Juan Tacuri Pleads Guilty in Forcount Crypto Ponzi Scheme

6 giugno 2024 BACK TO NEWS

Juan Tacuri, a 46-year-old promoter from Florida, has pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit wire fraud in connection with the global crypto Ponzi scheme known as Forcount. According to the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York, Tacuri was described as one of the scheme’s most successful promoters, reaping millions of dollars from his participation in the fraud. He could face up to 20 years in prison and is scheduled to be sentenced on September 24.

As part of his guilty plea, Tacuri has agreed to forfeit nearly $4 million in victim funds and real estate purchased using the fraudulently obtained funds.

Forcount, which later rebranded to Weltsys, targeted Spanish-speaking populations and operated as a crypto mining and trading firm. It promised investors profits in exchange for their purchase of crypto investment products.

Tacuri, known for his lavish lifestyle and designer clothing, traveled throughout the U.S. to host events and expos where he would lure victims into investing in the schemes. These events, described as "festive and designed to generate excitement," created an atmosphere conducive to persuading victims to invest in the fraudulent scheme.

Victims were encouraged to invest as a means of achieving "financial freedom," with Tacuri boasting about the earnings he made from the scheme. Funds were obtained from victims through various means, including cash, checks, wire transfers, and cryptocurrency, and were invested in Forcount through the purchase of investment products. However, most victims were unable to withdraw any profits and ultimately lost their entire investments.

U.S. Attorney Damian Williams emphasized that Tacuri's guilty plea holds him accountable for exploiting retail investors and selling them a fabricated investment opportunity. Tacuri brought in millions of dollars in victim funds and spent them lavishly on luxury goods and real estate. Williams stated that the U.S. Attorney's Office will continue to pursue Ponzi schemers like Tacuri, particularly when they target financially vulnerable individuals.