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Ultimo aggiornamento

30 set 2019

PrepayWay è un ecosistema blockchain che semplifica e ottimizza la collaborazione internazionale, i contratti e i pagamenti per le aziende di diversi settori.
To be announced
Dettagli del token
Offerta totale
Distribuzione di token
Sale limit: 650,000,000 InBits (Including private and presale discounts. Unsold tokens intended for sale will be burned. The other numbers are fixed (not decreased proportionally)
Company reserve : 390,000,000 InBits
Advisors, community: 137,878,787 InBits
Team: 98,484,848 InBits
Total Supply Limit: 1,276,363,635 InBits
Valute accettate
Dettagli della Compagnia
Nome della società registrata
PrepayWay AG
Paese registrato
Società fondata
Oct 1, 2017
Struttura bonus
Presale Tier 1 Discount: 70%
Presale Tier 2 Discount: 50%
Presale Tier 3 Discount: 40%
Presale Tier 4 Discount: 30%
Presale Tier 5 Discount: 20%
dettagli aggiuntivi
MVP / Prototipo
Lista bianca
piattaforma, Finanza, pagamenti

Di PrepayWay

Informazioni su PrepayWay

Il commercio globale è gravato da processi cartacei inaffidabili e in gran parte manuali, caratterizzati da una mancanza di trasparenza e un'assenza di informazioni sicure e affidabili. Di conseguenza, fornitori, acquirenti e trasportatori coinvolti in transazioni internazionali subiscono ritardi nei flussi di cassa, controversie di pagamento e difficoltà a mantenere la liquidità. Tuttavia, l'avvento della tecnologia blockchain può eliminare queste difficoltà, garantendo la validità e la sicurezza delle transazioni coinvolte nel movimento globale di merci e nella fornitura di servizi. Inoltre, automatizzando metodi di pagamento come lettere di credito, può eliminare le inefficienze, snellire i processi aziendali, ridurre la complessità operativa e ridurre i costi di transazione.

La missione di PrepayWay è quella di rimuovere il suddetto onere integrando blockchain decentralizzati e contratti intelligenti auto-esecutivi con i processi aziendali per introdurre un nuovo paradigma nel commercio internazionale. In particolare, PrepayWay offre quanto segue:

  • modelli di contratto legalmente vincolanti sviluppati da esperti legali in conformità con le leggi e i regolamenti nazionali appropriati e tradotti in più lingue;
  • contratti intelligenti autoeseguiti contenenti termini e condizioni codificati dei contratti;
  • un gateway integrato per le transazioni in valuta digitale e fiat alimentato da partner di deposito autorizzati;
  • soluzione di finanziamento decentrata transfrontaliera;
  • archiviazione sicura di record di contratti e transazioni intelligenti su una blockchain;
  • risoluzione delle controversie efficiente ed esecutiva da parte di SmartArb, l'Istituto internazionale di mediazione intelligente e arbitrato.

Nessuna singola azienda può sbloccare il potenziale della blockchain da solo. L'ecosistema Blockay di Prepayway integra la blockchain con le funzioni aziendali esistenti, sfruttandole per generare valore e accelerare la crescita. La risultante sinergia si tradurrà in opportunità di partnership strategiche e accesso a tecnologie innovative. & Nbsp;

% name% Roadmap

  • 2017-2018

  • Seed investments round successfully closed;
    PrepayWay Core Team;
    PrepayWay AG (HQ in Switzerland) founded;
    PrepayWay Systems Switzerland AG founded – Escrow service provider;
    PrepayWay Systems Estonia OÜ founded;
    PrepayWay® trademark application and registration;
    SmartArb® trademark application and registration;
    Inbit® (token) trademark application and registration.
  • 2017-2018

  • PrepayWay Ecosystem business logic;
    PrepayWay Real Estate business logic;
    Elleeo business logic;
    SmartArb business Logic;
    Elleeo prototype;
    SmartArb model clauses published;
    Elleeo fully functional demo;
    PrepayWay Real Estate contract creation and negotiation process proto closed testing,
  • Q1 - Q2 2019

  • Fundraising stage 1;
    SRO membership application;
    PrepayWay Real Estate visual prototype;
    Real estate agreement creation process demo version;
    SmartArb Rules published.
  • Q3 - Q4 2019

  • PrepayWay Global Trade prototype;
    SmartArb as a fully functional mediation and arbitration institute;
    Elleeo MVP,
  • Leggi di più
  • Q1 - Q2 2020

  • PrepayWay Real Estate MVP;
    Multilingual country-specific legal templates;
    Fiat-crypto gateway framework;
    Crypto-crypto gateway framework.
  • Q2 - Q3 2020

  • Fundraising stage 2;
    Beta version and release of PrepayWay Real Estate;
    Beta version and release of Elleeo;
    Beta version and release of PrepayWay Global Trade;
    Smart-Arb regional offices in EMEA, APJ, NCSA.

PrepayWay Squadra

verificata 35%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team

Prof. Dr. Frank Emme...
Nikolai Kalinin
CEO & Сo-founder
Dr. Vahe Sahakyan
Co-founder – investor
Antonio Gurei
Community Manager & Co-founder
Dr. Mihnea Constanti...
CPO & Co-founder
Eduard Langebraun
CFO & Co-founder
Artemiy Haimi
Marketing Manager
non verificato
Mosun Oke
Legal Development
non verificato
Sergei Gerasimov
Software Development
non verificato
Vadim Vohmjanin
Software Development
non verificato
Yiyang Yang
Marketing Lead | Asia
non verificato
Torgom Varzhapetyan
Business Development
non verificato
Evgeny Varlamov
Software Development
non verificato
Vladislav Davarashvi...
Software Development
non verificato
Aleksander Kalinin
Social Media Manager & Co-founder
non verificato
Hyo Jeong Chang
Digital Marketing | Asia
non verificato
Oliver Nedela
COO & Co-founder
non verificato

Ex membri

Anna Nishcheret
Content Writer & Coordinator
Vazgen Melikyan
Dr. Artashes Karapet...

PrepayWay Interviste

Prof. Dr. Frank Emmert
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Co-founder and legal advisor, ensuring compliance in all major jurisdictions, in close collaboration with our law firm partners.
What do you think about idea?
Exciting project with stellar team and very professional implementation! Expect great things from this start-up. Join us while you can and ride to the top with us!
Nikolai Kalinin
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I'm the co-founder and CEO of the company.
I'm responsible for creating and implementing the company vision and mission, leading the development and execution of long-term strategies.
What do you think about idea?
I truly believe that by developing an ecosystem for blockchain projects we are doing a really great things. Most of the projects cover technical aspect but most forget about very basing things like AML, GDPR, Legal aspect of the deal and of the contract. And last but not least dispute resolution. It is very common when enforceability of the contract just stands for automatic processing one or another action while our project offers solutions that are really and legally enforceable in more that 150 countries around the world.
I believe that our project is really unique and offers an all-in-one solution that hasn't been offered by anyone before.
Dr. Vahe Sahakyan
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am one of the early investors and the cofounder of the project. My involvement has been limited to only providing financial support to the project.
What do you think about idea?
It is a comprehensive solution for companies across wide range of industries and will revolutionize how international business transactions are conducted.
Antonio Gurei
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am co-founder and community manager in PrepayWay. Working closely with our marketing unit, I am in charge of disseminating timely and transparent updates on the development of the project.
What do you think about idea?
I believe that the PrepayWay concept is awesome because it applies the latest, revolutionary technology to make the world a safer and better place by streamlining international transactions.
Dr. Mihnea Constantinescu
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am engaged in strategic market analysis and defining relevant product features. I am focused primarily on finding friction points and inefficiencies present in the traditional transaction flow and, leveraging our ecosystem's features, propose improved solutions.
What do you think about idea?
We offer a unique mix of legal, financial and technology elements rebundling different services for a customer-friendly digital transaction experience. We see blockchain as an enabler, but not the end goal. We therefore develop our solution starting from the needs of market participants and work backwards towards the tech implementation.
Eduard Langebraun
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
As a startup co-founder, I have done everything from budgeting and hiring to assisting the product team with building prototypes. As a CFO, I focus mainly on financial planning & analysis and cash flow management and collaborate with other co-founders in setting clear operational goals; I am also responsible for meeting with investors and building relationships with industry experts and potential partners.
What do you think about idea?
It's about time we brought the real estate market out of the stone age where it still operates and rid it of the lengthy paper-based procedures and manual verifications prone to fraud and error. At PrepayWay, we aim at doing exactly that by applying smart contracts and blockchain technology.

PrepayWay Ultime novità

5.0 6
ICO Profilo Visione Attività Potenziale Prodotto Squadra
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