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JACK INU is community based DeFi project with an innovative reward system for its holders through development of P2E games where anyone can play, win and earn, NFT marketplace, Staking pools with juicy and boo mouthwatering %APY and a host of benefits and utilities for our holders.
I dati non sono disponibili
To be announced
Dettagli del token
Offerta totale
1,000,000,000 (
Distribuzione di token
40% Play 2 Earn gaming/ yield farming reward
30% Presale/listing
20% Development
5% Marketing
5% Team
dettagli aggiuntivi


JACK is a deflationary token built to generate liquidity and yield for holders. A project that is set aside from all the others by design to help our investors to grow their wealth through  play 2 Earn games, yield farming  and Nft marketplace

JACK is a community based DeFI project

with an innovative reward system for its holders through future ecosystem development which includes creating a Play-To-Earn games where players will earn $JACK by playing, NFT marketplace, staking/yield farming pools with mouthwatering APY. and a host of benefits and utilities for our holders.


JACK is Built Different!

$JACK was born with a competitive edge. The tokenomics of this project are actively working in favor of long term holders. With added liquidity locks, vesting periods,  $JACK can only go in one direction: UP!



Our goal is to create a token that rewards the people who believe in it the longest. Through frictionless yield generation, holders will receive additional $JACK directly into their wallet on a regular basis.

We will be exploring many trends and viral marketing strategies in order to spread the word. And of course we are counting on all of you Jack army out there to help us with that as well.

A strong marketing effort is very important to us. Why? Because we want to build a community stronger than any other. The #JackArmy has the power, if united, to change many lives and become something for the history books.

All that combined will make for a very profitable launch for everyone involved!

JACK INU TOKEN Ultime novità

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