

Created using Figma
Prospector Crane Minernew
Play2Earn - Stake2Earn
I dati non sono disponibili
Pre Sale
27 lug 2022
27 lug 2022
100% completato
Fondi raccolti - nessun dato
berretto 25.00
Hard cap 50.00
Dettagli del token
Offerta totale
Distribuzione di token
9% Buy
9% Sell
5% rewards
2% liquidity
2% burn
Dettagli della Compagnia
Paese registrato
dettagli aggiuntivi

Di ProspectorCrane

$Prospector is a Play2earn governance token, with very low supply and deflationary token with dividends distribute automatically to holders of 250 PRO$ in their wallet! The token is deflationary, increasing the liquidity at each transaction and with an exclusive burn mechanism! The token will be used for mint Miners NFTs and play the Crane Miners game, increasing its demands, as more players join the game!


Crane$ Token

$PRO is a Play2earn governance token, with dividends distribute automatically to holders! The token is deflationary, increasing the liquidity at each transaction and an exclusive burn mechanism!

Flexible Earn

You can easily play game in 1 minute and earn token

ProspectorCrane NFT

you can earn in a flexible way with ProspectorCrane NFT

ProspectorCrane Ultime novità

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