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Ultimo aggiornamento

14 feb 2018

Non una piscina. Non una nuvola. Miner One è l'attrezzatura mineraria più avanzata di oggi e l'elettricità a bassissimo costo. Quindi ognuno trae profitto.
15 feb 2018
14 mag 2018
100% completato
$10 470 208
100% berretto completato
berretto 3 000.00 ETH
Dettagli del token
Valute accettate
dettagli aggiuntivi
piattaforma, criptovaluta


Informazioni su MINER ONE

  • Pagamenti mensili Fino al 13%
    Ogni mese ricevi la tua parte di ciò che Miner One ha per il tempo in cui possiedi i tuoi token MIO.
  • Token a vita
    I token MIO sono validi per la vita del progetto & ndash; finché il settore minerario rimane redditizio.
  • 82% Community 18% Operazioni
    L'82 percento di tutti i token MIO sarà disponibile al pubblico durante il nostro Crowdsale.
  • Elettricità a bassissimo costo
    A EUR 0,065 / kWh, Miner One avrà le tariffe elettriche più basse in Europa.
  • La migliore posizione: Svezia
    Lule & aring ;, la Svezia è l'ideale in termini di elettricità a basso costo e stabilità degli approvvigionamenti, oltre al suo clima nordico che mantiene le apparecchiature al fresco.
  • Esperti del settore
    Miner One è gestito da esperti del settore dei data center leader che hanno quello che serve.
  • Volatilità del cuscinetto bitcoin
    Anche se BTC scende a $ 1500 e $ 2500, il tuo investimento in Miner One genera un rendimento annuo del 10% circa.
  • Aggiornamenti in corso
    Il 23 percento della produzione netta sarà reinvestito in nuove attrezzature per mantenere Miner One il più proficuo possibile.


I membri di Miner One Community contribuiscono alla costruzione di Minatore Uno centri minerari e condividere i loro risultati in modo trasparente ed equo utilizzando i contratti intelligenti basati su Ethereum. & nbsp;

Ogni membro della comunità riceve automaticamente l'accesso a regolari contabilità e rendicontazione trasparenti su tutti i costi e uscita.

% name% Roadmap

  • 2018.02.15

  • Official Miner One ICO
  • 2018.06.15

  • 1st block of mining equipment purchased, installed and placed in operation.
  • 2018.06.15

  • Miner One B-Wallet launch (iOS-, Android- & desktop-ready).
  • 2018.09.15

  • 2nd block of mining equipment purchased, installed and placed in operation.
  • Leggi di più
  • 2018.10

  • Miner One payment card available to Miner One Community Members.


verificata 27%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team

Pranas Slušnys
CEO and Co-Founder


$64 549 989

Jonas Udris
Legal Counsel and Co-Founder
Andrius Miron
Product Owner and Co-Founder
Gediminas Rimša
CTO - Token Architect
non verificato
Saulius Radvila
ITT Architect & Project Manager
non verificato
Andrius Gedvilas
Network Engineer, Expert, Architect
non verificato
Dovilas Kazlauskas
IT and System Administrator
non verificato
Jens Eriksson
Business Development Project Manager (Sweden)
non verificato
Genadijus Zverugo
Electrical Engineering Expert
non verificato


$10 475 081

Paulius Mažeika
Process Automation & System Administration
non verificato
Emilis Gutmanas
Datacenter Architect
non verificato


verificata 14%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team


$245 067 539

Eric James Downton
non verificato
Eric Elbar
non verificato


$56 475 081

Robertas Visinskis
non verificato
Alin Bittel
non verificato
Alexander Kulik
non verificato
Darius Udrys
Adel Saadi
non verificato

Ex membri

Romas Kazakevicius
System Administrator
Konstantin Goreev
Data Centre Maintenance Manager
Dan Eriksson
System & Software Developer and Automation Expert

MINER ONE Interviste

Pranas Slušnys
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Pranas has 20+ years of experience in the IT&T business and data centre construction and management with such companies as Atlax (Meninx Holding), Delfi, EasyTravel, Hostex (Telia Group), Microlink, RackRay (Interneto Vizija Group), and Salonium (Wahanda/Treatwell).
Jonas Udris
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Crowdfunding of a large projects using an ICO engine is a good way for everyone to participate in various enterprises worldwide directly, without participation of intermediaries, such as banks or brokers.
Andrius Miron
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Miner One is a great way to join digital currency future!
Darius Udrys
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Pleased to be advising on brand and business development. Distributed ledger technology holds great potential for our future and it's exciting to be a part of it.

MINER ONE Ultime novità

5.0 3
ICO Profilo Visione Attività Potenziale Prodotto Squadra

% name% Recensioni

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert

MINER ONE is a crowd funded crypto currency mining operations and managed by a team of data centre industry experts and professionals on behalf of the Miner One Community.


  • Cutting edge of mining hardware: The platform is able to negotiate heavily discounted prices for the mining  equipments directly with the manufactures enabling the users to easily purchase these tools from any store
  • Low electricity cost: The platform enables users to derive higher profits from its use as the equipments  have  low power consumptions which is supplemented by renewable sources of energy by most industries
  • Reliability: The platform ensure easy reach and maximum mining efficiency without compromising on security and reliability as the Miner One centers are located near a reliable source of electricity with the capacity to accommodate many equipments
  • Team: The platform team is made up of top notch experts and professionals engineers, security and construction experts and software developers to run the mining centers with the assistance of the CEO Pranas Slusnys
  • Security: All the equipments will be protected from extrusion ,hacking and DDOS attacks using network security firewalls and traffic filters managed by skilled network engineers hence ensuring uninterrupted functioning of the mining centers
  • Insurance: The equipments used in the mining centers are fully secured from any damage to prevent the occurrence of any loss by the users upon their purchase
  • The platform white paper is properly organized and detailed giving out the projected benefits of mining the crypto currency   and how the mining equipments are obtained and taking into account KYC before the token distribution


  • The platform specializes in Bitcoin mining neglecting the most  commonly used crypto currencies and fiat
  • The MIO token holders are likely to incur losses as the prices of the Bitcoin fluctuates year in year out
  • The platform equipments values declines as many miners get into the platform as the computing power requirement will be higher than the value that can be supported by the MIO token


  • The platform should implement hardware that requires less power consumption and provide more power back up from renewable  energy sources
  • The platform should implement the mining of other commonly used crypto currencies  and fiat


The platform use ensures that users can easily mine crypto currency through the affordable mining equipments however it doesn’t involve most of the commonly used crypto currencies and fiat hence hindering me from making investment in the platform.

Leggi di più
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