Lendr Network

Lendr Network

Created using Figma
An interest-free lending platform for an inflation-proof stablecoin and flatcoins.
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Di Lendr Network

Lendr Network is a decentralized governance-free lending protocol offering interest-free loans for on-chain real-world assets (RWAs), including the inflation-proof stablecoin LendrUSD (USDL).

The Lendr Network has won 1st place from 1INCH at the BNB Chain 2023 Hackathon and 1st Place from Truflation at the Spring 2023 Chainlink Hackathon.

We are an enhanced/improved fork of the extremely successful Liquity Protocol (LUSD and LQTY). We have taken their proven system and have added:

- An innovative inflation-proof stablecoin (flatcoin) LendrUSDL (USDL)
- Multiple decentralized on-chain real worlds assets (RWAs) including stablecoins for gold, real estate, oil/gas, healthcare, etc.
- Significantly lower barriers to entry (lowered minimum debt positions)
- Plans to create a multi-chain lending ecosystem
- and other improvements

The Lendr Network ecosystem is designed to be fully decentralized and governance-free, relying on immutable public smart contracts that are open source and security audited.

% name% Roadmap

  • Current Plans

  • Launch BSC Mainnet Application and Tokens
    Launch ETH Mainnet Application and Tokens
    CG/CMC Listings
    Major CEX Listings
    DeFi Partnerships
  • Future Plans

  • Researching New Stablecoin Index Tokens to Create
    Additional Exchange Listings
    Additional DeFi Partnerships
    Expansion to Additional Blockchains
    Expansion of the Lendr Team
    V2 Lendr Platform
    Additional Product Offerings
    Increased Decentralization
  • Done

  • 1st Place Win in the Binance BNB Chain Hackathon (1inch Network)
    1st Place Win in the Chainlink Hackathon (Truflation)
    Presale Marketing Plan Created
    ETH Testnet Application Launched
    BSC Testnet Application Launched
    Expand Team
    Preparation of Customer Facing Information (documentation, website, social media, etc.)
    Technical Specifications Created
    Initial Product Research and Planning
    Initial Business Plan and Company Creation

Lendr Network Squadra

verificata 0%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team

Nathaji Metivier
non verificato
Aya Yagi
non verificato

Lendr Network Ultime novità

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