2024 Digital Transformation Summit Philippines

Pasay , Philippines

Di 2024 Digital Transformation Summit Philippines

The 29th Edition of the Digital Transformation Summit: Philippines is set to be a pivotal event, gathering industry leaders for an exclusive in-person summit in Manila on May 23rd, 2024. As part of a prestigious global event series spanning multiple continents, this summit underscores the Philippines' growing significance in the digital landscape.

With digital transformation driving corporate agendas worldwide, this summit offers a unique opportunity for key decision-makers to delve into strategies for enhanced decision-making, operational efficiency, and fostering a digital culture.

This invite-only summit serves as a catalyst for industry-defining partnerships and addresses pressing business challenges, all with a keen focus on knowledge transfer and capacity building. Designed to accelerate the Philippines' technology revolution, the event provides a platform for thought leaders and experts to exchange insights, explore emerging technologies such as AI, Web 3.0, IoT, Quantum Computing, and Cybersecurity, and navigate the ever-evolving nexus between business and technology.


23 mag 2024, 09:00 , PHT (UTC +8)
23 mag 2024, 17:00 , PHT (UTC +8)