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Secure and successful crypto products start with Gauntlet
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Di Gauntlet

Gauntlet’s mission is to help make blockchain protocols and smart contracts safer and more trustworthy for users.

Decentralized systems create new challenges for protocol developers, smart contract developers, and asset holders that are not seen in traditional development and investing. Gauntlet is building a blockchain simulation and testing platform that leverages battle tested techniques from other industries to emulate interactions in crypto networks. Simulation provides transparency and greatly reduces the cost of experimentation so that teams can rapidly design, launch, and scale new decentralized systems.

Crypto systems are truly multi-disciplinary as they are at the intersection of distributed systems, cryptography, economics, and game theory. In particular, there is a coupling of economic incentives and product success, which results in a large attack surface that must be analyzed thoroughly.

Gauntlet Squadra

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Tarun Chitra
Founder & CEO
non verificato
Rei Chiang
Founder & CTO
non verificato
John Morrow
non verificato
Tony Salvatore
Senior Data Scientist
non verificato
Jeremy Batchelder
Software Engineer
non verificato
Guillermo Angeris
Research Engineer
non verificato
Nicholas Borg
Data Scientist
non verificato
Nathan Lord
Data Scientist
non verificato
Clement Emmanuel
Software Engineer
non verificato
Shaan Varia
Head of Product
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Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team

Tim Roughgarden
non verificato
Wei Qin
non verificato
Yi Sun
non verificato

Gauntlet Ultime novità

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