Kris Bennett

#BlockchainBeardGuy -- Co-Founder / CEO of Aenea, LLC -- "Nothing is more cathartic than gratitude"
United States
About Kris Bennett
Kris is a world class Lord, not only by his tremendous skills with computers which bring already so much value in my project development but above all as a MAN. I'm so proud to be able to learn with such a great man! He always find time for everyone in the right mind set to help in any ways. I'm so grateful Kris as I cannot find words to explain it. Kris is the man I know with the more values, knowledge and kindness. I wait the time I'll be able to send you back the honour being working with you Don Beardeone. For every developers if you want to find the best Blockchain architecture mentor in the world don't search more as Kris is your guy. Again Kris I deeply thank you for all the daily support you gave, you give and you'll give to me to make me reach my goals. Maxime
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