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LIFE is creating an innovative multi-chain non-custodial wallet with the ability to send crypto via simple @nickname.
To be announced
Dettagli del token
Offerta totale
Distribuzione di token
Reserve 8%
Liquidity 6%
Operations 6%
Advisors 6%
Token sale 34%
Staking tokens 20%
Team 12%
Marketing 8%
dettagli aggiuntivi
piattaforma, portafoglio


LIFE offers one of the most competitive single asset staking platforms in the market, with flexible earning and time period options, all fully secured by audited smart contracts.

The LIFE token is the key to the entire LIFE ecosystem. It plays a vital role in staking, app functionality, retail purchases, bank transfers, and debit card transactions.

LIFE's vision is to bridge crypto with everyday transactions in the real world, while adding the simplicity of username identification and versatility of a multi-chain wallet.


Address verification
To send crypto, one must copy and paste a long string of arbitrary numbers and characters and verify that it’s the correct address before sending.

Complicated onboarding of cryptocurrency users in the initial stages means many potential users do not get involved.

No ownership
Custodial services do not allow users to be in full control of their digital assets.

% name% Roadmap

  • 2022 Q4 & Beyond

  • - Username Registration Platform
    - Wallet Light Mode
    - Bitcoin Support
    - Embedded Web Browser
    - LIFE DEX Swap
    - On/Off Ramp
    - More Layer1 (MATIC, AVAX, HBAR, CCD, FTM, FUSE)
    - LIFE Debit Card
    - LIFE Charity Actions
  • Completed

  • - iOS/Android App Launched
    - Complete Website Design Overhaul
    - ETH / BSC Staking Platforms
    - Multi-chain Support
    - Username Feature
    - Bridge
  • Completed

  • - Uni-Lend Finance
    - Bridge Oracle Partnership
    - Gate Partnership
    - MEXC Partnership
    - Coinify and SWFT Partnerships
    - Verasity Partnership

LIFE Squadra

verificata 0%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team

Big Dawg Crypto
Chief Executive Officer
non verificato


verificata 0%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team

Konstantin Casparov
Senior Advisor
non verificato
Max Tortola
Advisor & Community Manager
non verificato

LIFE Ultime novità

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