Blockchain World Forum

Dubai , United Arab Emirates

Di Blockchain World Forum

The future of Blockchain is here! Blockchain World Forum will explore the opportunities and challenges associated with Blockchain. The event is a initiative in creating an interactive platform for the leading technologists, entrepreneurs, regulators, investors, academics and financial institutions in the emerging Blockchain industry. Presented in a series of top-level keynotes, interactive panel discussions and solution-based case studies with a focus on learning and building partnerships in the emerging Blockchain space, Blockchain World Forum will explore the industries that are set to be disrupted the most by this new technology, including; legal sectors, financial services, insurance, energy, music, government, real estate and more. Within the conference, there will be the exhibition of technological and business application innovations for the industry.


еYijia Chen
Business Anchor REUTERS
Artem Koltsov
Chairman - Russia Blockchain Committee
Xinxin An
Partner Jinse
William Entriken
Jim Edwards
CEO Platio
Visualizza altro (7)
Chris Tse
Founder Cardstack
Karl Weaver
BD Director Rivetz Corp.
Roman Zhdanov
Managing Partner LATOKEN Exchange
Lianghong Fei
Chief Cloud Technical Advisor AWS - Amazon Web Services
Roger Haenni
CEO Datum
Alastair Johnson
CEO Nuggets

ordine del giorno

Day 1
08:00-09:00 Registration & Exhibition
09:00-09:30 Welcome & Chairman’s Remarks
09:30-10:30 Opening Keynote
10:30-11:20 Main Stage Sessions
11:20-11:40 Networking Break & Exhibition
11:40-12:30 Main Stage Sessions
12:30-13:00 Panel Discussion
13:00-14:00 Lunch, Networking & Exhibition
14:00-15:20 ICO Pitch/Roadshow
15:20-15:30 Networking Break & Exhibition
15:30-16:30 Conference Track Sessions
16:30-17:00 Panel Discussion


Day 2
08:00-09:00 Registration & Exhibition
09:00-09:30 Keynote
09:30-11:20 Conference Track Sessions
11:20-11:40 Networking Break & Exhibition
11:40-12:30 ICO Pitch/Roadshow
12:30-13:00 Panel Discussion
13:00-14:00 Lunch, Networking & Exhibition
14:00-14:30 Keynote
14:30-15:30 Case Studies
15:00-16:00 Workshops
16:00-16:30 Panel Discussion
16:30-17:00 Conference/Exhibition Closing


21 mar 2019, 08:00 , GST (UTC +4)
22 mar 2019, 18:00 , GST (UTC +4)
$ 934–1337