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IKUN is a groundbreaking cryptocurrency that blends the worlds of rap, dance and basketball, creating a unique and exhilarating investment opportunity for fans of these cultural phenomenon. As a meme coin, IKUN embraces the lighthearted and humorous nature of the meme culture, offering a fun and engaging experience for its community of supporters.
To be announced
Dettagli del token
Offerta totale
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IKUN is a revolutionary meme coin that brings together the worlds of rap and basketball through gamefi, and NFT collection. Inspired by the passion and creativity of these culture, IKUN aims to create a vibrant community where investors can engage in a fun and rewarding ecosystem. Through IKUN JUMP game and the exclusive NFT collection, IKUN offers an immersive and entertaining experience for enthusiasts while fostering a sense of community and financial opportunities.

% name% Roadmap

  • Pharse 1

  • Web and Smart Contract Development
    Building community
    Developing marketing strategy
    1000+ holders
  • Pharse 2

  • Listing CMC & CGK
    Marketing on dextool & Twitter
    5,000+ holder
    Launching airdrop
    Testnet IKUN JUMP
  • Pharse 3

  • Release NFT Collection
    Launching NFT Marketplace
    Launching IKUN JUMP game
    Developing IKUN ecosystem

IKUN MEMES Ultime novità

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