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Di LiquidApps

LiquidApps aims to optimize development on the blockchain by introducing products and services that make developing decentralized apps (dApps) more efficient and scalable. LiquidApps launched a scaling solution for blockchain developers - a three-tier ecosystem called the DAPP Network.

The DAPP Network reportedly includes a provisioning layer of DAPP Service Providers (DSPs), who compete in a free market to provide services for developers building dApps. The DSPs provide a suite of tools such as extra storage capacity (vRAM), web oracles, free virtual accounts (vAccount), trustless/decentralized random numbers generator, and scheduled tasks services (CRON).

% name% Roadmap

  • The DAPP Token is the access token to the DAPP Network’s services & for LiquidApps’ first product - vRAM, which solves a critical bottleneck for decentralized application development. The DAPP Network is built to support numerous use cases that continue to simplify the ability of both developers and users to interact with decentralized technologies.

    As usage grows and the DAPP Network evolves, additional functionalities could emerge, such as:
    ● DAPP Lending: Enabling DAPP holders to lend their tokens to others, with a built-in expiration mechanism that removes the risk of default.
    ● vCPU: A simple solution for the offloading of CPU intensive processes from the main chain to child chains.
    ● RAM-less Accounts: A way to create RAM-free accounts on the EOS Blockchain, allowing for a free user on-boarding for the end-user.
    ● Variable Inflation: Enabling DAPP Token holders to collectively reset the DAPP Inflation rates.
    ● IBC: Inter-Blockchain Communication solutions.
    ● And more to come...

LiquidApps Squadra

verificata 0%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team

Beni Hakak
non verificato
Tal Muskal
non verificato


$138 650 320

Eyal Hertzog
non verificato
Galia Benartzi
Business Development
non verificato


$32 230 081

Business Development
non verificato
Miri Bickel
non verificato
Shimon Erlichman
non verificato
Yudi Levi
non verificato

LiquidApps Ultime novità

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