Defi Poolshare

Defi Poolshare

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"DeFi Pool Share is a lending protocol built on the Ethereum network that allows Liquidity Providers to lend their Uniswap V3 LP NFTs to interested borrowers.The platform provides liquidity providers with predictable returns on their position by lending it to the borrowers in exchange of a lending fee based on estimated fees generated by the pool for loan duration, while also allowing borrowers to bid on these Position NFTs and gain access to the position’s claim fees.
This smart contract-based protocol is designed to increase the efficiency and accessibility of lending and borrowing in the DeFi space. By leveraging the liquidity on the Uniswap v3 pools, DefiPoolShare enables users to easily and securely lend & borrow assets, while also mitigating some of the risks associated with DeFi like impermanent loss and lp management."
20 mag 2023
20 mag 2023
100% completato
Fondi raccolti - nessun dato
Dettagli del token
Offerta totale
Valute accettate
Dettagli della Compagnia
Paese registrato
British Virgin Islands
dettagli aggiuntivi

% name% Roadmap

  • Q2 2023

  • Launch a token associated with the DeFi Pool Share platform to provide users with additional benefits and features.
    Introduce a staking mechanism to allow users to earn additional yield on their Pool Positions NFT.
    Expand the platform to support additional lending protocols, such as SushiSwap and Curve.
    Introduce a governance mechanism to allow users to vote on important platform decisions.
  • Q3 2023

  • Begin building partnerships with other projects in the DeFi space to expand the platform's reach.
    Expand the platform to support additional DeFi services, such as margin lending and decentralized insurance.
  • Q4 2023

  • Launch a mobile app for DeFi Pool Share to make the lending process even more accessible and user-friendly.
    Continue building partnerships with other projects in the DeFi space to expand the platform's reach and capabilities.
    Launch a marketing campaign to attract a wider audience of Defi users."

Defi Poolshare Squadra

verificata 0%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team


$350 000

Frédérick Marinho
non verificato


$1 021 426

non verificato
Saurav Devrani
Marketing & Branding Lead
non verificato
Vansh Jolly
Public Relations
non verificato
Brandon Hill
Community Lead
non verificato

Defi Poolshare Ultime novità

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