Newton Mint Labs

Newton Mint Labs

Created using Figma
We are here to improve and rule over next-gen NFTs, games, and metaverses on the blockchain!
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Di Newton Mint Labs

Skill based game in 3D One of the first games to launch on Avalanche blockchain is both 3D and skill-based.
NML Phone App
Track your statistics on android or iOS. All NML projects NFT’s AR feature and more.

Revival token One of the first games to launch on Avalanche blockchain is both 3D and skill-based.
Skill to earn
ROA is a unique game where your stats don’t determine if you going to be a winner, you can win based on skill and earn.

High quality 3D NFTs Revival of Avalanche NFT project pushes boundaries with the crispiest looking NFTs that were ever attempted on the blockchain.

Usecases for ROA NFTs ROA NFTs will be necessary part to access all modes of ROA game, and to be used as avatars in our partners metaverses.

The goal is to create the best next-generation gaming experience on a blockchain, whether it is connected with NFTs or just pure games that involve real skill to play and earn crypto while playing. Our focus for the next-gen NFT projects currently is AVAX, Solana, Polygon, and Fantom. However, we are researching new blockchains for our other upcoming projects and will research them for our clients.

Newton Mint Labs Squadra

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Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team

Aurimas Barauskas
Project CEO, Founder of Newton Mint Labs and ROA
non verificato
Julius Jonca
Project Co-founder and Investor
non verificato
Edgaras Pokrovinas
Project Manager, Community Manager, Visual Designe...
non verificato
Eduardo Jaimes
Project Lead 3D designer, Animator, Concept Artist
non verificato
Christian Martinez
Project CTO, Blockchain & Web3 Developer | DeFi &...
non verificato
Rupraj Lagnajeet Moh...
Project head of IT Infrastructure, AWS Certified P...
non verificato

Newton Mint Labs Ultime novità

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