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Hedge trading is a unique marketplace solution that allows traders from all over the world to exchange valuable trading knowledge and learn how to successfully trade cryptocurrency. Novice traders learn directly from experienced traders through Hedge’s verified and ranked trader roster.

It all starts by experienced traders sharing their valuable knowledge and trade predictions with novice traders, after all knowledge is power. The more knowledge a novice trader has going into a trade, the more likely they are to have a successful outcome. Without that knowledge however, they have everything to lose and risk stunting their own learning by having a negative initial trading experience.
To be announced
Dettagli del token
Offerta totale
Distribuzione di token
50% Distributed in Token Generation Events.
Valute accettate
Dettagli della Compagnia
Nome della società registrata
Società fondata
Jan 1, 2018
dettagli aggiuntivi
Lista bianca
, a partire dal Oct 17, 2018 fino Nov 17, 2018

Di Hedge


Hedge trading is a unique marketplace solution that allows traders from all over the world to exchange valuable trading knowledge and learn how to successfully trade cryptocurrency. Novice traders learn directly from experienced traders through Hedge’s verified and ranked trader roster.

It all starts by experienced traders sharing their valuable knowledge and trade predictions with novice traders, after all knowledge is power. The more knowledge a novice trader has going into a trade, the more likely they are to have a successful outcome. Without that knowledge however, they have everything to lose and risk stunting their own learning by having a negative initial trading experience.

This transfer of knowledge comes in the form of a Blueprint which contains treasured information such as the experienced traders analysis, trade prediction, and any other relevant information that illustrates how this trader is going to do what they do. These blueprints are held securely on the blockchain and are available for purchase using the HEDG token.

By purchasing these blueprints novice traders immediately have full access to an experienced traders knowledge and trade strategy, giving them a massive advantage in their quest to become a successful crypto trader.

Hedge also provides newcomers with piece of mind that they won’t lose their shirt in learning how to trade cryptocurrency. If the trading prediction within a Blueprint is correct, the HEDG tokens that were used to purchase it go directly to the trader who created it, awarding them for reliable and correct information. If the trade prediction happens to be incorrect, the HEDG tokens used to purchase it go back to the buyer, not penalizing them for attempting to learn from someone else's information.

The Hedge platform tackles key areas of vulnerability in new trader experience by handing them the opportunity to learn directly from an experienced trader with little to no risk. It also incentivizes experienced traders to not only perform to the best of their abilities, but rewards them for doing so.

By creating this kind of symbiotic relationship the Hedge platform can change the way people learn to trade. This new way of doing things takes away the fear of approaching trading for the first time while at the same time benefits everyone involved.

Hedge Squadra

verificata 0%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team


$9 000 000

Peter Danihel
Lead Developer & Co-Founder
non verificato
Frank Danihel
non verificato
Adrian Radulescu
Core Developer
non verificato
Rhys Boulanger
Director Marketing
non verificato


$9 000 000

Chris Chan
Data Scientist
non verificato
Jeff Chin
Digital Media Manager
non verificato
Vida Moayedi
Front End Developer
non verificato


$9 000 000

Eric Godwin
Solutions Architect
non verificato
Allan Redman
Senior Developer
non verificato
Dave Waslen
CEO, Co-Founder
non verificato

Hedge Ultime novità

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