Ultimo aggiornamento
12 ago 2023
Aiming to provide everyone with equal access, less partiality, and greater profitability, Mega Token, with the ticker symbol of HPW for Hash Per Watt, has initiated the tokenization of the electrical and mining capacity of cryptocurrency mining farms.
Each token will equate to 1 watt of low-cost electricity from the capacity of cryptocurrency mining farms and is inclusive of all costs related to maintenance, human resources, overheads, and system and equipment upgrade.
With its comprehensive knowledge in cryptocurrency mining, TGA Co, the owner and custodian of this token, began its operations after carefully studying and selecting Asian countries which provide electricity at a low cost, but also have the potential to generate green energy.
This was to ensure sustainability, prosperity, and sustainable development, as well as the commitment to reducing the environmental impact of cryptocurrency mining, and eliminating geographical inequalities to make the industry more profitable. Through utilizing smart contracts, decentralized schemes, and the latest equipment, assets, and knowledge, Mega Token has provided everyone with the possibility of decentralized participation and collaboration in the world of cryptocurrency mining.
The HPW platform will get the following features:
• HPW will be available to all people of the world, regardless of location, time, or gender.
• HPW has enabled all people in the world to use the technology of mining technology by tokenizing the power of full watt.
• HPW uses cheap and renewable electricity and allows users to earn significant profits from mining.
• HPW provides easy and simple access to cryptocurrency users using smart mining contracts
• HPW prevents small farming problems by setting up a miner production and assembly plant
Q4 2022
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Q2 2023
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