Medellín , Colombia


Join us on this three-day experience in Medellin, Colombia this January 16-18, 2024 as we explore in-depth the enterprise level solutions and cutting edge innovations within the blockchain industry.

Be a part of history in the making as we learn, share, and engage with like-minded entrepreneurs, startups, institutional investors, industry titans, and more.


Iván Rendón Vélez
Public policy and innovation culture manager Ruta N Medellin
John Divine
Chris Mack
Entrepreneur | Builder | Speaker Carbon.Credit
André Eidskrem
CEO and Founder of Arctic Circle Data Center Lødingen
David Steinbauer
Vengard Consulting
Johana Fonnegra
Business Development of Hawke Media
Visualizza altro (22)
Brijesh Patel
Founder, Investor, Seeker of Northeastern University
Petrix Barbosa
Web3 Investor of Match Labs Match Chain
Esther Romanoff
Matt Quinn
CTO of Nervos
Kamlesh Nagware
Co-Founder of Snapper Future Tech
Robin Lam
Engineering & Entrepreneurship of BlokTech Group BlokTech Network
Fernando L. R.
Financial Software, Blockchain & Web3 Consultant of BlokTech Group QuickNode
Hector Antunez
Entrepreneur of Propsi
Corey Mccauley
Web 3, Investor of SmartPoint.IO
Zac Safron
Investor Relations at MiningStore
Mihai Crasneanu
Co-founder of Beem
Renatto Garro
Customer Engineering Manager of Nebulai Ai
Miguel Ortiz
Strategy Growth and Operations Manager House of Rare
Bruce Porter Jr.
CEO of Impact Protcol
Duber Lopez
Blockchain Solutions Architect of Sero Blockchain Labs
Jim (Jose) Sarasola
Tereza Bízková
Building narratives around blockchain for impact of Topl & ReFi Medellin ReFi Medellín 💐
Juan Giraldo
Co-Founder of ReFi Medellin ReFi Medellín 💐
Katerina Volkova
Web3 Advocate RIO Rio Corp
Gregorio Londoño
Business development CREAME Incubadora
Juan Diego Agudelo Martinez
Co-Founder of Agrosecurity
Juan Manuel Sobral
CTO of SpaceDev SpaceDev


16 gen 2024, 09:00 , COT (UTC -5)
18 gen 2024, 18:00 , COT (UTC -5)
Plaza Mayor Medellin