Girl Coin

Girl Coin

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Girl Coin is probably the Most Promising ICO of 2019, due to its ability to leverage Women´s Money Nework already vibrant community of thousands of women worldwide, together with its infrastructures and social platforms.
lug, 2019
set, 2019
100% completato
Fondi raccolti - nessun dato
Dettagli del token
Valute accettate
dettagli aggiuntivi

Di Girl Coin

The Problem: Few Financial Tools for Empowerment
According to the OECD[1], although women have risen to make up ~55% of higher education graduate classes, they are still disproportionally represented in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) fields. Despite the overall improvement in women’s opportunities, there are still many subtle and social clichés that lead to people discouraging women from studying STEM. Yet a STEM education also gives us the background for financial education. For example, economics, statistics, and new technologies such as blockchain all fall under the STEM umbrella.

Without understanding them, achieving the financial freedom and independence women need to lead their lives becomes more difficult. As the Women’s Money Network (WMN), we offer the tools to educate, inspire and advise women on these subjects so they can take their career and self-development into their own hands.

The Solution: Women’s Money Network

Women’s Money Network is an online interactive platform to inspire, educate, and entertain women on everything about money, investing, work, shopping, cryptocurrency, lifestyle and success. We empower women to gain financial knowledge and independence by offering a variety of, tools, products and services approaching subjects such as working from home, manage personal and business finances, saving money, and investing and shopping wisely.

Currently, we are developing educational courses, games with in-app purchases, discounts, project and program promotions, and a customized financial and investment advice system to benefit users. These programs allow users to have a hands-on approach to learning, so any user can put learning into practice. In addition to education, WMN also boasts a vibrant social network with users across the globe. Users come from the Americas, Europe, Asia, and Africa to offer each other insight from all walks of life.

% name% Roadmap

  • 25th August 2019

  • Early ICO Official Launch

Girl Coin Squadra

verificata 100%

Amy Web Schumer

Girl Coin Interviste

Amy Web Schumer
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Girl Coin is developed by Women´s Money Network, and supervised by its team of content creators, technology staff and the general management team, of which I am part.
What do you think about idea?
We truly believe that Girl Coin is probably the most promising ICO of 2019, due to its ability to leverage Women´s Money Network already existing community and infrastructures.
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