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Protoverse GameFi Studios is a leading blockchain developer specializing in NFTs, blockchain-empowered Play-To-Earn games, B2B, B2C & P2P crypto infrastructures!
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Di ProtoVerse

ProtoPort is an NFT-based game portal that allows any game to integrate with the blockchain through our APIs and protect their users' privacy with our unique decentralized one-time PIN generator.

CreatiVerse provides sophisticated tools to mint, monetize, and fairly distribute NFTs. We are empowering users with automated peer-to-peer NFT scholarships and fixed rental escrows.


Farm ProtoVerse Genesis NFTs to earn rare GameFi angelic game characters and a 3D trainer capable of producing intelligent NFTs. The iNFTs are an essential part of the entertaining game mechanisms in The Descending-Rift Of Chaos, our multiplayer RPG. Use case examples:

– Harvest crofts.
– Collect and produce construction materials.
– Grow your army to defend your faction’s territory or attack other regions.

The 3D NFT characters, the GameFi trainer, and the trainable intelligent NFTs can all be listed for sale in our CreatiVerse marketplace or lent to other players through automated escrows as peer-to-peer scholarships to create additional revenue streams.

ProtoVerse Squadra

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Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team

Chief Innovative Technology Officer
non verificato
Chief Sales
non verificato
Chief of Staff
non verificato

ProtoVerse Ultime novità

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