Daniel Bloor

Projects Raised
United Kingdom
About Daniel Bloor
Daniel is a qualified engineering geologist with over a decade of experience in the mineral and engineering industry plus a further three years in the UK financial industry. Having worked across multiple commodities globally both as an exploration and production geologist Daniel moved into a consulting role providing due diligence and independent technical assessments for investment purposes. It was here that the concept of The CloundMiner was born and the path of entrepreneurship began. Since co-founding TCM Daniel has been more involved in the corporate day to day activities of many listed and private mining companies, mining focused funds and governments globally for modelling and reviewing assets for acquisition, internal review, strategy and/or compliance. This has led to opportunities to review projects early and align the owners to bring them to the market in the most effective way.
  • The University of Hong Kong
    • MSc
    • Applied Geosciences
  • The University of Manchester
    • BSc
    • Geology (Hons)
  • Robinwood
    • Outdoor Pursuits Leader
  • GeoRisk Solutions Limited
    • Engineering Geologist
  • Mining Associates
    • Geologist
  • See 5 more
  • Jacobs Engineering
    • Engineering Geologist
  • Epsilon Energy Limited
    • Exploration geologist
  • The Moultrie Group
    • Project Geologist
  • Triassic Geological Services
    • Geologist
  • The CloudMiner Ltd
    • Co-Founder & Vice President Engineering
Associated ICOs
Quantum Gold
Quantum Gold