Discussion on ReFi & Web3 in Meta Horizon Workrooms

Zürich , Switzerland


Let's discuss insights from three industry reports merging blockchain & sustainability and explore business opportunities for ReFi digital products. Let's identify use cases to leverage AI & Web3 technologies to create the next generation of digital experiences across industries.

Blockchain for Sustainable Business by DFINITY Foundation and Inacta Ventures (2024), https://internetcomputer.org/capabilities/sustainability

💡The Rise of Web3: Nature’s Potential in the Digital Age by NatureFinance (2024), https://www.naturefinance.net/nature-investor-circle-the-rise-of-web3-natures-potential-in-the-digital-age/

💡Impact Tokens: A blockchain-based solution for impact investing (2019) by the International Institute for Sustainable Development, https://www.iisd.org/publications/report/impact-tokens-blockchain-based-solution-impact-investing


29 mag 2024, 19:00 , CET (UTC +1)
29 mag 2024, 21:00 , CET (UTC +1)