DFINITY introduce governance algoritmica sotto forma di un "Blockchain Nervous System" in grado di proteggere gli utenti dagli attacchi e aiutare a riavviare i sistemi guasti, ottimizzare dinamicamente la sicurezza e l'efficienza della rete, aggiornare il protocollo e mitigare l'uso improprio della piattaforma, ad esempio da parte di quelli desiderando gestire sistemi illegali o immorali.
verificata 21%
Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team
Dfinity is one of the most large-scale and ambitious projects we’ve seen. As they say about themselves, Dfinity is an “exciting new extension of the Ethereum ecosystem that will make it much, much stronger”. It’s a network for DApps, including those that can be run on Ethereum, with such benefits as extreme performance, unlimited scalability, interoperability, etc. Considering the top team and funds they already raised, Dfinity is going to become one of the loudest blockchain-based projects. Their main challenge is in the existing competitors, so they have to be in a hurry to develop the system as soon as possible.
An extremely ambitious project that is going if not to become new Ethereum, then at least to improve it in a number of parameters.
Mar 22: They will probably wait for a better market. They are greedy, metrics suck, but I will invest as much as possible, because their competitors are ICON, EOS etc. So, theoretically it could go to the top (of CoinMarketCap) even with such a crazy cap. The project is worth watching.
But I am scared of early investors, they have done 200x, they may dump the price.
9 Apr: Dfinity has canceled main sale, there will be only pre-sale for strategic investors. But there will be solid airdrop (from 500 to 2500 USD).
What are the candidates for very high interest:
Bruce: NKN
Andrey: NKN
Alexey: NKN, DFINITY, HashGraph, NuCypher
Ivan:NKN, Nucypher and Pchain
24-Apr. Sergey: We didn`t participate.
30-May. Andrey: They have released information regarding airdrop. It is going to be the biggest airdrop in the history. (Check the details in their official statement: link).
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