Elrond (EGLD)

Elrond (EGLD)

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La blockchain user-friendly per la distribuzione di denaro programmabile e applicazioni inarrestabili
  • Mercato
    Volume 24H
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  • Binance
    ERD/USDC 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0077
    $ 353.231 K
  • Binance
    ERD/BTC 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0076
    $ 97.96 M
  • Binance
    ERD/USDT 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0076
    $ 42.571 M
  • Binance
    ERD/BNB 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0076
    $ 23.072 M
  • Binance
    ERD/PAX 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0075
    $ 184.803 K
  • Binance DEX
    ERD/BNB 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0078
    $ 600.818 K
  • Dcoin
    ERD/USDT 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0077
    $ 588.581 K
To be announced
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Di Elrond (EGLD)

Elrond is a blockchain protocol that seeks to offer extremely fast transaction speeds by using sharding. The project describes itself as a technology ecosystem for the new internet, which includes fintech, decentralized finance and the Internet of Things. Its smart contracts execution platform is reportedly capable of 15,000 transactions per second, six-second latency and a $0.001 transaction cost.

The blockchain has a native token known as eGold, or EGLD, that is used for paying network fees, staking and rewarding validators.

Elrond describes itself as a blockchain platform for the new internet economy, decentralized applications and enterprise use. Its main selling point is its high scalability, stating that it is the first blockchain network in which state, network and transaction sharding have all been implemented. According to its economics paper, it seeks to build up its ecosystem and establish EGLD as a store-of-value asset.

To achieve this goal, the network runs on 2,169 validator nodes split into four shards: three execution shards, capable of 5,400 transactions per second each, and one coordination shard, the "Metachain." Elrond's adaptive state sharding architecture completely shards state, transactions and network. It can scale by adding an additional shard when the throughput demand is unmet. It was tested to run 263,000 TPS in a public environment with 1,500 nodes from 29 countries grouped in 50 shards.

In order to increase adoption, the project also supports developers building on the platform, allowing them to earn 30% of the smart contract fees as royalties.

The company maintains a supply of EGLD tokens to stake on the network during its first year, with validator nodes receiving a 36% annual percentage rate.

% name% Roadmap

  • Q3 2017

  • Technical work begins
  • Q2 2018

  • Preminary Technical Proof of Concept FInalized
  • Q2 2018

  • Elrond Prototype
  • Q4 2018

  • Fully Featured Testnet
  • Leggi di più
  • Q1 2019

  • Elrond Mainnet

Elrond (EGLD) Squadra

verificata 4%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team

Valentin Lup
non verificato
Andrei Adam
non verificato
Sever Moldovean
non verificato
Adina Vulpe
non verificato
Adrian Scanteie
non verificato
Dana Ilie
non verificato
Mihai Iuga
non verificato
Bogdan Rosianu
non verificato
Beniamin Drasovean
non verificato
Camil Ioan Bancioiu
non verificato
Cristian Corcoveanu
non verificato
Robert Sasu
non verificato
Beniamin Mincu
non verificato
Lucian Todea
non verificato
Lucian Mincu
non verificato
Felix Crisan
Head of Research
non verificato
Radu Chis
Head of Technology
non verificato
Sebastian Marian
Core Developer
non verificato
Adrian Dobrita
Head of Engineering
non verificato
Iulian Pascalau
Core Developer
non verificato
Dan Voicu
Head of Communication
Daniel Serb
Head of Marketing and PR
non verificato
Andrei Marinica
Software Engineer
non verificato


verificata 0%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team

Danilo S. Carlucci
non verificato
Grigore Rosu
non verificato
Raul Jordan
non verificato
Fabio Canesin
non verificato


$8 250 000

Ethan Fast
non verificato
Alex Iskold
non verificato
Alex Tabarrok
non verificato
Andrei Pitis
non verificato

Elrond (EGLD) Interviste

Dan Voicu
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
To present adequate info about our improved blockchain solution, and to help everyone understand our goals
What do you think about idea?
Cutting edge tech will prevail and promote mass adoption. Elrond is designed in a user friendly way and has a low network participation cost (proprieties overlooked by other projects)

Elrond (EGLD) Ultime novità

$ 0.0072
Crypto Stats
Daily, %:
Weekly, %:
Monthly, %:
Market Info
Market Cap:
$ 41.682 M
Volume 24h:
$ 144.864 M
Circ. Supply:
5.852 B ERD

% name% Recensioni

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We are still evaluating this ICO and looking forward to a call with the Tech Team

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Crypto Calibur

Currently, we feel that it is too early in order to determine whether the team will be able to produce an outstanding project. With that said, the main team is promising and based on their network and previous relevant experience, there is a relatively high probability that they will be able to give their competitors at least some things to think about. We believe Elrond’s team needs to move quick in order to seize a place in the competitive field they are running in. Lastly, it is important that the team deploy their marketing and business strategy efforts as soon as possible, and do not wait too long before attracting interesting parties into their community. We will keep a close eye on this project, and are curious how it will progress in regard to its development and hype.
• Hardcap has been announced - $15.2 million
• Token metrics have been released and 55% of the total supply is dedicated to investors
• Public prototype has been released and test net is in progress
• Elrond Network is now a fully open-sourced project
• Improved documentation and website
• Revamped project roadmap; the team has completed their milestones in a timely manner this far
• New roadmap additions: Elrond's VM with Smart Contracts and Testnet Audit in Q1 2019 + Creation of the Elrdon Hub and Elrond Society in Q3 2019
• Elrond Initiates Cooperation With Leading Payment Provider NETOPIA Payments
• Elrond's team has expanded to a total of 17 team members (from 9), adding new software engineers, devleopers, and researchers, along with marketing and UI/UX designers
• New advisor: Sunny Aggarwal who is a core devloper for Tendermint/Cosmos projects, and one of the Co-Founders of the research group Blockchain at Barkeley
IMPORTANT: 10% of the tokens (dedicated to advisory board and partners) have no lock-up, and neither do we know what discounts they were given at. If the discounts are above 50%, then this can potentially make Elrond a risky investment in the short-term

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Midgard Research

Elrond Network is a definitely rare case in crypto, and here is why:
Elrond brings to the table Adaptive State Sharding, a solution that will scale almost linearly with the number of shards, improve communication inside the shards, increase performance through parallel processing and reduce storage.
Project exists since October 2017, testnet is almost ready, and all the development was self-funded by the co-founders. No private sale, no funds, no pre-sale, no shady deals at all.
Elrond team has already showcased its prototype and opened their GitHub in November, since then the team re-wrote everything from scratch in GO (previously it was written in Java) for the testnet, and has achieved a 30x performance improvement.
Quick stats:
3750 transactions per shard
1500+ commits on Github
140k lines of code
The team consists mostly of software developers with high expertise.
CEO was part of the NEM core team and has been active in the blockchain industry for more than 4 years. We see that the team is not afraid of publicity at all, you can watch multiple videos on their twitter, showcasing the team members at the office. 
Elrond has a partnership with Netopia payments, the biggest electronic payment processor in Romania. 
We are really keen to see the code review from any competent reader of our channel:)

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