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The Global Leader and Pioneer for Smart Crypto Cities
To be announced
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Di CryptoCat

If you would like to know where to buy CryptoCat, the top cryptocurrency exchange for trading in CryptoCat stock is currently WhiteBIT. You can find others listed on our crypto exchanges page.

CryptoCAT Q-COIN is the most optimal cryptocurrency designed to be utilized within the ecosystems of Smart Cities. CryptoCAT Q-COIN is based on the OT-OCN paradigm. It utilizes real-time and dynamic profiling systems enabling simultaneous presence in multiple instances.

Smart Cities will be represented by Autonomous Devices with the ability to make operational business decisions independently without the need for human intervention.

Because of this, CryptoCAT Q-COIN is designed to natively function within these Autonomous Devices and allow proper, immediate, and accessible funding.

CryptoCat Squadra

verificata 0%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team

Bruce Khavar
Chairman and CEO
non verificato
Paul Bowman
VP of Technology
non verificato
Scott Davalos
VP of Smart City Development
non verificato
Rimma Doria
VP of Crypto Business Development
non verificato
Prasad Vindla
VP Marketing and Sales
non verificato

CryptoCat Ultime novità

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