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30 lug 2018

SCATOLA D'ORO. Si tratta di una piattaforma integrata che offre agli utenti uno storage digitale più sicuro, ipoteche su beni digitali, prestiti legacy e gestione delle risorse digitali, oltre a consentire agli utenti di scambiare valuta digitale con valuta reale attraverso l'uso della tecnologia blockchain. La piattaforma consente agli utenti di archiviare in modo sicuro le proprie risorse digitali e accedere ai prestiti legacy senza requisiti rendendo la piattaforma praticabile nel promuovere lo scambio continuo di criptovalute.
1 lug 2018
31 ago 2018
100% completato
Fondi raccolti - nessun dato
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GoldBox offre una soluzione di gestione one-stop sicura, conveniente e decentralizzata supportando diversi tipi di asset blockchain. Gli utenti possono integrare le valute digitali tradizionali di unified store come BTC, ETH e LTC e non solo possono controllare completamente le loro risorse digitali, ma possono anche utilizzare risorse digitali inutilizzate sulla piattaforma gold-box per ottenere proventi finanziari da attese annualizzate guadagni, rendendo le risorse digitali in modo proattivo, aggiungendo valore e riducendo notevolmente la soglia di utilizzo e il peso gestionale della valuta digitale, promuovendo efficacemente la flessibilità e massimizzando il valore delle risorse digitali.

GoldBox, attraverso la cooperazione con banche, emittenti Visa e MasterCard, carte bancarie esclusive emesse congiuntamente. Gli utenti possono richiedere online una carta di credito virtuale o fisica tramite GoldBox. Gli utenti possono utilizzare la valuta legale ottenuta dall'ipoteca della piattaforma per effettuare prelievi di denaro online e offline e prelievi di contanti ATM presso decine di milioni di siti di accettazione di carte bancarie in tutto il mondo, eliminando i problemi per lo scambio degli utenti e la gestione di più valute legali, e si espande notevolmente gli scenari applicativi della valuta digitale.

La autorevole società di monitoraggio dei dati di terze parti della Cina, AiRui Research, ha pubblicato un rapporto di ricerca del mercato finanziario cinese di Internet 2016 di & ldquo; & rdquo; sottolineato che nel 2016 la scala di credito al consumo della Cina ha raggiunto 23 trilioni di yuan, con un incremento del 21,1%; si prevede che raggiungerà 41,1 trilioni fino al 2019. È più di 5 volte quello del 2010. Il mercato del credito per attività digitali deve essere urgentemente colmato. Utenti ordinari e minatori non vogliono vendere bitcoin e vogliono avere più bitcoin, ma hanno anche bisogno di un consumo di vita a breve termine. Ci sono anche alcune società nell'industria blockchain che raccolgono capitali sotto forma di moneta digitale, hanno bisogno di un uso a breve termine della valuta legale per il fatturato.

% name% Roadmap

  • 2017 Q4

  • November - Project approval.
    December - Market research, technical program evolution.
  • 2018 Q1

  • January - Team building.
    March - The first public event of the project.
  • 2018 Q2

  • April - Platform development.
    June - Put out GoldBox Credit Cards.
  • 2018 Q3

  • July - GoldBox wally online.
    August - International version of the platform online.
  • Leggi di più
  • 2018 Q4

  • October - Platform APP online.
    November - Increase financial management.
    December - Global cooperation expands.
  • 2019 Q1

  • January - Open Platform API.
    February - Enhance Artificial intelligence applications. Squadra

verificata 100%

Chao You Luo
Liantou Technology executive director
Zhian Cui
Penn Peng
Product Manager


$58 000 000

Jerry Liu
Blockchain Engineer
Carl Wang
Blockchain Engineer
Selina Sun
UI Designer
Anna Hu
Head of Operations Department
Stephy Wan
Head of Finance Department


verificata 100%

Miikka Saloseut
T. Xue Doctor
EtherFlyer CEO,advisor
Song Hua
EATT founder,advisor
Ren Maowei
Co-Founder of Trading Platform,advisor

Ex membri

Yao Lei
Financial Product Director
Tomy Xue
EtherFlyer CEO
Song Hua
EATT Founder
Ren Maowei co-founder Interviste

Miikka Saloseut
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Business Advisor
Song Hua
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
10 years VC experience, the first session of the Shanghai Jiaotong University venture capital class, invested in love number software, Banyan Tree big data, point me, Xiaoming cycling and other projects. With a wealth of corporate management and capital market combined with operational experience, has a forward-looking perspective and creative thinking for the unicorn project
Ren Maowei
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Ren Maowei
Co-Founder of Trading Platform
Vice President of Cloud Future Blockchain Research Institute Early Bitcoin hardcore player, angel investor of blockchain project, rich experience in project market operation and market value management
Zhian Cui
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Blockchain Project Angel Investors, co-founder of GoldBox. Continuous entrepreneurs who have nearly 10 years of experience in project promotion, management, and operation expansion. The first batch of pioneers of blockchain applications.
Jerry Liu
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Deep study of cryptography and blockchain technology, mastering Ethereum smart contract Solidity language, good at Nodejs, PHP, .Net application development, SqlServer, MySql and other relational databases, has many years of experience in Internet software development
Carl Wang
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
master the software structure design of the blockchain platform, and is familiar with Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric, Bitcoin's principles, operating mechanisms, and related encryption algorithms. proficient in the Java language and has years of experience in developing Java-based large-scale Internet projects.
Stephy Wan
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
made outstanding achievements in finance, business analysis, financial management of investor relations, investment and financing, management integration and optimization of many domestic companies, and make outstanding contributions to the Group's rapid development and healthy operations. Ultime novità

5.0 15
ICO Profilo Visione Attività Potenziale Prodotto Squadra

% name% Recensioni

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert

GOLD BOX is an integrated platform which provides users with a safer digital storage, digital asset mortgages, legacy loans and digital asset management as well as enabling the users to exchange digital currency with real-life currency through the use of blockchain technology.


  • Security: The platform provides  the users with a comprehensive security  through multiple encryption to enable them store their   digital assets without access by any unauthorized personnel
  • Multi-currency: The platform is able to support a multiple of cryptocurrencies hence enabling  the users to make easy transactions with their favorite cryptocurrency
  • Easy loans: The platform enables the users to get loans   easily at any time  without taking into account the users credit with their applications automatically approved
  • Faster transactions: The platform automatically approves  all the transactions  as the cash are safely and directly transferred into the users banks accounts
  • Economical : The  platform use is  very economical  as it entails  preferential rates with no extra  charge  making it easily affordable to the users
  • The platform  has a well generated mobile application supported by Android and IOS that enables the users to easily access the platform services via their smartphones
  • The platform  has a good team with the managers having a deep technical skills  and rich professional knowledge  and excellent management capabilities  led  by the  CEO Jaine


  • The platform token doesn’t grant  the users more incentives through having a share of the profits generated
  • The platform team is missing  advisors
  • The GOX token is not compatible with  fiat currency


  • The platform team should involve advisors to help in guiding  the platform operations
  • The use of GOX token should empower the holders  and grant them  a share of the projects profit


The platform enables the users to safely store their digital assets and access legacy loans with no requirements making the platform viable in promoting continuous cryptocurrency exchange. I would invest in this platform.


Leggi di più
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