

Created using Figma
This project was created by a group of DeFi investors who wanted to be able to track their tokens all in one place. The peachfolio team has developed a free and easy-to-use phone app for android and iOS that allows you to track your DeFi portfolio with the click of a button. You can add multiple wallets, filter tokens, create a favorites list, get up-to-date prices, and more. No more adding token by token. Add you wallet and you are good to go.
To be announced
Dettagli del token
Distribuzione di token
Pre-sale: 29%
Public sale: 50%
Marketing: 13%
Team: 8% (locked for 6 months)

Transaction tax - 8%

4% Redistribution to holders
2% Operational Costs & App Development
2% Liquidity
dettagli aggiuntivi

Di peachfolio

The v1 app has already launched - you can download on the peachfolio site and test it out for yourself. It has been well received by the growing peachfolio community, with some of their feedback and requests already implemented by the devs. Issues and feature requests are being tracked on Github.

There’s a lot more to come too. The v2 app arrives next month in Google Play Store and Apple App Store, along with some genuinely great Pro features for peachfolio token holders. The v3 app will be on its way shortly after, when yet more Pro features will be introduced.

It certainly doesn't end there though. This is a long term project. There are many great milestones coming in the future, including extending the app to track other chains and expanding to include different language options.

The peachfolio token - which unlocks the Pro features simply by holding it in your wallet - has launched just 4 days ago ! It's still super early to get in on this ! Don’t miss this great opportunity now to get in very early

peachfolio Ultime novità

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