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Ultimo aggiornamento

22 gen 2018

Jizzcoins (JCN) è un token 18+ multiuso per un ecosistema di servizi di intrattenimento digitale online per adulti. Con il token JCN, tutti all'interno e all'esterno dell'ecosistema beneficiano automaticamente del decentramento in modo sostenibile. Il token JCN è basato sulla blockchain di Ethereum (compatibile ERC20) che utilizza contratti intelligenti per automatizzare il flusso di blockchain all'interno del proprio ecosistema live 18+.
10 feb 2018
10 apr 2018
100% completato
Fondi raccolti - nessun dato
  • 1 JCN
    0.001 ETH
Early bird Crowdsale
1 feb 2018
10 feb 2018
100% completato
Fondi raccolti - nessun dato
  • 1 JCN
    0.001 ETH
Jizzcoins (JCN) ICO
10 gen 2018
10 apr 2018
100% completato
Fondi raccolti - nessun dato
Early bird at presale
10 gen 2018
20 gen 2018
100% completato
Fondi raccolti - nessun dato
  • 1 JCN
    0.001 ETH
Dettagli del token
Valute accettate
Dettagli della Compagnia
Paese registrato
Czech Republic
dettagli aggiuntivi

Di Jizzcoins

Informazioni su Jizzcoins

Questa è una ICO - Initial Coin Offering - che non puoi perdere! È il creatore di denaro caldo, innovativo, divertente e ad alto potenziale per tutti coloro che amano acquistare token criptati. Vi presentiamo JCN - Jizzcoins, un token 18+ multiuso che presto verrà eseguito su di esso l'innovativo ecosistema di intrattenimento per adulti, che sarà potenziato dalla tecnologia blockchain.

Costruito come un token di utilità multiuso Ethereum ERC-20 supportato da un potente framework di contratti intelligenti open source. Offriamo una proposta di valore unica a qualsiasi titolare di token per partecipare a nuove applicazioni basate sulla tecnologia che risolvono i problemi che l'industria dell'intrattenimento per adulti online sta affrontando.

I nostri prodotti sono pronti e innovativi; e il nostro modello di business per tutti i gruppi target è gratificante, realistico e tuttavia ancora redditizio. In definitiva, siamo un gruppo di entusiasti imprenditori tecnologici, con la visione condivisa ea lungo termine di capitalizzare su questo mercato redditizio con prodotti innovativi.

In questo white paper leggerai di più sul nostro piano per incorporare la tecnologia blockchain nel nostro ecosistema di intrattenimento per adulti


Ecosistema 18+ pienamente operativo

Dopo l'ICO inizieremo a sviluppare più siti di prodotto e DAPP elencati nella nostra Jizzcoins Roadmap

& nbsp;

Informazioni tecniche

All'interno del nostro ecosistema live 18+ stiamo attualmente utilizzando un meccanismo di token ed ewallet sul sito. Col tempo questo meccanismo verrà sostituito da una blockchain privata e da contratti intelligenti e collegato alla nostra blockchain Jizzcoins (JCN) pubblica.

Questo è richiesto a causa delle future fluttuazioni dei prezzi, una volta che i token JCN sono elencati negli scambi crittografici.

Il nostro obiettivo principale è connettere e aprire posizioni di voyeur sulla nostra piattaforma e coinvolgere i nostri gruppi di utenti con funzioni di conio e gamification.

Tutti i nostri contenuti live verranno monetizzati sui propri siti di prodotto, le intergrazioni con i partner (API) in cui tutti gli utenti dell'ecosistema beneficeranno automaticamente del decentramento in modo sostenibile.

Ulteriori creeremo lo scambio di token JCN.XXX (scambio di token JCN) dove i nostri gruppi di utenti possono acquistare, vendere, guadagnare e coniare gettoni JCN.

% name% Roadmap

  • November 2017

  • Prepare the ICO (setup ico.jizzcoins.com)
    Design the ICO JCN smart contracts
    Beta test period Clickctrl.com (CPA offers)
    Managed Voyeur location Brno (Czech Republic) operational
  • December 2017

  • JCN - Jizzcoins ICO site online ico.jizzcoins.com
    Soft launch Villavoyeur.comrunning on a new middleware media server
    Activate the free tokens feature
    Create the JCN smart contracts
  • January 2018

  • Deploy the JCN smart contracts
    ICO and bounty marketing
    Architecting the new streaming engine
  • February 2018

  • ICO and bounty marketing
    Prepare the cloud server infrastructure for growth and scalability
    Increase the localization of the product sites
    Prepare the incorporation of the Amsterdam business unit
    Development of the new scoring and gamification algorithms
    Development of the new streaming engine
  • Leggi di più
  • March 2018

  • ICO and bounty marketing
    Attend EU/US conferences and trade shows for partnerships
    Start hiring process of additional employees
    Migration to the new streaming engine
    Analyses of hardware requirements for remote voyeur locations
  • April 2018

  • End JCN - Jizzcoins ICO
    JCN token enlisting initiated on Crypto Exchanges
    Architecting and planning Vooyeur.com
    Architecting and planning the Voyeur API
    Deployment additional payment service provider
  • May 2018

  • Attend EU conferences and trade shows for partnerships
    Development Vooyeur.com
    Development voyeur API
    Architecting the JCN Token Exchange
    Integrate partner's live feeds into our 18+ ecosystem
    Start hiring process of the Amsterdam business unit
  • June 2018

  • Attend EU conferences and trade shows for partnerships
    Development of the JCN Token Exchange
    Beta testing Vooyeur.com
    Plan to open 2nd managed voyeur location
    Start hiring process for employees 2nd managed voyeur location
    Architecting media dataset minting
    Start the "Connect Your Location" plan
  • July 2018

  • Development of the JCN Token Exchange
    Development media dataset minting algorithm
    Prepare the 2nd managed voyeur location
    Property scouting for remote voyeur locations (worldwide)
    Beta testing Vooyeur.com
  • August 2018

  • Launch Vooyeur.com
    Deployment media dataset minting algorithm
    Start connecting remote voyeur locations
    Property scouting for remote voyeur locations (worldwide)
    Development of the JCN Token Exchange
  • September 2018

  • Launch of the voyeur API
    Launch of the JCN Token Exchange
    Property scouting for remote voyeur locations (worldwide)
    Attend EU conferences and trade shows for partnerships
    Architecting Boysocial.com
    Architecting/development media pinning for models
    Connect remote voyeur locations
    Opening the Amsterdam office
  • October 2018

  • Development/deployment media pinning for models
    Development Boysocial.com
    Connect remote voyeur locations
    Open the 2nd managed voyeur location
  • November 2018

  • Prepare the 2nd managed voyeur location
    Connect remote voyeur locations
    Start hiring process for Business Unit Prague
    Activate the monthly competition Voyeur locations and residents
    Architect Wheel of Action (on-site game)
    Launch BoySocial.com
  • December 2018

  • Connect remote voyeur locations
    Develop/deploy Wheel of Action (on-site game)
    Open the Prague office
    Architecting the JCN merchant API
    Architecting mobile apps (iOS and Android)
    Target: all our activities powered by blockchain technology
  • 2019

  • Connect Remote Voyeur locations (North and South America)
    Open Managed Voyeur locations (Amsterdam - Ibiza - Colombia)
    To connect over 25 connected Voyeur locations worldwide on our streaming platform
    JCN merchant API integrations active
    10% coverage of active Voyeur API integrations within the TOP 100 adult sites
    Mobile Apps for iOS and Android active
  • 2020

  • Number #1 live 18+ voyeur content provider
    Have product site within range of TOP 50 adult sites
    25% coverage of active Voyeur API integrations within the TOP 100 adult sites
    ClickCtrl.com within the range of TOP 50 CPA advertising platforms
    Open Managed Voyeur locations (Los Angeles - Las Vegas - Miami)
    To connect over 50 Voyeur locations worldwide on our streaming platform
    JCN tokens as worldwide used 18+ token (through JCN merchant API integrations)
    Open business unit North America
    Porting live voyeur entertainment as TV format

Jizzcoins Squadra

verificata 50%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team

CFO/COO, founder
non verificato
Full Stack Developer
Sales & program manager
non verificato
Content production
non verificato

Jizzcoins Interviste

As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
Management, planning, strategy, business development and product design

Sandro has been active in IT / development for 26 years and active with real-time communication technology since 2004
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
Being the CTO, my role consists of architecting the platform, develop the middleware, assist with the backend development, manage the technical team and of course help our CEO to take us to the next level.
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
Started as a frontend developer 6 years ago, but in the meantime I took the red pill and started exploring the rabbit hole of the backend world to see how deep it can go.
Currently fullstack developer actively working on both the frontend and backend as well as the infrastructure of the platform.

Jizzcoins Ultime novità

5.0 8
ICO Profilo Visione Attività Potenziale Prodotto Squadra

% name% Recensioni

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert

JIZZCOINS is a flexible over 18, utility token designed to facilitate a broad range of digital adult online entertainment services.  It will, therefore, be useful for consumers, webcam models, adult stars, studios, affiliates and many more who are active in the adult online platform. Using Jizzcoin (JCN) individuals will be able to use sophisticated minting algorithms to generate income through media publishing, such as uploading videos, posting pictures and live web cam streams.


  • JCN intends to monetize the otherwise underdeveloped live niche by connecting users from different parts of the world and providing a solid platform on which adults can monetize live webcam shows, photos and videos.
  • JCN is centered on a fully operational and vibrant platform that enables users to create and monetize creative real-time communication powered adult product sites. Surprisingly, it is available on both desktop and mobile devices.
  • It will give studios, models and adult stars an avenue where they can market their niches, refer their fans and publish their content.
  • It is driven by state of the art technology that effectively facilitates digital marketing and live streaming. The technology is also developed in-house and boasts of a continuous 4-year development cycle.
  • JCN utilizes advanced payment transaction system and hence provides a secure and safe means of payment not only to consumers but also to advertisers.
  • The platform supports a wide range partner programs that include Affiliate, Advertising, and Content Partner programs. Affiliates who market the products get 15 % income share from the money users spend on their site.


  • Fewer personnel in involved in the project management team with no advisors.
  • The project does not fit all age groups
  • The platform token is not exchangeable with other Fiat currencies.


  • Include more project team members for diversity.
  • Include content suitable for other age brackets.
  • Configure the token with other fiat currencies.
Leggi di più
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