Kepler Token

Kepler Token

Created using Figma

Ultimo aggiornamento

5 apr 2019

La tecnologia Kepler è dedicata allo sviluppo di un universo di rete sociale equo, semplice e affidabile che contribuirà a trasformare idee innovative in realtà portando le persone in tutto il mondo a lavorare insieme.
avvertimento potrebbe essere una truffa
ICO Sale
22 mag 2018
21 nov 2018
100% completato
$13 700 000
3.4 K
hard cap
91% hard cap completato
Obbiettivo 5 000 000.00 USD
berretto 5 000 000.00 USD
Hard cap 15 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 KEP
    0.05 USD
Dettagli del token
Valute accettate
Dettagli della Compagnia
Paese registrato
dettagli aggiuntivi
MVP / Prototipo
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piattaforma, Formazione scolastica

Di Kepler Token

Informazioni su Kepler Technologies

Viviamo in un'era che è sempre più influenzata dai progressi tecnologici. I loro ruoli e importanza nella nostra vita quotidiana sono diventati sempre più significativi e in molti casi inseparabili. E così anche le crescenti influenze di quelle società che controllano la più grande quota di mercato. Queste influenze hanno limitato la partecipazione complessiva della comunità allo sviluppo di soluzioni tecnologiche, relegandole al ruolo di semplice cliente, mentre il profitto e la ricchezza sono divisi solo tra le società.

L'obiettivo principale della gestione di Kepler, oltre alla produzione di soluzioni robotiche e di intelligenza di valore, è la creazione di un sistema di distribuzione della ricchezza decentralizzato attraverso l'innovazione tecnologica che darà forma al futuro dell'umanità, la robotica. Immagina se i creatori di Internet avessero deciso di condividere il suo meccanismo di creazione di ricchezza con il mondo invece di lasciarlo nelle mani di organizzazioni aziendali che si concentrano solo sull'accumulo di ricchezza personale. Immagina che se Internet fosse stata come la blockchain, decentralizzata e distribuita, gli utenti avrebbero beneficiato dei propri dati.

Prevedendo una tale eventualità basata sulle tendenze attuali, il team di gestione di Kepler sta creando un'economia di mercato equa che distribuirà equamente i profitti agli utenti. Kepler si basa sul più alto livello di trasparenza, responsabilità e responsabilità aziendale. Il team di gestione fornirà regolarmente (almeno) rapporti biennali dettagliati sullo stato e i progetti della società.

Kepler risolve una delle principali sfide di afflizione dell'umanità; rivoluzione tecnologica. Sostenuto da un team tecnico composto da importanti menti scientifiche, Kepler produrrà tecnologie ultramoderne, faciliterà l'accesso facile a loro e creerà una piattaforma per lo sviluppo di scoperte scientifiche e tecniche per il futuro.

Comprendiamo che una cosa è venire fuori con un'idea rivoluzionaria e un'altra per implementarla. Questo è il motivo per cui abbiamo coinvolto le competenze di dirigenti leader, informatici, luminari della robotica, esperti di contabilità, autorità legali e specialisti della blockchain.


Piattaforma & nbsp;

KEPLER è una piattaforma che fornisce un ecosistema di servizi attraverso un'interfaccia facile da usare, che collega entusiasmanti robotica e startup AI agli investitori, consentendo nel contempo piena trasparenza e tracciabilità degli investimenti. I servizi di KEPLER includono uno scambio interno per convertire le principali valute crittografiche e fiat in KEP, un portafoglio integrato per archiviare e investire facilmente, un esploratore per tracciare gli investimenti in modo trasparente, strumenti per connettere le startup con tutti gli attori coinvolti nel settore degli investimenti e modelli di contratti intelligenti per condurre campagne di raccolta fondi.

La piattaforma KEPLER mira a creare una piattaforma di mercato globale per investire in robot e alta tecnologia attraverso un portale trasparente e decentralizzato controllato e gestito dagli investitori. Kepler utilizzerà analisi, dati scientifici e algoritmi predittivi per offrire agli investitori opportunità di investimento uniche attraverso risorse tokenizzate. La rete garantirà la liquidità di questi token sostenendola con beni tangibili come terreni, cantieri, attrezzature di laboratorio ad alta tecnologia, prodotti, know-how tecnico.

La piattaforma KEPLER e il token KEP sono concepiti e sviluppati in collaborazione con il Global Partner del MIT: Tech Park Georgia e GITA (Georgian Innovations and Technology Agency), organizzazione sostenuta dal governo che fungerà da incubatore di imprese intermedie per le startup di successo sviluppate usando la piattaforma KEPLER. Fin dalla sua istituzione, il team GITA di 21 professionisti ha lavorato con oltre 149 startup e ha dimostrato competenza nella capacità di creare partnership di alto livello tra startup, angel investors e fondi di venture capital.

Informazioni tecniche

Token KEP è il token ERC20 che mira a diventare il metodo preferito per investire in modo trasparente attraverso la blockchain di Ethereum e per accedere all'ecosistema di servizi forniti dalla piattaforma Kepler. L'adozione di criptovalute avrà un impatto sul nostro modo di fare investimenti classici e p2p in high-tech, robotica e intelligenza artificiale. KEP è pronta a svolgere un ruolo di primo piano in questa nuova era di raccolta fondi.

Il token compatibile ERC20 può essere utilizzato per finanziare idee su Kepler Universe Platform, acquistare robot, licenze, servizi di abbonamenti per l'intelligenza artificiale e prodotti in tutte le altre iniziative di partnership. KEP consentirà inoltre ai possessori di token di investire in robotica attraverso i suoi programmi di incubatori e acceleratori di piattaforme, che innescheranno nuovi sviluppi tecnologici e accumuleranno enormi entrate, sia per gli investitori di token che per gli investitori di progetti. L'adozione di criptovalute avrà un impatto sul nostro modo di fare investimenti classici e p2p in high-tech, robotica e intelligenza artificiale. KEP è pronta a svolgere un ruolo di primo piano in questa nuova era di raccolta fondi.

% name% Roadmap

  • October 2016

  • -Gathering of Kepler Technologies Leading Team
  • January 2017

  • -Starting to prepare Keplertek Lab
  • March 2017

  • -Start R&D, working on Kepler Robotics
  • October 2017

  • - Preparations to launch ICO
  • Leggi di più
  • February 2018

  • - Start community building stage
  • May 2018

  • - Token pre-sale
  • June 2018

  • - ICO
  • July 2018

  • - Listing of KEP on major exchanges. contribution of 550 000 sq.meter of land from Georgia Government to Kepler Technologies JS
  • Q1 2019

  • - Strong international network
  • Q2 2019

  • - Kepler branch opens all continents
  • Q3 2019

  • - Kepler Blockchain

Kepler Token Squadra

verificata 91%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team


$16 010 008

Giorgi Topuria
Givi Dolidze
Mari Shubalidze
Head of HR
Chu Le Tan
Head of Sales Operations & Strategy
Jaba Komakhidze
Tako Kvernadze
Graphic Designer
Ani Gabaidze
Office Manager


$13 921 786

Allan Dacunos
Community Manager
Vano Tvauri
Lead Developer
Toko Xucishvili
Web Developer
Behzad Anousha
Blockchain Expert
non verificato


verificata 100%


$13 700 000

Kirill Kazakov

15 ICOs

$60 539 337

Simon Choi

45 ICOs

$86 873 133

Jason Hung
Reuben Godfrey

10 ICOs

$16 559 175

Rumen Slavchov

Ex membri

Assylbek Momynov
Director - Kepler City
Levan Gabisonia
Technical Director
David Chitaishvili
Tika Nadareishvili
Head Of PR
Archil Nasrashvili
Lasha Gabidzashvili
Financial Analyst
Giorgi Kepashvili
North American Representative
Khatuna Gvetadze
Shajid Mahmood
Community Manager
George Chantladze
Head Of Internal Audit


$3 170 000

Shohel Alam
Data Analyst
Mohammad Bozorgi
Davit Nozadze

Kepler Token Interviste

Giorgi Topuria
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Founder and CEO of the Kepler Technology. Responsible for all the operations within the company, including planning, investing, executing, controlling and developing stages of the company lifecycle
Givi Dolidze
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
My responsibilities within Kepler Technology lies within creating and developing the Business Model of the company and ensuring that it will be appropriately implemented and adhered. Simultaneously I will be responsible for selecting and implementing appropriate financial systems within the company
Davit Nozadze
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
David is Phd candidate of social Commerce at GTU. He studied and did part of his Phd research in Aalen University, Germany. Co-founder of NGO and 2 startups in Georgia David is inspired and motivated entrepreneur with years of work experience in European and international teams.
Mari Shubalidze
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
For me, working in Keplertek is not only the job, but very big opportunity to develop technologies and help the world to create bright future.
Chu Le Tan
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Chu Le is an MBA graduate from IE Business School in Madrid, one of the top 10 business schools in the world. With extensive experience in financial services industry, Chu Le has demonstrated strong sales acumen and success. She has exceptional ability in cold market prospecting and developing profitable relationships with a wide range of clientele. Spearheading our Sales Operations and Strategy team, Chu Le is responsible for the development of strategic relationship within the business ecosystem.
Jaba Komakhidze
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Graduated with honors from Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, studying Business Administration and Management, Jaba’s strong analytics skills have always separated him from his peers. His vast experience in sales and marketing led to growth and increased sales of number in several Georgian companies.
Tako Kvernadze
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Tamari Kvernadze is a Graphic Designer , she has graduated from Georgian Technical University , faculty of Architecture, Urban planning and Design in Tbilisi , also attended IT Academy –Computer Graphics and Animation. Tamar has shown strong abillities and creative urges in creating graphic works for our company, she is responsible for developing and visualizing Posts for social media, Brandbook , media kit, marketing kit and further graphic works.
Ani Gabaidze
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Ani is natural multitasker who takes care dozens of responsibilities. She really enjoys working with a wide variety of people to achieve a common goal efficiently and realistically. Ani believes, a lot more can be achieved through communication than through conflict.
Tika Nadareishvili
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Communications expert with background in corporate banking, networking, and programming. Tinatin understands the import of establishing direct channels of communication with the community for any product or service. As head of Kepler Public Relations, Tinatin will be developing direct channels of communications with the community to address any and all concerns, and keep investors abreast of all developments
Allan Dacunos
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am one of the community managers of keplertek. This project is one of the best if not the best project of 2018. If you can speak of blockchain, AI, and Robotics in a single breathe you know you're in for something spectacular.
Levan Gabisonia
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Founded the first Robotics and Electronics Academy in Georgia. Managed Industrial Innovation Laboratories at Technology Park Georgia. Founder&CEO SMART System Solution and Publishing Company - LIMES LLC. Author of one of the best seller Physics book in Georgia.
Lasha Gabidzashvili
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Responsible for financial analysis in the project. Enthusiastic to be part of the project, which will improve every day lives of individuals globally.
Vano Tvauri
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Vano is a proficient and prolific frontend developer whose goal is to develop and deploy turnkey solutions for the 21st century.
Toko Xucishvili
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Toko is an extremely skilled and enterprising web developer who fluently ‘speaks’ well over 10 different computer languages and posses a knack for creating web-based solutions for real-world problems.
Kirill Kazakov
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Kepler is AI & Robotics Ecosystem
powered by Blockchain. My role:

- I help to creating a Brand;
- I help to development of a value proposition;
- I help to make a business model;
- I help to make a Marketing strategy;
- I help to make a Product strategy
Simon Choi
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Fintech, Blockchain & Global ICO Lawyer Legal Expert in connecting the World and China Prof Simon Choi, solicitor and linguist, is an international lawyer, qualified to practise law in England & Wales and in Hong Kong, China. Simon graduated from law schools of the Peking University, the University of London and the University of Hong Kong respectively, with an in-depth knowledge of Chinese laws and common laws and with more than 20 years experience in China practice and international trade, investment, finance, merger & acquisition. He is an adjunct professor of laws at the Zhongnan University of Economics and Law. Writer of Simon Says: Specialised in Cyber Law: Internet law; cross border commerce; ICO; cyber-currency; blockchain; online gambling, casino, lottery law; information technology law; telecommunication law; China Practice: commercial law, economic law, foreign investment law, investment law, Joint Ventures (JV) and Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise (WFOE); and International Business Law: international economic law, such as international law relating to investment and finance; mergers and acquisitions; equity investment; debt investment; project financing; international trade; international sale of goods.
Jason Hung
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Excellent project!
Reuben Godfrey
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Great project with a leader who listens to the great team he has assembled. Georgia has a very bright future.
Rumen Slavchov
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?

Kepler Token Ultime novità

5.0 17
ICO Profilo Visione Attività Potenziale Prodotto Squadra

% name% Recensioni

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert

KEPLER TECHNOLOGIES is an Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotics ecosystem powered by block chain that enables the development and production of AI, aerobatics and bringing individuals together with smart, innovative and creative technological ideas.


  • Easy entry : The platform promotes easy entry of the users  as it involves minimal requirements where different users are registered under specific groups  based on  the goals and background for faster production
  • Increased expertise: The platform brings together different technicians  and  developers  under the Kepler universal platform  leading to  the creation of a wide revolutionary of products and team
  • Lower cost: The platform token KEP enables the users holders  to directly purchase any product developed by Kepler at affordable prices
  • Security: The users are provided with a full package of services  that are highly protected  from any cybercrimes and attack from third party  via state of art technology hence promoting the pleasant and productive stay
  • Simple and reliable: The users easily interact via the platform  in a simple and affordable manner enabling the wide spread  of ideas leading to the creation of more products within the platform
  • World class team: The platform has a good team with credible qualifications  in their respective fields with the help of the founder Giorgi Topuri who has entrepreneurial experience having started  the worlds first block chain based robotics and incubator company


  • The token exchangeable with the KEP in the platform is not specified
  • The project team missing in the whitepaper
  • The token users  are not guaranteed of any  commissions upon its purchase


  • Include the common crypto currencies exchangeable with the platform KEP token
  • Include the involved team in the project whitepaper


Leggi di più
By Ross Peili


All of the initial Kepler team members have multi-year expertise in their respective fields and the top names have worked and/or are also working with governmental institutions in Georgia and abroad.

The project itself is backed by the Georgian government as part of the National Reform Policy. Kepler’s international network consists of a ‘Mega Factory’, R&DlLab, education Campus and the online DLT based platform.

Of course, it is not a small task to compete with already well-established blockchain-backed projects that are similar or even identical when it comes to Kepler’s vision, but for now, the company shows professionalism and thirst for disruption.


From an investor’s perspective, the following facts are important to consider when weighing Kepler Technologies:

  • Kepler is a physical level asset-backed company; therefore a huge portion of the funds will be used to develop their vision and products. Traditional shares found in blockchain-based monetary systems may not apply here. -2
  • 257,000,000 KEP tokens is a significant number of units to be distributed among the company’s needs and individual investors. Other tokens with similar supply barter at a cost ranging from several cents to a couple of dollars even after months and years since their creation. Kepler’s initial price will be set around $1 USD. Based on statistics it’s price will either decline or stay about the same after the launch. -1
  • The company itself will struggle to outperform technologies that have been already under the wings of Japanese and U.S. robotic experts. They will need a real ace plan to convince professional investors into their path since Kepler is focused on physical products. -2

Growth Opportunity

  • On the other hand, focusing on Robotics and AI as their main plan, Kepler Technologies, unlike their competitors who research the same field as a “side project,” may have a significant advantage over the average Robotics project. +3
  • Georgia’s government is backing innovative start-ups in order to upscale the region’s social level. Kepler is one of the first technology companies in Georgia with an international presence. +2
  • Besides being a strategic midpoint between west and east, Georgia is also part of the WTO program, which enables the free flow of trade at low tariff costs. This could be beneficial as the Robotics and AI industries take off and Georgia is in the lead in terms of innovation and product development +2
  • Georgia is rich in materials used in Robotics and Technological products, providing yet another competitive advantage for future development.  +2.5


Robotics may be a field that lacks excessive funding, but we should be aware that there are dozens of companies that are already one step ahead of the game including Honda, Toyota, Boston Dynamics and General Electric to name a few.

Kepler Technologies may have an innovative vision of the future, but they are also another ERC-20 Ethereum Network based token that may struggle to unlock growth opportunities in a highly competitive market.

A score of 4.5 out of 10 is reserved for Kepler Technologies, based on present facts.

Leggi di più
Jeremy Khoo
Group CEO | Blockchain Entrepreneur | VeChain ICO Partner | Fund Partner | Exchange Founder |

Another strong commercial project with a good team and product to boot. Seems to be an important project to bridge blockchain to a significant use case, although the music of terminator salvation seems to be the soundtrack when I read this. Cough *skynet* Cough.

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