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3 gen 2019

LIQNET è un criptodexchange, che consente di lavorare con gli ordini di molti criptoexchange contemporaneamente, combinando la loro liquidità con la tecnologia LEN (Liquidity Exchange Network). LEN raccoglie e consolida gli ordini dallo scambio LIQNET e dai siti di terze parti in un unico book di ordini e li rende disponibili per la negoziazione a tutti i clienti LIQNET. Gli utenti possono effettuare transazioni ai prezzi più favorevoli con uno spread minimo e i proprietari dei token LEN ricevono condizioni speciali privilegiate.
15 dic 2018
15 feb 2019
100% completato
Fondi raccolti - nessun dato
Obbiettivo 20 000 000.00 USD
berretto 50 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 LEN
    1 USD
28 mag 2018
31 ago 2018
100% completato
Fondi raccolti - nessun dato
Hard cap 50 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 LEN
    0.66 USD
Dettagli del token
Offerta totale
Distribuzione di token
PreICO - 0.94%
ICO - 93.56%
Bounty campaign - 2%
Advisors - 3.5%
Valute accettate
Dettagli della Compagnia
Paese registrato
Struttura bonus
less than $10000: 60%;
from $10,001 to $49,999: 80%;
$50000 and more: 100%.
dettagli aggiuntivi
MVP / Prototipo
piattaforma, criptovaluta, Bancario

Di Liqnet

La base del progetto LIQNET è un criptodexchange sicuro. La liquidità per lo scambio è raccolta sia con metodi classici che con un meccanismo separato basato sulla tecnologia LEN del proprio design.

LEN è un meccanismo che ti consente di raccogliere e aggregare i dati API sulle richieste di acquisto / vendita da una varietà di criptoexchange situati in qualsiasi parte del mondo e forma un singolo book di ordini.

Le tecnologie LIQNET aggregano le richieste in un unico flusso, in modo che gli utenti possano effettuare transazioni ai prezzi più favorevoli con uno spread minimo. LEN crea un modello migliorato che fornisce ulteriore liquidità nel punto di incontro tra domanda e offerta. Di conseguenza, gli utenti di LIQNET lavorano con un unico book di ordini, in cui vengono presentati sia gli ordini dei clienti di questo scambio, sia gli ordini ritradotti da altri siti.

Il lato server della piattaforma LIQNET è un cloud privato, costituito da server fisici in diverse posizioni e terminali client. Tutti hanno subito test lunghi e approfonditi nel campo della sicurezza.

Nel crescente mercato delle criptovalute, la vendita di token di LIQNET è una delle poche opzioni che gli investitori possono immettere nel mercato e nei servizi di cryptoexchange attraverso un progetto già pronto. LIQNET non è solo un'idea: è un vero prodotto pronto all'uso. Attraverso la tokenizzazione, sarà in grado di aumentare i suoi vantaggi competitivi e permetterà al progetto di svilupparsi in modo esponenziale.

ICO con un prodotto finito & mdash; prova il nostro prodotto adesso!
Il trading è & nbsp; accessibile tramite un & nbsp; unico terminale web professionale che comprende:
- Un & nbsp; grafico con una moltitudine di & nbsp; strumenti per l'analisi tecnica
- Tutti i tipi di & nbsp; ordini e le relative politiche di esecuzione
- Strumenti per scalping trading, marketmaking, ecc.

Vantaggi dei titolari di token

I titolari di token LEN ricevono uno sconto fino al 90% sulle commissioni dello scambio e ottengono l'accesso al servizio di voto utilizzato su un numero di questioni chiave, tra cui l'aggiunta di coppie di trading e la distribuzione delle commissioni ricevute.

% name% Roadmap

  • Dec 2017

  • The prototype of liquidity aggregator core
  • Apr 2018

  • Beta testing
  • Apr-May 2018

  • Possibility of high-quality order processing
  • May-Aug 2018

  • MetaTrader5 integration
  • Leggi di più
  • Q3–Q4 2018

  • Multifunctional online wallet launching with automatic distribution of funds depending on the chosen trading strategy
  • Q1 2019

  • The launch of margin trading
  • Q1-Q2 2019

  • Own Stablecoin release
  • Q2 2019

  • Launch of internet acquiring, trading instruments / trading of deliverable futures improving
  • Q3 2019

  • Merchant acquiring service launch
  • Q3-Q4 2019

  • Improved Stablecoin version release

Liqnet Squadra

verificata 100%

Roman Shirokov
Co-founder and CEO
Vyacheslav Kasatkin
Evgeniy Tarasenko
Co-founder and CTO
Andrey Aydishev
Andrey Lazarev
Ksenia Shirokova
System analyst
Stanislav Elishev
Business analyst
Maxim Bezmen
Anton Schneider


verificata 33%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team

12 ICOs

$86 322 281

Theodosis Mourouzis


$27 900 000

Stylianos Kampakis

10 ICOs

$26 799 547

Daniil Morozov
non verificato


$2 184 800

Jonathan Fianu
non verificato
William Bryant
non verificato


$595 321

Oleg Firer
non verificato


$8 612 241

Per Lind
non verificato

18 ICOs

$82 851 412

Roman Karimov
Irina Sludneva
non verificato

Ex membri

27 ICOs

$43 209 175

Krystelle Galano

Liqnet Interviste

Roman Shirokov
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am CEO at LIQNET. LIQNET is a cryptoexchange that aggregates liquidity from various platforms thus solving the problem of the splitting of users and their trading orders by forming a unified order book with the best market depth and prices.
Vyacheslav Kasatkin
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
We have been working long and hard for it. I took part in making algorithms and trading microstructure.
Evgeniy Tarasenko
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I think that everybody wins with LIQNET.
Andrey Aydishev
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
This is very promising project. From technical point of view I'm very interested in improving myself with LIQNET.
Andrey Lazarev
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Ksenia Shirokova
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am chief analytics officer at LIQNET.
Stanislav Elishev
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
From economic point of view gathering quotes and matching trades across distinct venues are favorable vector of cryptocurrency market's development, because it provides higher level of market effiency and thus drifts the market closer to traditional exchanges. Consequantly, there will be great opportunities for every person to trade cutting edge financial instruments if we run Liqnet!
Maxim Bezmen
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am CMO at LIQNET. Our project is amazing
Anton Schneider
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
We are all united and inspired by a single common cause, with the team members being on the same page about how to further it. Each project stakeholder is not just a professional but part of a team, which is why we are moving forward in a concerted and swift manner.
Theodosis Mourouzis
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Great idea for solving liquidity and transparency problems in crypto exchanges.
Stylianos Kampakis
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I think Liqnet is the idea that was missing from crypto-exchanges! I am looking forward to the ICO!
Krystelle Galano
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am an ICO Advisor and I am responsible in marketing such as Linkedin,Facebook,Twitter so, mostly on social media platforms.
Roman Karimov
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I joined that project for providing consulting services aimed at developing the company and improving the attractiveness, overall impression and reliability of the project. I also help the project connect with potential investors and attract of investments, using my own contacts and databases.
What do you think about idea?
Liqnet is a secure cryptocurrency exchange which unites liquidity from different platforms. Liqnet solves the problems of scattering and splitting of users, their assets, trading requests, and orders by uniting liquidity streams from different platforms into one order book.

Liqnet Ultime novità

5.0 3
ICO Profilo Visione Attività Potenziale Prodotto Squadra

% name% Recensioni

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert


This is a cryptocurrency exchange platform with a unique liquidity pooling system. It allows users to unite different platforms and solve the problems of scattering of users, trading request and orders thus forming a unified book with better market depth.


  • The platform ensures secure cryptocurrency exchange  as it collects liquidity using both classic  and a standalone mechanism that uses the in-house LEN technology
  • The platform creates a unified book  through the LEN mechanism enabling the users to collect and combine data on request to sell or buy from many cryptocurrency exchange located anywhere in the globe
  • The platform servers employed are private cloud  composed of physical servers in several locations and client terminals  guaranteeing the security of the user’s information
  • The platform is user-friendly as the  use of LENS eliminates any negotiation with the competitors  by providing all the interactions through the existing public APIs
  • The platform has a mobile application which is supported by Andriod and IOS  suited for desktop and smart phone users enabling them  to carry out easy  and efficient cryptocurrency  exchange
  • The  platform team involved is adequate and has the skills and experience necessary for the project execution as  they have worked in most of the crypto currency projects right from the CEO Vyacheslav Kasatkin
  • The platform white paper  is  well highlighted   and has all the necessary  information required by the users on the project  implications  in the crypto market


  • The  platform LEN token doesn’t incentivize the users by giving them more rights over the company
  • The platform has fewer advisors involved
  • The  users can easily lose their wallets in case they  lose the private keys


  • The platform should include more advisors to foresee the project progress
  • The  use of LEN token should provide the users with more rights over the company by being involved in the project decisions and having a share of the overall profits generated
  • The platform should  highlight the amount  of funds raised by the token during the pre-ICO stage with adequate security measures to prevent any loss


The platform use promotes the expansion of the cryptocurrency market enabling users to easily exchange different cryptocurrencies with the provision of liquidity pooling system. However I would not invest in this project as the value of the crypto currency highly depends on the market demands.

Leggi di più
Jeremy Khoo
Group CEO | Blockchain Entrepreneur | VeChain ICO Partner | Fund Partner | Exchange Founder |

This is a challenging product to bring to market the market but the idea in itself is innovative. If executed flawlessly, this is a necessary element to crypto market on the whole.

Leggi di più
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