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MechaChain is a 3D play to earn video game of robot combat called “Mechas” and space conquest.
Each Mecha is a collection of NFTs representing robot parts, which can be purchased online by blue card with the game’s crypto called Mechanium or in BSC.
I dati non sono disponibili
To be announced
dettagli aggiuntivi

Di MechaChain

- DAO-managed Growth fund: 8% company operation and marketing. - Staking rewards: 28% staking rewards for holders. - Play to Earn managed by the DAO: 22% to run the game's economy (player rewards) - Advisors: 5%. - Founders: 10% tokens for founders. - Dev studio: 5% tokens for collaborators and employees of the project, as well as for the development studio. - The Growth Fund and Play To Earn pools will be DAO managed.

$Mechanium: a rare mineral at the heart of galactic conflicts.

Its infinite energy potential makes the heart of mechas beat faster. Mechas, mechanium is the cryptocurrency at the heart of the MechaChain universe. Acquire it and join the foundation.

Your $Mechanium is used to :
  • Participate in battles and reward players.
  • Trade and repair your NFTs.
  • Receive earnings by renting your mecha.

A staking system will be available after the ICO allowing to reward holders.

MechaChain Ultime novità

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