Stanford Blockchain Conference 2019

Stanford , United States

Di Stanford Blockchain Conference 2019

The Stanford Blockchain Conference, now in its third year, brings together researchers and practioners working on cryptographic consensus systems such as blockchains. In these systems, designdecisions have implications for the security, economic viability, and business risks. As blockchains continue to evolve, they must be analyzed as mission-critical systems with attendant security and risk concerns. This conference will explore new directions in blockchain design, for both public and private blockchain protocols.

This conference will explore the use of formal methods, empirical analysis, and risk modeling to better understand security and systemic risk in blockchain protocols. We aim to foster multidisciplinary collaboration among practitioners and researchers in blockchain protocols, distributed systems, cryptography, computer security, and risk management. 


Shashank Agrawal
Research Scientist Visa Research
Joseph Bonneau
Ethan Buchman
Suhabe Bugrara
Research ConsenSys
Jonathan Levi
Zaki Manian
Director Cosmos
Visualizza altro (14)
Philip Daian
Researcher && PhD Student Cornell Tech
Mahnush Movahedi
Senior Research Engineer Dfinity
Angelo de Caro
Research Staff Member IBM Research
Andrew Poelstra
Director of Research Blockstream
Tadge Dryja
Jeremy Rubin
Ben Fisch
PhD Student
abhi shelat
Associate Professor Northeastern University Toronto
Arthur Gervais
Blockchain Security, Privacy, Scalability PhD Imperial College London
Yonatan Sompolinsky
PhD student @ HUJI; Co-founder & scientist DAGlabs
Alex Leishman
Software Engineer, Bitcoin Junkie, Traveler Polychain Capital
Applied Cryptography Consultant
Pieter Wuille
Cathie Yun
30 gen 2019, 08:30 , PST (UTC -8)
1 feb 2019, 17:30 , PST (UTC -8)
Stanford University