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Quanta - community Driven Decentralized Crypto Exchange
1 ago 2018
1 ott 2018
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Di Quanta

A foundational shift in the economy,the potential market for blockchain,token-powered businesses is vast. At its core, the infrastructure required to power the movement of now hundreds — but soon perhaps millions— of tokens will require significant innovation. Today, for example, only two hundred out of many thousands of currently offered tokens have any access to real liquidity. Additionally, token-powered organizations face prohibitive listing fees from centralized exchanges. These prohibitive fees are not only a drag on the expanding ecosystem but severely limit access to liquidity. In the years to come, and as the volume and variety of tokens increases exponentially, providing liquidity at the scale, speed, and scope of the new cryptoeconomy will be the primary challenge in this highly disruptive market. Without liquidity, there is no market.

While we firmly believe centralized exchanges are an inherently limited solution, the existing decentralized digital asset exchanges (aka a DEX) are so slow as to be unusable. As the number of tokens and the demand for liquidity rises, the challenge to engineer an infrastructure that supports a rapidly growing variety, volume, and velocity of tokens and transactions will only become more difficult. QUANTA is on a mission to develop the first public blockchain infrastructure to provide instant liquidity many orders of magnitude faster than existing solutions. With an experienced technical team, our unique approach to liquidity leverages significant advances in system architecture—featuring a cross-chain architecture, on-chain order book matching, distributed memory ledger, and dual-ledger BFT consensus—to achieve up to 5M tx/s at <1 sec latency.

% name% Roadmap

  • Q3 - Q4 2017

  • QUANTA Chains Roadmap Follow our progress and see our upcoming milestones Cross-chain Wallet
    Order-book Ledger (distributed memory pool)
  • Q3 - Q4 2017

  • Research. Cross-chain Wallet
    Order-book Ledger
    (distributed memory pool)
  • Q2 2018

  • Proof-of.Concept. Under 1 second latency
    > 1000 orders per sec
  • Q3 2018

  • Private Sale. Asia Tour (Beijing, Shanghai). US Tour.
  • Leggi di più
  • TBD

  • Token Sale. Private and Public Sale
  • Q4 2018

  • Test Net
  • Q1 2019

  • Public Net
  • Q2 2019

  • Network Upgrade

Quanta Squadra

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Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team

Afonso Barbosa
Co-Founder, Director of Marketing & Operations
non verificato
Quoc Le
Co-Founder, Managing Director
non verificato
Zhongwu Shi
Lead Frontend Engineer
non verificato


verificata 0%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team


$65 600 000

Nizam Ismail
Legal Counsel, Advisor
non verificato


$1 000 000

Vishwas Manral
Advisor, Cybersecurity
non verificato
Minh Do
Chief Scientist & Advisor
non verificato
Richard Rabbat
Advisor, Strategy
non verificato
Minh Doan
Chief Scientist & Advisor
non verificato

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