Green Shiba

Green Shiba

Created using Figma
GINUX The fully decentralized and fairly distributed community token on the BSC disrupting the meme economy to protect the environment .
  • Mercato
    Volume 24H
    24 ore (prezzo)
    24 ore (volume)
  • BKEX
    GINU/USDT 2 one year ago
    $ 3.16E-6
To be announced
Dettagli del token
Offerta totale
Distribuzione di token
5% of supply reserved for
farming campaigns

45% of supply burnt following
Roadmap token burning
40% of supply from liquidity
pool available to buy &
distributed to holders (O. 1%
from initial LP was burnt)

2% of supply for marketing

8% of supply locked as
a goodwill offering for notorious
environmental activists
dettagli aggiuntivi

Di Green Shiba

Many dog meme coins have been launched after Dogecoin like Shiba Inu and Akita, but none of them have had the power to be eco-friendly and to protect the environment by supporting the main activists in this field as well as the good causes that matter the most to us all through its strong green community.

A wise man by the name of Elon once said: "who controls memes, controls the Universe". We will be happy enough to make the world greener with the power of the memes.

Green Shiba Ultime novità

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