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Piattaforma basata su blockchain e protocollo legale per il legame di criptovaluta e beni reali. Di conseguenza, il tasso di interesse aumenterà nonostante la stabilità del mercato crittografico. Un mercato gigante $ 38 + trilioni. L'adozione in Bielorussia di una criptovaluta e la legge di ICO hanno permesso il lancio legale in questo mercato. L'unico modo per portare il vero valore alla criptovaluta.
1 gen 2018
15 feb 2018
100% completato
Fondi raccolti - nessun dato
Dettagli del token
Valute accettate
Dettagli della Compagnia
Paese registrato


DBI (approx. Decentralized Business Infrastructure) is primarily the ideology of the team who can reach any target in the presence of the large number of restrictions while on unstable markets.

This document was written by me, Alexander Smekhov, co-founder of DBI and one of its masterminds. About 7 years working for an international company Ultimate Guitar, during this time I rose from Junior to top manager, restarting almost all the products by launching several new, successfully tested and implemented profitable business model. During this period revenue grew on average by 40-70% every year on a slowly stagnating market. At the moment we come to the large new markets, buying rather big players. During the company’s being on the market, Ultimate Guitar invented and started to use a completely new type of rights for guitar tablatures, being at that time the only legal company.

With me hand in hand I have the best and time-tested technical lead. We are fully energized team, totally passionate about the development of technologies for the benefit of positive change in the world.

Feature of our work is: fanatical passion for work and dedication to their work. We know how difficult it is to launch new products when you're trying to do everything at once or do not understand what the most important thing in business. For the solution of complex tasks, we had systematically applied the lean methodology. Also in this direction, we stand at the very beginning, and actively engaged in the study of markets and the legal framework. Implementation will begin only when we are fully confident in the legality and feasibility of what you want to do.

Our constant idea floating in the discussions has always been the use of technology to improve the General welfare of all inhabitants of the planet. We are particularly concerned about the situation of ignorance of many of the inhabitants of the Earth that how much money they pay to various centralized systems, and how they could live if I would be able to keep at least part of the money. Our society created the illusion that now people live richer than before, which is a complete lie. Due to cheap labor third world countries, the development of industry and technology many industries, we have the opportunity to buy many different trinkets to buy cheap food grown with the help of the chemical industry and genetic engineering, which creates a feeling of high welfare. Although if you look at the absolute level of income, the majority of people in the world never will be able to buy a good apartment in a large industrial city, not to mention the luxury goods.

Something in this world goes wrong. Economy in the world constructed in such a way that most of the money accumulates from a very small number of people, without giving quickly develop the rest of the majority. Centralized systems have to play in the big leagues, earning global problems such as disease and war in order to remain leaders. We believe that this era is coming to an end, and with the help of people who are aware of this and have the necessary knowledge and experience, we will be able to get all of this settled point.

Blockchain, cryptocurrency and smart contracts received active support in the world, and it is the best moment to change the world for the better, changing all of the existing system and practices and a multiple of increasing the welfare of the inhabitants of the Earth. We believe that the world in the near future will make the leap to a new level.

% name% Roadmap

  • Q1 2018

  • - National markets research and calculating the most profitable and open legal markets for launch.
    - Developing MVP of the legal protocol.
  • Q2 2018

  • - Prototype of DBI platform for entrepreneurs and investors.
    - Customer development for accomulating the first adepts from the entrepreneurs and investors sides.
  • Q3 2018

  • - Launch the full cycle system in stealth-mode.
    - Solving the most problematic legal issues.
  • Q4 2018

  • - Planning and calculating for the Worldwide scale.
    - Official pre-launch of DBI platform on one of the market.
  • Leggi di più
  • 2019

  • - Research global markets and scale in it.

DBI (PreICO) Squadra

verificata 0%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team

Alexander Smekhov
Business Developer
non verificato
Andrey Lebedevsky
Protocol Developer
non verificato
Sergey Sheleg
Blockchain Architector
non verificato
Ekaterina Smekhova
Legal Specialist
non verificato


verificata 0%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team

Sergey Khurs
Product and Investment Adviser
non verificato

DBI (PreICO) Ultime novità

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