Mech Infinity

Mech Infinity

Created using Figma
We are transforming the gaming industry for you to own your digital assets and rewards.
To be announced
dettagli aggiuntivi

Di Mech Infinity

The objective of this document is to provide a high-level overview of Mech Infinity, which is based on the Axie Infinity universe. We will introduce the project and our vision for prospective users, investors, stakeholders, content creators, developers, artists, and anyone interested in partaking in such an exhilarating project. The project will have three general stages:
  •   Video game development;
  •   Land, buildings and roles;
  •   Competitive system;
The document describes the three phases, the first phase will be executed and only when completed will the next phase be passed. Note: Deeper technical details are outside the scope of this document. This document is subject to changes depending on the leadership team of the Axie Infinity Builder program.

Our values

      Our goal is to create a video game with the following characteristics:
  •   First and foremost, it should be fun.
  •   Our video game should have a well-balanced economie: it should have adequate sources to provide liquidity to innovators and sources to strike that balance.
  •   Mech Infinity, from its inception, will have an ecosystem that will favor the development of eSport communities.

Mech Infinity Squadra

verificata 0%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team

Raphael Martinez
CEO/Founder of ConWiro
non verificato
Javier Dominguez
CTO/Founder ConWiro
non verificato
Orestes Suarez
Art director
non verificato
Lazaro Pinol
2D artist
non verificato
Alexander Gonzalez
Unity Developer
non verificato

Mech Infinity Ultime novità

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