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GLEDOS (Global Education Solution) è una risposta basata su blockchain alla crescente richiesta di un'educazione su misura e pertinente a richiesta per l'età moderna. La piattaforma fornisce una soluzione a posto unico per l'apprendimento con percorsi educativi, raccomandata dai principali algoritmi di intelligenza artificiale.
4 set 2018
4 ott 2018
100% completato
Fondi raccolti - nessun dato
Obbiettivo 5 600 000.00 USD
berretto 5 600 000.00 USD
12 giu 2018
3 set 2018
100% completato
Fondi raccolti - nessun dato
Obbiettivo 12 500 000.00 USD
berretto 12 500 000.00 USD
Private sale
1 mag 2018
11 giu 2018
100% completato
Fondi raccolti - nessun dato
Obbiettivo 550 000.00 USD
berretto 550 000.00 USD
Dettagli del token
Valute accettate
Dettagli della Compagnia
Paese registrato
dettagli aggiuntivi
MVP / Prototipo
Formazione scolastica


GLEDOS is a platform for content providers to publish their online lectures. GLEDOS’s main differentiating quality is derived from the interactive exchange of information between students and businesses, smart contracts, and built-in artificial intelligence engine to help navigate the students’ learning pathway. It offers unique benefits to students, professors, businesses, and finally the society through these key benefits:

  1. Shortenstheeducationperiodfromanaverageof4to5yearsto1to2years to get the first job, merely because student attended the lectures most suitable for a particular employer or business field.

  2. Offers the opportunity to study globally, participate in high-quality sessions provided by top lecturers, and adjust the studying to their time preference.

  3. Using smart contracts to set the rules for businesses or governments to invest in learning (voucher-based).

  1. Enables the students to build a learning plan with the support of AI as a combination of lectures across multiple universities or other educational programs.

  2. Engages students with businesses in the early phases of studying to get valuable experience.

  3. Matches the student profiles with the best-fit employers.

  4. Uses the blockchain to store student’s achievements.

  5. Offersanewlevelofpartnershipbetweeneducationalinstitutions,professors,

    students, and businesses.

  6. Motivates professors to deliver high-quality sessions and to improve in

    deprived or lower evaluated activities.

10.Offers a new credential model to increase the students’ probability of getting


GLEDOS runs on its own blockchain-based digital currency model – GLEDOS token that brings several benefits. GLEDOS token will be the fuel of the platform, used by students, businesses, HR agencies, and content providers. It is an application-specific token, built on top of the existing Ethereum blockchain, allowing us to give the users back the value of the GLEDOS learning solution. The GLEDOS token will be listed on several exchanges enabling its integration into the broader cryptocurrency ecosystem.

The GLEDOS token will be used as:

  • Subscription (gas) to use the solution

  • Payment from HR agencies to get the insights

  • Scholarship investment into blockchain related skills

  • Scoring for the top student, top lectures, and top talent matching


Un sistema di istruzione globale con la prova dei record di successo non potrebbe esistere senza la tecnologia blockchain. Le caratteristiche principali della blockchain utilizzata da GLEDOS sono:

  • Il contratto intelligente viene utilizzato per l'acquisto di ore di formazione e ndash; buoni (token), che definiscono i criteri di investimento (partecipazione, superamento del punteggio).

  • I record di conseguimento sono una raccolta di tutti i risultati degli studenti, la partecipazione e le interazioni commerciali.

  • In qualsiasi momento l'istantanea CURRICULUM consente agli studenti in qualsiasi momento di dimostrare i loro successi personali e inviarli ai loro potenziali datori di lavoro, anche alle aziende che non fanno parte di GLEDOS).

  • Token GLEDOS viene utilizzato per pagare lezioni, borse di studio, tutoraggi e altri investimenti.

    & nbsp;

  • Paghi ciò che consumi è la logica del pagamento con contratti intelligenti basati sul consumo effettivo di una determinata lezione (pagamento proporzionale).

  • Il programma di borse di studio utilizza una logica di contratto intelligente & ndash; un impegno a ricevere una borsa di studio quando vengono soddisfatti criteri specifici.

  • La sicurezza è l'archiviazione dei dati frammentata in una rete basata su Ethereum con sicurezza di sovrapposizione di blockchain crittografata per archiviare i risultati, le valute e altre attività GLEDOS.

  • Certificazione di fornitori di contenuti, accreditamento di professori, istituzione educativa con licenza per operare e centri di formazione.

  • La standardizzazione consente una maggiore interoperabilità tra i sistemi e consente la condivisione e l'accesso ai dati.

Informazioni tecniche

The architecture of GLEDOS consists of three key components (smart contract, artificial intelligence and LMS and API integration). For storing the achievement records, GLEDOS will connect to Open blockchain passport project, which was formed by the EU.

GLEDOS connects students, businesses, and educational institutions (professors). Students are at the core of the solution.

  1. Businesses or governments connect to the GLEDOS smart contract module and invest in training hours (tokens). Moreover, they define the investment criteria, such as passing score, participation, etc.

  2. Users connect to GLEDOS and define their learning objectives.

  3. With the support of the artificial intelligence engine, they get the learning

    pathway, and follow the program.

  4. Businesses provide input for market requirements for the required knowledge.

  5. Content providers receive this input and prepare new lectures.

  6. Students apply for lectures, participate and are awarded for passing the class.

    a. Students achievements are stored on the blockchain.

    b. Students provide feedback by rating the sessions, materials, and


  1. Students’achievementsareinsertedtocredentialsmodel.Businessesprovide

    the input to the credentials model to shape milestones needed for the

    students to engage in their businesses.

  2. Businesses open new projects and scholarships for students to attend.

  3. Artificial intelligence engine, built into the solution, will map the specific

    employer’s needs with the best fitting students.

  4. GLEDOS motivates the system with the GLEDOS token and reinvests a share of the profit to students, businesses (to open new mentorship and scholarship programs), and professors to prepare attractive sessions.

11. Governments also can get the information regarding supply and demand of the market to invest where required.



The artificial intelligence engine is the essential part of the GLEDOS platform and an incredible potential for a wide range of intelligence behind the student-business-professor and government interactions. GLEDOS will incorporate the artificial intelligence engine with the objective to:

  • Create the learning pathway

  • Match students’ achievements to business needs

  • Influence the credentials milestones

  • Influence the curriculum

  • Provide insights into the educational programs, participation, interest, the

    speed of study, location preferences, etc.

  • Benchmark education pathways with other companies in the industry



% name% Roadmap

  • PHASE 1 ($2 - $10M)

  • PHASE 1 ($2 - $10M)
    September 2018 : Application Development Phase 1 Starts March 2019 : Testing and Optimization
    June 2019 : Go Live Beta
    September 2019 : Go Live Global Rollout

    ● Smart contract (vouchers, criteria input)
    ● Smart contract - pay-per-consumption
    ● Establish the integration with key content providers via API
    ● Payment system automation
    ● Core GLEDOS interface (a site for students, a site for professors and lecture
    ● Blockchain achievement records
    ● LMS and virtual classroom for global scale)
    ● Rating mechanism
    ● GLEX payment system (blockchain)
    ● Curriculum snapshot
  • PHASE 2 (> $10M)

  • PHASE 2 (> $10M)
    March 2020 : Application Development Phase 2 Starts September 2020 : Go Live Phase 2
    Ongoing : Continues Platform Improvement and Global Expansion

    ● AI (learning pathways, competition benchmark on learning pathway)
    ● AI - best-fit job
    ● Credential model
    ● Analysing the business insights
    ● Scoring mechanism
    ● Speech-to-text (upgrading the LMS)
    ● Real time translation (for key languages only)
    ● Smart contracts for scholarship, e-mentoring and e-projects
    ● Performance management for students
    ● Integrations to other virtual classrooms providers

GLEDOS Squadra

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Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team

Tomaž Veljavec
non verificato
Boštjan Koritnik
non verificato
Domen Romih
CFO, Head of Legal
non verificato
Nina Pfifer
Investor Relations Manager
non verificato
Janez Zemljak
Community Lead, Student and Content Management
non verificato
Dražen Bajcer
Head of Development
non verificato
Rok Sprogar
Web and Blockchain Development Lead
non verificato
Nejc Romih
Head of Design
non verificato
Dean Zagorac
Chief Content Strategist
non verificato
Tjaša Slatic
Student Liaison
non verificato
Kristjan Brozovic
Student Liaison
non verificato
Netis Group
Blockchain technologies
non verificato
Mitja Jermol
UNESCO Chair on Open Technologies for Open Educati...
non verificato
Marko Grobelnik
AI Digital Champion of Slovenia at European Commis...
non verificato
Erik Novak
Artificial Intelligence Developer
non verificato
Neva Ulcar
Student Liaison
non verificato
Marko Milos
Managing Director at Undabot
non verificato
Dejan Tosic
COO at Undabot
non verificato
Ian Rumac
Software Architect at Undabot
non verificato
Sinisa Cvahte
UX/UI Designer at Undabot
non verificato
Dora Surija
UX/UI Designer at Trikoder
non verificato
Davor Eric
Senior Software Engineer at Undabot
non verificato


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Vanja Čas
Strategic Marketing Advisor
non verificato
Ajas Midzan
Student Affairs Advisor
non verificato

11 ICOs

$36 550 390

Peter Merc
Business advisor
non verificato
Anthony Camilleri
Policy Advisor
non verificato
Aljaz Jadek
Legal Advisor
non verificato

GLEDOS Ultime novità

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