Alexander Sverdlov

Cyber Security Advisor for ICO startups
$ 5,040,000
Projects Raised
United Arab Emirates
About Alexander Sverdlov
I advise startups, banks, central banks, telecoms and government organizations on cyber security as part of my job at Microsoft. Whether you are a blockchain and are pre-ICO or a developed company, the problems you deal with are the same as any other company: keeping the company safe and efficient and ts know-how secure from prying eyes. Passionate about infosec and business development (sales) - a combination that breaks the boundaries of what just one of these qualities can achieve. Author of the "Building a Cyber Fortress"​ book. Specializing in Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR). Speaker at security conferences ● Presented a 1 hour talk on "Building a Cyber Fortress" at Positive Hack Days 5 - Moscow, May 27, 2015 ● Presented a 4-hour workshop on Incident Response at PHDays 2014 in Moscow, Russia. ● Presented 2 talks on SIEM/DFIR in Heppenheim, Germany in April 2014 ● Presented a 3-hour workshop on Network & Memory Forensics at the largest Information Security conference in Russia - PHDays 2013 ✔ Security Researcher ● Successfully completed research projects for AV vendors, Neurologix and others - making use of my analytical skills to extract useful information and correlate it, combining it into a useful report. ✔ Information Security Consultant My past experience at large corporations as well as helping small businesses protect themselves allows me to generate practical and cost effective solutions to problems such as Exploit Execution Prevention, Data Leakage, Cyber Espionage - just to name a few. I love what I do as this is the biggest, all-encompassing passion of my life.
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