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La visione di MindArk è quella di creare un ecosistema globale per lo scambio e la vendita di proprietà intellettuale e risorse digitali su IPX. Con i piani per stabilire la prima banca del mondo reale a detenere il suo capitale in una moneta digitale, MindArk sarà ben posizionata come custode di questo ecosistema, mentre perseguirà anche ulteriori ricerche e sviluppo in tecnologie avanzate. Questi sistemi saranno alimentati esclusivamente da DeepToken.
16 set 2018
28 nov 2018
100% completato
Fondi raccolti - nessun dato
1 mar 2018
26 apr 2018
100% completato
Fondi raccolti - nessun dato
Dettagli del token
Valute accettate
Dettagli della Compagnia
Paese registrato
dettagli aggiuntivi

Di DeepToken

Based in Gothenburg, Sweden, we are best known for having created the world’s first free-toplay real-cash economy massively multiplayer online role-playing game (‘MMORPG’), the Entropia Universe, which has a Gross Universe Product greater than $400 million USD.

In March 2018, MindArk intends to undertake a token sale which will raise capital to fund and operationalize the next stage of the company’s growth plan; the creation of an Intellectual Property Exchange (‘IPX’).

Across the world, there is a large and active digital assets and intellectual property market of those seeking to license their assets across the digital universe. The IPX will enable the digital assets ecosystem, providing an environment for the exchange of intellectual property for and amongst business developers, institutions, token holders and platform users. As an open, cross-platform digital exchange, the IPX will support the development of a market where game and business developers monetize their work – be it created for the Entropia Universe or other games platforms, for non-gaming software, or for non-software situations such as 3D printable files. The IPX aims to become the central custodian of digital assets in a global intellectual property market that is estimated to be worth over $180 billion USD .

This document outlines MindArk’s plan to build on its existing intellectual property to develop this ecosystem and explain how the DeepToken – MindArk’s own digital asset native to a blockchain – will enable it to function effectively, both as a method of transacting between buyer and seller and as a publicly available blockchain based ledger of contracts.

The DeepToken will also have a function in the Entropia Universe payment and withdrawal process, expediting the transfer of its ingame virtual currency – the Project Entropia Dollar (‘PED’) – into realworld currencies and back again. Furthermore, DeepToken holders will immediately benefit from the consumption of tokens used for transactions and deterioration of items within the Entropia Universe. The IPX will be powered by DeepToken, also known as DTA. We are issuing 100 million tokens for purchase, which will be distributed at a rate up to 1 token to $1.0 USD (1DTA=1USD). The token sale will open in March 2018. More details on our token sale can be found on page 18.

On completion of the DeepToken token sale and establishment of the IPX, MindArk intends to hold future raises that will enable it to open a new fully-regulated real-world bank in Sweden - MindArk Bank – and create an Accelerator Funding Program to support a new generation of digital asset developers. The bank will help to finance the Accelerator Funding Program, enabling exponential growth of assets from a variety of developers and further increase the use of DeepToken.


KYC / AML su pagamenti, consumo di token all'interno di Entropia Universe e nuovi protocolli per licenze e scambi IP internazionali.

DeepToken è una valuta alternativa per gli utenti di Entropia Universe, che offre a DeepToken un valore per i suoi titolari e risparmi sulla carta di credito tradizionale e altre commissioni di transazione.

I deepTokens facilitano le transazioni tra le parti su IPX. Funzionando sia come contratto per le informazioni e le risorse della licenza, sia come valuta della piattaforma.

Gli utenti della piattaforma Entropia Universe avranno la possibilità di velocizzare le loro transazioni utilizzando DeepToken.

% name% Roadmap

  • 2018

  • DeepToken Token Generation, Event launch.Implementation of DeepToken to the Entropia Universe payment and consumption eco-system. Implementation of DeepToken to the Entropia Universe payment and consumption eco-system. Application submitted to the Swedish Financial inspector for MindArk Bank. MindArk Bank will serve as the custodian of the IPX.
  • 2019

  • Launch of IPX for public use. Total of 150,000 assets available on the IPX from partners and third parties. MindArk Bank launch (subject to approval) MindArk Bank will serve as the custodian of the IPX. MindArk develops new VR, AR and AI technologies available for licensing through the IPX.
  • 2020

  • DeepToken trading volume exceeds $25 million USD across exchanges. Total of over 300,000 assets including Deep Technology solutions
    to be available on the IPX. 10 companies accepted as part of the Accelerator Program using and contributing assets to the IPX.
  • 2022

  • DeepToken trading volume exceeds $100 million USD across exchanges. Launch of three new planets into the Entropia Universe resulting in upward of $3 million USD flowing through the IPX as well as thousands of new digital assets.

DeepToken Squadra

verificata 0%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team

Jan Welter Timkrans
Creator of Entropia Universe
non verificato
David Simmonds
Chief Executive Officer of MindArk
non verificato
Henrik Nel Jerkrot
Chief Executive Officer of MindArk.
non verificato
Magnus Eriksson
Chief Operations Officer at MindArk.
non verificato
Gunilla Krogh
Chief Financial Officer at MindArk
non verificato
Alf Svensson
non verificato
Andreas Funksjö
non verificato
Andreas Nordqvist
non verificato
Camilla Winterfield
non verificato
Christoffer Dymlind
non verificato
David Jannesson
non verificato
David Simonsson
non verificato
David Singer
non verificato
Dennis Antonsson
non verificato
Joakim Antonsson
non verificato
Joakim Karlberg
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Johannes Darholm
non verificato
John Borg
non verificato
Justin Sorrell
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Kaj Suokko
non verificato
Krzysztof Prieditis
non verificato
Magnus Ryme
non verificato
Malin Gustafsson
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Mathias Gustavsson
non verificato
Mats Kling
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Richard Örnemark
non verificato
Scott Austin
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Daniel Beijer
non verificato
Sven Segerstad
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Leo Welter
non verificato
Nicklas Lindgren
non verificato


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Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team

Klas Moreau
non verificato
Oliver Orma
non verificato
Lawrence Wintermeyer
non verificato
Shaun Klein
non verificato
Hans Anderson
non verificato
Jens Bader
non verificato

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