wallet:
    - Raido Wallet production testing, debugging and fail-tolerance system monitoring.

    Raido Financial (marketing):
    - Marketing analysis, drafting and approval of the marketing plan in terms of the Token Sale.
  • September 2018

  • Raido Exchange:
    - Release of the demo version without the possibility of registration and trading (a demo view of the Trading Platform is available);
    - Start of the liquidity module development.

    Raido Wallet:
    - Release of v.0.1 Raido Wallet in a production mode for cold storage and transfers (receiving, local storage and sending) BTC, ETH, LTC. BackUP function and Sign words (16 words).

    Raido Wallet Coin (RF) creation based on the ERC-20 standard (Ethereum).

    Raido Financial (marketing):
    - Traffic testing for collection of the initial database of ecosystem’s users;
    - Design of the ICO product packaging and sales funnel;
    - A, B, C traffic testing;
    - White Paper drafting, as well as legal documents for the Token Sale;
    - Launch of the initial communication campaign in the Raido Financial social networks.
  • October 2018

  • Raido Exchange:
    - Adding a new order type - Market orders (Trading platform Update);
    - 1 st round of adding the time slots: 2 minutes, 2 hours, 8 hours;
    - Deployment of new blockchains (crypto node) DASH, BCH and adding the appropriate DASH and BCH coins, as well as trading pairs DASH/BTC, BCH/BTC;
    - Debugging a demonstration database and charging test deposits.

    Raido Financial (marketing):
    - Planning and execution of affiliate and partnership programs that are expected to stimulate the growth of transactions in the platform;
    - Creation of a landing page and general marketing information; remarketing activities;
    - Community boost-up activities (Asian and European target audience);
    - Initial project listing on trackers, ICO-calendars;
    - Publication of informational and educational articles and video materials in blogs (YouTube, Medium, Golos as agreed in media plan);
    - Announcement of the Token Sale conditions and start/end dates in all social media channels of the project;
    - Preparation of giveaway/promo programs for investors.
  • November 2018

  • Raido Wallet:
    - Adding a security function – Pin Code;
    - Deployment of new blockchains (crypto nodes) of DASH, BCH and adding appropriate coins DASH, BCH for store and transfer of DASH and BCH.

    Raido Financial ICO System:
    - Integration of top merchants to the Raido ICO System, provision of the payment service, launch of affiliate programs that are expected to stimulate the growth of transactions in platform.

    Creation of a common type RF token (ERC20) for the whole Raido Financial ecosystem. Execution of the Raido Financial Pre-ICO.
  • December 2018

  • Raido Exchange:
    - Open registration and access to the personal account;
    - 1 st round of adding 2FA-authorization to the personal account: 2FA e-mail, 2FA GOOGLE, 2FA mobile - SMS (Client cabinet Update);
    - Release of the Raido Exchange v0.1 with the ability to register, charge test deposits and trade;
    - Round 2 of adding the time slots to the trading platform chart: 12 hours, 1 week;
    - Deployment of new blockchains (crypto nodes) of USDT, ETC, adding USDT and ETC coins, integration of a new basic cryptocurrency USDT, as well as trading pairs BTC/USDT, DASH/USDT, BCH/USDT, ETC/BTC, ETC/USDT;
    - Adding new chart display types: Bars, Heikin-Ashi;
    - Update of the security settings package: Save online session/Send an e-mail.

    Raido Wallet:
    - Deployment of new blockchains (crypto nodes) of USDT, ETC, adding USDT and ETC.

    Raido Financial (marketing & support)
    - Obtaining the European license for financial operations proceedings;
    - Launch of the media traffic campaign to attract users (within the scope of the agreed media plan);
    - Execution of BTL campaigns;
    - Pitching the project at Blockchain and thematic fintech events;
    - Communication and launch of collaboration with institutional crypto funds and crypto pools;
    - Planning the schedule of the project’s roadshow;
    - Informational and newsfeed project activities about all Raido Financial technical updates in social networks/media of the project;
    - Provision of the investors’ online support.
  • January 2019

  • Raido Exchange:
    - Development and integration of technical analysis package (7 technical indicators) for the Raido Exchange chart;
    - Launch of the real trades on the Raido Exchange (deposits, withdrawal, Januar trading function).

    Raido Wallet:
    - Adding RF balance into personal account;
    - Deployment of new blockchains (crypto nodes) ZRX, OMG, QTM.

    Launch of ICO.
    Obtaining additional licenses and opening a branch office.

    Raido Financial (marketing):
    - Pitching project at Blockchain and thematic fintech events;
    - Informational and newsfeed project activities about all Raido Financial technical updates in social networks/media of the project;
    - Providing investors’ online support (sales+technical);
    - Collaboration with top bloggers and blockchain influencers.
  • February 2019

  • Raido Exchange:
    - Adding a live chat (online support) on dashboard and Raido Exchange;
    - Raido Exchange Trading Platform (Web Mobile) development (adaptive mobile version);
    - Adding new order type – Stop Limit Order (Trading platform).
  • March 2019

  • Raido Exchange:
    - Raido Exchange Windows-app development;
    - Deployment of new blockchains (crypto nodes) BTG, XLM, integration ERC20, adding tokens ERC20 ZRX, OMG, QTM basic currency integration ETH, as well as trading pairs BTG/BTC, BTG/USDT, XLM/BTC, XLM/USDT, ZRX/ETH, OMG/ETH, QTM/ETH.
  • April 2019

  • Launch of the needed components for B2B participants in the Raido Wallet: "cold" storage of the cryptocurrency, transfer between balances, the automatic exchange of tokens, the exchange of fiat into cryptocurrency. Increase in the number of integrated payment systems in the clients’ personal office up to 20+. The launch of margin trading with leverage, adding new currency pairs for trade.
  • May 2019

  • Connection of PrimeXM, ECN Integral, One Zero liquidity aggregators and further integration with 15 crypto exchanges from the CoinMarketCap TOP list. Placement of additional deposits on margin accounts of the top exchanges for profit diversification and risk minimization.
  • June 2019

  • Renting of 7 additional servers. API Development for integration and visualization with brokers trading platforms, applications of algo-trading and implementation of PAMM tools. Expanding the support stuff up to 15 managers.
  • July 2019

  • Launching a system of cryptocurrency indices and ratings of successful top exchanges and brokers to attract investors.

Raido Financial Squadra

verificata 80%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team

Filippos Konstantini...
Yassin Walid Yunis
Analyst of the currency market


$25 240 556

Roman Shevchenko
Managing trader and analyst of the currency and co...
Alfredo Hernandez Su...
Trader and analyst of the currency market
Marian Di Valentino
Trader and analyst of the cryptocurrency market
Pedram Raoofy
Financial analyst
Dmitry Kucher
Head of the Analyst Team, Head Of Fibo Group Acade...
Elena Tambovets
Translations of the current fundamental news
Simeon Levesque
Business Developer
non verificato


$26 375 501

Ekaterina Naimushina
Marketing Director / Strategic Planner
non verificato
Katherine Romaniuk
PR Director / Project Manager
Alexander Arinin
Denis Gerasimov
Software developer
non verificato
Yevhen Vityuk
Airdrop & Bounty Manager
Karina Kostenko
Community Manager


verificata 80%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team

10 ICOs

$68 550 512

Boris Otonicar
Blockchain Advisor
non verificato

18 ICOs

$81 539 917

Quentin Herbrecht
Marketing & PR Advisor

34 ICOs

$122 300 350

Bogdan Fiedur
Full-Stack Developer, Technical Advisor

18 ICOs

$91 975 085

Roman Karimov
Investment Advisor


$25 240 556

Eloisa Marchesoni
Investment Advisor

Ex membri

Andrew Masters
Team Member

Raido Financial Interviste

Filippos Konstantinidis
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
As a CEO of the project I am responsible for the coordination of the internal and external processes, some of development stages of the project, attract new talents and investors.
What do you think about idea?
Its a novel but at the same time realistic idea since the team has huge expertise in the financial sector, especially in the Forex industry. Along with the use of high technology and efficiency of operations the targets are reachable.
Yassin Walid Yunis
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am an analyst of the currency market with the knowledge of Arabic language.
I have more than 3 years of experience in trading using technical analysis. In particular, he applies the methodology of market analysis based on the use of candlestick analysis and graphical models. He is also an expert in the fundamental analysis.
I am also specializes in writing analytical articles, reviews and forecasts on the currency and cryptocurrency markets.
What do you think about idea?
I am working on this project for quite long to claim that it will be a revolution in the cryptocurrecy market.
Roman Shevchenko
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Roman Shevchenko is a managing trader and analyst of the currency and commodity market.
He has more than 6 years of successful trading and money management experience.
During his work as a managing trader he created his personal trading strategy based on the method of a multi-level approach for the analysis of financial and commodity markets. The author of the training course " Multi-Level system - who trades the market?".
His professional interests include global analysis of the world economy and technical analysis of currency and commodity markets based on a multi-level approach.
What do you think about idea?
It is a huge pleasure for me working in this project with this experienced team. I think all of us need these efficient tools for crypto that Raido Financial is about to release.
Alfredo Hernandez Suarez
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Una idea genial donde el operador de monedas criptográficas puede operar en una multiplataforma donde se encuentran todos los bloques necesarios para sus operaciones en una sola plataforma, además esta garantizada su seguridad, de ataques de hackers, además de su confidencialidad y anonimato, en esta plataforma puede operar con distintas monedas criptográficas y en un futuro con parejas de divisas. Raido garantiza a sus usuarios un monedero de multidivisas de pagos.
What do you think about idea?
Mi opinión personal es que es una idea genial para los operadores del mercado de las divisas criptográficas.
Marian Di Valentino
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I'm a trader and analyst of the cryptocurrency market with the knowledge of Italian language.
Professional expert and analyst of the cryptocurrency market.
I have an extensive experience in teaching, seminars, webinars.
What do you think about idea?
I really believe that our project will make a breakthrough in the field of crypto. The new era is coming indeed.
Pedram Raoofy
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I'm a practicing trader and analyst of the currency market with the knowledge of Persian language.
I Have more than 3 years of experience in trading and market analysis using a wide range of technical indicators. My professional activity is focused on the trend and multi-level trading strategy. I Have deep knowledge in the field of commodity and cryptocurrency markets.
I also specializes in writing analytical articles, reviews and forecasts on the foreign exchange and commodity markets, based on the technical analysis with graphical figures.
What do you think about idea?
I believe in the idea of the project and I believe that it will make a revolution in the trading area.
Dmitry Kucher
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Head of the Analyst Team, Head Of Fibo Group Academy. He has more than 12 years of experience in financial markets, including the banking sector and the stock market of Ukraine. He is a private investor, practicing trader and asset Manager with 10 years of experience. Proponent of the theory of a direct relationship between technical and fundamental analysis. Believes that trading solely based on of technical analysis without the fundamental basis is doomed to failure.
What do you think about idea?
I think this is a revolutionary project in the trading market. I feel really inspired working on that.
Elena Tambovets
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I specialize at the translations of the current fundamental news, publications, speeches and presentations of the leading financiers, heads of Central banks and reputable financial experts and analysts.
In trading, I mainly use fundamental analysis and its impact on the world financial markets, since fundamental factors are the main drivers of the market quotations movement.
In the work I also apply the elements of graphical and technical analysis.
What do you think about idea?
It’s a multifunctional project, comfortable for users and unique on the market. I'm sure it has a great future.
Katherine Romaniuk
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
PR Director / Project Manager
Extensive experience in the project management field, coordination of internal and external processes, team building and motivation. Regularly attend industry events and conferences. Have a knowledge of Blockchain and crypto related industries.
What do you think about idea?
Raido Financial is a project with quite interesting idea, I’ve never seen one like that before. Exchange, wallet, system for ICO conducting and other interesting tools for crypto in just one platform - is just great and what all we need so much right now. I love that in case this idea will be implemented the transaction speed will be much faster as all components are combined in one system!
Alexander Arinin
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Development and implementation of new ecosystem components and products. Senior supervisor of the IT department.
What do you think about idea?
That's a good idea. Development and implementation of new ecosystem components and products. Good job.
Yevhen Vityuk
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Airdrop & Bounty Manager

We are young, but prospective team. We believe in delivering the result instead of flash attractive templates !
What do you think about idea?
Now the blockchain industry needs high-quality projects. I am sure that we will bring high-quality work!
Karina Kostenko
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am Community Manager, I communicate with Raido Financial community in all social medias and massangers.
What do you think about idea?
I love the idea of the project! I beleive in success as Raido Financial is what the market lacks right now.
Quentin Herbrecht
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
As ICO advisor of Raido financial project, I advise them on their overall strategy, including social networks exposure, PR, investor research and strategic partnerships.
What do you think about idea?
Despite the increasing number of trading platforms in circulation, Raido has been able to differentiate itself and offer real added values by its complete and global aspect.
Bogdan Fiedur
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Technical advisor in regards to smart contracts and token.

The project has good plan and strong team. Glad to have opportunity to be part of it.
What do you think about idea?
Raido Financial is delivering a global fintech ecosystem that includes a multicurrency wallet, cryptocurrency exchange, as well as ICO processing. These solutions cater to both B2B companies, but also business to customer (B2C) solutions as well.
Roman Karimov
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I joined that project as Investment Advisor for providing consulting services aimed at developing the company and improving the attractiveness, overall impression and reliability of the project. I also help the project connect with potential investors and attract of investments, using my own contacts and databases.
What do you think about idea?
Although there are many crypto exchanges on the market, only a few of them can be considered worthy. Raido Financial has carefully studied the current functioning of all these large organizations and offers a product that is unique and different from all others, but includes all the best features of the leading players in the market.
This project has everything to make a revolution in the field of crypto trading - professional and experienced team from the world of finance, investment and trading, a powerful development team that has released 2 brilliant MVP and also project have excellent marketing support. In my opinion, Raido will not only radically changing the currently market of crypto exchanges, but will also be at the forefront of crypto trading in the near future.
Eloisa Marchesoni
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am an Advisor, taking care of investor relations and funds attraction practices, as well as community creation.
What do you think about idea?
The idea is very solid and just what the ICO market needs to reestablish trust in utility tokens. Exchanges these days are not nearly as efficient, integrated and easy to use as Raido Financial plans to be.

Raido Financial Ultime novità

$ 0.1568
Crypto Stats
Daily, %:
Weekly, %:
Monthly, %:
Market Info
Market Cap:
Volume 24h:
$ 438.971 B
Circ. Supply:
ICO profit
X 0.6271
ICO Price~$0.2500
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