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13 feb 2018

Cryptyk ha sviluppato un nuovo approccio rivoluzionario alla cibersicurezza e al cloud storage. Invece di cercare di prevenire le violazioni della sicurezza dei dati, Cryptyk presume che gli hack siano inevitabili e rende i file effettivamente "sicuri da hackerare". L'obiettivo finale è quello di trarre profitto dall'hacking e dal rischio fuori dal cloud.
  • Mercato
    Volume 24H
    24 ore (prezzo)
    24 ore (volume)
  • CoinTiger
    CTK/USDT one year ago
    $ 0.0010
    $ 18.341 K
  • ProBit Global
    CTK/USDT 2 one year ago
    $ 0.0026
    $ 1.557 K
  • P2B
    CTK/ETH 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0002
    $ 14.60
  • P2B
    CTK/BTC 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0010
    $ 96.27
  • P2B
    CTK/USD 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0019
    $ 39.90
  • YoBit
    CTK/ETH 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0080
  • YoBit
    CTK/BTC 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0046
28 nov 2018
21 dic 2018
100% completato
Fondi raccolti - nessun dato
29 ago 2018
28 set 2018
100% completato
Fondi raccolti - nessun dato
  • 1 CTK
    0.1 USD
8 feb 2018
23 nov 2018
100% completato
$3 345 118
13% berretto completato
berretto 25 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 CTK
    0.125 USD
Dettagli del token
Valute accettate
dettagli aggiuntivi
Lista bianca
piattaforma, criptovaluta

Di Cryptyk


Cryptyk sta costruendo la più completa piattaforma di sicurezza informatica e storage del mondo.

& nbsp;

Per ogni dollaro speso per il cloud storage, 4 dollari vengono spesi per la sicurezza informatica. Per ogni dollaro speso per la sicurezza informatica, 6 dollari vengono persi per reati informatici. Le soluzioni attuali non sono efficaci e stiamo perdendo la battaglia contro gli hacker.

& nbsp;

Cryptyk & rsquo; s nuova & nbsp; Tecnologia Hybrid Blockchain integra archiviazione di file decentralizzata crittografata con controllo e monitoraggio blockchain. Questa soluzione ibrida è passivamente immune alle minacce di sicurezza esterne, virali e operative e consente agli amministratori di rete di proteggersi da potenziali minacce interne e di sorveglianza.

& nbsp;

Cryptyk è la prima soluzione completa di cyber-security e cloud storage di un singolo fornitore e riduce drasticamente il costo della sicurezza informatica per tutte le aziende e le imprese. È meno della metà del costo delle tradizionali soluzioni di sicurezza multi-vendor e offre storage cloud significativamente più veloce rispetto alle opzioni blockchain come Sia, Storj e Filecoin.

& nbsp;

Al centro della piattaforma Cryptyk c'è il Cryptyk Token (CTK), che guida un ecosistema di sicurezza cibernetica open source composto da 3 r & nbsp; sviluppatori di app di partito, clienti aziendali strategici, cripto - minatori e investitori in valuta. Il token di Cryptyk è un vero e proprio token di utilità che offre vantaggi scalabili a tutti i partecipanti.

& nbsp;

Il prototipo della piattaforma Cryptyk è stato completamente testato da oltre quaranta hacker ed esperti di sicurezza. Il Cryptyk ICO finanzierà lo sviluppo della piattaforma in un rilascio completo pronto per il mercato entro il secondo trimestre 2019.

& nbsp;

Sito web =


- Tracciamento dei file & nbsp;
- Autentica & nbsp; e processa & nbsp; da parte di un minivista in criptovaluta & nbsp;
- Pagato per servizi in token CTK. & nbsp;

% name% Roadmap

  • Q4 2015

  • $250k Angel Investment
  • 2016

  • Prototype Design + Build
  • Q2 2017

  • Prototype Test & Analysis
  • Q4 2017

  • Product Design + White Paper
  • Leggi di più
  • Q1 2018

  • CTK Token Sale Event
  • Q1 2019

  • Product Build + Alliance Trials
  • Q2 2019

  • Final Product Launch

Cryptyk Squadra

verificata 0%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team

Dr. Adam Weigold
CEO & Chairman
non verificato
Raghu Kotha
non verificato
Dennis Mcmasters
Chief Architect
non verificato
Luke Lombe
non verificato
Mihkel Trink
Platform Development
non verificato
Dr. Daniel Floreani
Customer Engagement
non verificato
Indra Singhal
COO & Director
non verificato
Jen Peng
Director & Investor
non verificato


verificata 0%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team

127 ICOs

$662 089 506

Ian Scarffe
non verificato
Dr. Kristin Kelly
non verificato


$18 345 118

Jor Law
non verificato
Derek Grocke
non verificato


$3 345 118

Sead Muftic
non verificato
Robert Bender
non verificato


$58 380 399

Michael Kapilkov
non verificato
Gabriel Avila
non verificato
Lina Parness
non verificato
Steve Hoyem
non verificato
Chris Guidroz
non verificato
Erich Weigold
non verificato

Cryptyk Ultime novità

$ 0.0007
Crypto Stats
Daily, %:
Weekly, %:
Monthly, %:
Market Info
Market Cap:
Volume 24h:
$ 10.01
Circ. Supply:
ICO profit
X 0.0094
ICO Price~$0.0750

% name% Recensioni

Market Competitive environment:
There are both large centralized players (DropBox, Google Drive, iCloud, Intel, Cisco, Amazon) and projects with blockchain:
Filecoin - $257 M is raised, capitalization is n/d, ROI USD - 1.45x
Holo - during ICO $20.4 M is raised, capitalization is $62.3 M, ROI USD - 3.08x
Dadi - $29 M is raised, capitalization is $9.5 M, ROI USD - 0.25x
Storj - $30 M is raised, capitalization is $72.1 M, ROI USD - 1.06x

The project popularity in the social networks and discussion forums
The project is not detected on the radar of influencers.
Facebook: 11,4k followers (the number is decreasing), the average number of likes per post is 1, without any discussion in the comment section, user activity is low.
Twitter: 10,3k followers, the average number of likes per post is 2, average number of retweets per post is 1, without any discussion in the comment section, user activity is low.
Bitcointalk: thread has 3 pages of the discussion, user activity is low.
Youtube: 30 subscribers, average number of views per video is 150, without any discussion in the comment section, user activity is low.
Vimeo: 3 subscribers, there is only 1 video with 43 views and without any discussion in the comment section, user activity is low.
Discord: 8,6k followers, user activity is low.
Telegram: 19,7k members (it looks like there is userbase cheating), the channel is used to share news (~3 in the week), for chat is used discord. Chat has 21,6k members, admins are responding slowly, most posts are not valuable and was made by bots to create an image of high activity, while it’s low


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ICO review website

We assign Cryptyk a “Stable+” rating.

The main idea of the ​​decentralized technology developed by Cryptyk Inc. is to store data that cannot be corrupted and hacked. The Cryptyk project is entering the dynamically developing cloud storage market and the growing worldwide demand for data storage from end users and services should contribute to the efficient operation of the platform.

The product offered by the company is necessary for users, for whom the preservation of confidentiality of cloud stored data is of paramount importance. The main goal of the Cryptyk platform is to prevent both external and internal threats for stored data.

Among the project’s strengths we note that Cryptyk Inc. is IBM's partner for Embedded Solution. This cooperation, in our opinion, will contribute to the further development of the project and will become a competitive advantage for Cryptyk in this segment of the cybersecurity market.

We also note that token is necessary to the platform, since it serves as a fundraising tool for the development of the product. In addition, the tokens manage the Blockchain Sentry platform, which acts as a security audit mechanism.

Among the project’s weaknesses we note that according to the results of the Pre-Sale and the Public Sale, the distribution structure of the token allows for the circulation of tokens in the secondary market at the end of the lock-up period in a size two times more than the size of the primary placement.

All of the above facts, as well as the conducted analysis of the market, the competitive environment, and the risks of both the scope and the project itself give us reason to assign this rating to the project.

The Cryptyk platform is a hybrid decentralized data processing platform designed for secure and scalable online storage management, as well as file sharing, document editing, messaging and other cloud applications.

Leggi di più
ICO review website

The success of any ICO depends on a number of critical factors which no-one can judge with any certainty. Two of these are project execution and future product adoption. However, if the strength of a team can serve as some kind of indicator for eventual possible success, then the Cryptyk team certainly appear to tick that box.

At the same time, the security of the blockchain would appear to make a natural fit for cloud-based services: the cloud is a particularly vulnerable place to store anything, judging from what appears to be the almost daily accounts of hacking episodes. However, the blockchain’s introduction of latency does mean that it may not be seen as the perfect solution by everyone – something which the team behind Cryptyk itself acknowledges.

The question therefore arises: can they achieve the “market optimum” discussed in the white-paper that will offer enough of both to make the final product a mass adoption success? Time will tell. One to watch.

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