Midas Protocol

Midas Protocol

Created using Figma

Ultimo aggiornamento

16 mag 2018

Il trading di criptovalute può essere dispendioso in termini di tempo, tecnico e talvolta complicato anche con operatori esperti. Nessuno degli scambi di criptovalute esistenti fornisce strumenti adeguati e tipi di ordini avanzati per i propri utenti. I trader, specialmente quelli esperti che hanno abituato gli strumenti e i tipi di ordini avanzati su stock, future e opzioni e sul forex exchange, si sentono frustrati quando si tratta di scambi di criptovalute.
I commercianti di solito hanno più cripto-beni di diversi tipi, sparsi su più scambi e portafogli. È molto dispendioso in termini di tempo e difficile per i commercianti tracciare quali cripto-attività stanno facendo profitti o perdite e come il portafoglio complessivo sta facendo nel tempo.
  • Mercato
    Volume 24H
    24 ore (prezzo)
    24 ore (volume)
  • ProBit Global
    MAS/USDT 2 one year ago
    $ 0.0165
    $ 101.205 K
  • Vinex
    MAS/USDT 3 one year ago
    $ 0.0013
    $ 35.22
  • Vinex
    MAS/ETH 3 one year ago
    $ 0.0042
    $ 17.53
  • Vinex
    MAS/BTC 3 one year ago
    $ 0.0012
    $ 113.46
  • Hotbit
    MAS/ETH 3 one year ago
    $ 0.0049
    $ 69.337 K
  • Idex
    MAS/ETH 3 one year ago
    $ 0.0005
    $ 21.68
  • Hotbit
    MAS/BTC 3 one year ago
    $ 0.0018
    $ 5.221 K
  • BiKi
    MAS/ETH 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0044
    $ 986.56
  • BiKi
    MAS/BTC 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0046
    $ 1.156 K
  • Vinex
    MAS/TVND 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0206
  • Bamboo Relay
    MAS/WETH 4 one year ago
  • Kyber Network
    MAS/ETH 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0076
  • Bibox
    MAS/BTC 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0055
    $ 8.33
  • Tokenomy
    MAS/BTC 5 one year ago
  • Tokenomy
    MAS/ETH 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0132
  • Tokenomy
    MAS/TEN 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0019
  • Vinex
    MAS/TVND 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0138
  • Bibox
    MAS/ETH 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0060
    $ 519.47
Public ICO
1 lug 2018
15 lug 2018
100% completato
$3 770 005
hard cap
6% hard cap completato
berretto 500.00 ETH
Hard cap 18 000.00 ETH
Pioneers Sales
16 mag 2018
10 giu 2018
100% completato
$3 770 005
hard cap
22% berretto completato
berretto 5 000.00 ETH
Hard cap 18 000.00 ETH
Dettagli del token
dettagli aggiuntivi
Lista bianca

Di Midas Protocol

Piattaforma decentrata di gestione del portafoglio e delle risorse per tutti.

Il protocollo Midas ha riconosciuto questi numerosi problemi urgenti con l'investimento di criptovaluta oggi e offre una soluzione completa. Stiamo lanciando una piattaforma che consentirà agli investitori di acquistare, vendere, scambiare e spendere tutta una serie di cripto-asset in un'unica posizione. Forniamo uno strumento universale che aiuta la persona media senza molte conoscenze tecniche a prendere parte a questa rivoluzione.


Il protocollo Midas è una piattaforma intelligente creata per i cripto-operatori, dai neofiti agli esperti.

  • Un portafoglio crittografato, istantaneo / sempre aggiornato che memorizza vari tipi di criptovalute.
  • Una piattaforma intelligente per l'analisi e il trading direttamente dal portafoglio Midas, con i più alti standard di privacy e sicurezza. Le transazioni sono firmate localmente, il che significa che le chiavi private non vengono mai inviate all'esterno. Gli utenti non devono fidarsi di parti esterne, tra cui Midas, con i loro soldi.
  • Offri commercianti & rsquo; classifica da seguire / copiare commercio. Gli utenti possono ottenere premi con un portafoglio ROI ad alte prestazioni, o semplicemente iscriversi, seguire, copiare le strategie commerciali dai principali investitori / commercianti.
  • Spendi criptovalute su qualsiasi piattaforma di e-commerce che accetti il ​​pagamento tramite criptazione direttamente dal portafoglio di Midas.
  • Fornisci notizie e avvisi di mercato assistiti da AI -

Il nostro obiettivo è essere il portafoglio universale più intelligente per tutte le esigenze di crittografia essenziali, dalla custodia, trading intelligente, gestione del portafoglio, facile conversione in fiat e spesa di criptovalute. In definitiva, il protocollo Midas mira a consentire a tutti di creare un portafoglio di investimenti per un paniere personalizzato di cripto-beni.

% name% Roadmap

  • Q3/2018

  • Alpha launch MidasProtocol®
    • Wallet alpha release (support BTC, ETH, ERC20 tokens)
    • Basic Portfolio management
    • Kyber.Network integration
    • MidasProtocol® testnet
    • Atomic cross-chain transfers (testnet)
  • Q4/2018

  • Beta launch MidasProtocol®:
    • Advanced wallet (supports Nav,
    • Monero, Nano, Zerocoin protocol)
    • Advanced Portfolio Management
    • Multi-exchanges integration
    • MidasFoundation® voting starts (testnet)
    • Reward engine implementation (testnet)
  • Q1/2019

  • Launch MidasFoundation®:
    • MidasFoundation® release
    • Reward engine release
    • APIs for 3rd party bots and apps
    • ICO report & alert
  • Q2/2019

  • Tool for market analysis & prediction:
    • Atomic cross-chain trading release
    • Support advanced trading
    • Machine Learning & AI for advanced technical analysis
  • Leggi di più
  • Q3/2019 & Q1/2020

  • • Focus on growing community
    • MidasProtocol® and
    • MidasFoundation® Open APIs

Midas Protocol Squadra

verificata 100%

David Nguyen
Minh Chu
Long Phan
Phillip Phung
Ngoc Nguyen


verificata 80%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team


$16 223 716

Victor Tran


$5 270 005

Long Vuong


$3 770 005

Thuc Vu


$3 770 005

Giang Trinh
Nguyen Pham
non verificato

Midas Protocol Interviste

David Nguyen
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I'm Chairman and CFO for Midas Protocol. Excited than joining this A team to contribute to build the Crypto Ecosystem.
Minh Chu
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am CEO of Midas Protocol. Midas protocol is my brain-child project that I cherish for a long time. I want to create a top-of-its-class platform for traders/investors, which in turn would help to bring the decentralization ideal closer to reality and more mainstream. Users will keep their cryptos in their wallet, not in CEX's. To do that, they must have a much better system that allows them to trade/exchange/manage cryptos in a much more efficient and hassle-free way.
Long Phan
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am COO of Midas Protocol. I am proud and exited to join the journey building the great ecosystem
Phillip Phung
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Midas Protocol recognized these many pressing issues with cryptocurrency investment today, and is offering a complete solution. We are launching a platform that will allow investors to buy, sell, exchange and spend a whole array of crypto-assets all under one place. We provide a universal tool which helps the average person without much technical knowledge can take part in this revolution.
Ngoc Nguyen
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am MidasProtocol CTO. Our mission is to develop a decentralized multi-chain wallet, where the users could invest, trade and spend safely, conveniently and in a smart way
Victor Tran
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Long Vuong
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am an advisor of Midas. I try to help with marketing and strategy, super excited to be able to use the product later this year.
Thuc Vu
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am super excited about this project. I am advising them on various topics including how to apply AI and Algorithm in their trading activities.
Giang Trinh
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
With experiences in ecosystem contributing, venture investing, startup mentoring and platform building, I do hope to assist any startup joining MIDAS and actually learn from their genius.

Midas Protocol Ultime novità

$ 0.0002
Crypto Stats
Daily, %:
Weekly, %:
Monthly, %:
Market Info
Market Cap:
$ 75.851 K
Volume 24h:
$ 0.0005
Circ. Supply:
320 M MAS

% name% Recensioni

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert

MIDAS PROTOCOL is an intelligent platform that helps users  in the management and investment of crypto assets from anywhere and anytime.


  • The platform use helps traders limits risks and capture opportunities with many advanced order
  • The platform provides a leader board from which the users can see all the top traders ranked by their portfolio performance and growth  enabling them  to consider following  the best traders
  • The platform use frequently updates  users of mobile application by sending notifications about the market changes affecting the users portfolio  entailing a drop or rise in a cryptocurrency they are holding
  • The multi-coin wallet provided by the platform enables the users to  securely store various types of cryptocurrencies
  • The platform white paper is available in many languages promoting the project  use  in different countries
  • The platform has a credible team  with extensive experience   and roles  led by Dr. David Nguyen  Vu who is the  president of Vietnam Chamber of Commerce in Singapore and the CEO  who has all the skills necessary for the project implementation
  • The platform white paper is elaborate giving  full information to the users across the globe on the importance of the project in enabling investment in crypto assets


  • The platforms Midas token doesn’t guarantee the holders rights over the company
  • The users wallets are not permanently locked with the use of private keys  to prevent the occurrence of any loss
  • The platform success is highly dependent on the changes in the crypto markets which can affects the value of different crypto assets hence limiting investors


  • The  users  wallets should be  further protected from any cyber crimes and attack from hackers by the use of private keys or a combination of keys to prevent any loss
  • The use of Midas token should give the holders more rights over the company by enabling them to have a share of the dividends and profits from the company


The adoption of the Midas protocol platform enables user to easily manage and invest in crypto assets as they are able to access them under one platform making the project vital in compliance to different desires of the users. I would therefore invest in the project.

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Team & Advisors – 8/10
Roadmap – 7/10
Token Metrics – 8/10
Positive - for short term flip
Neutral - for long term hold

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